Catskill Mountains Nitrogen Fertilization Study: Soil carbon and nitrogen plot means
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► Metadata Provider
- Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
- Address:
705 Spear Street
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
United States of America
Phone: (802) 391-4135
► Abstract
Single-species plots of five different tree species were fertilized with nitrogen to determine the impacts of atmospheric deposition on trees and soils.
► People
- Gary Lovett: Principal Investigator
- Kathleen Weathers: Content Provider
- Jamie Deppen: Content Provider
- Mary Arthur: Content Provider
- Joy Damon: Content Provider
► Organizations
- Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies : lead
- University of Kentucky : partner
► Geographic Coverage
- Coordinates
► Data Table
- Title: Soil carbon and nitrogen plot means
- Start Date: 1998-01-01
- Description: Carbon and nitrogen pools and concentrations in fertilized and control plots. Sampled in 1998, 2000, and 2003.
- Purpose: Determining an effect of nitrogen and carbon on forest soils and trees.
- Condensed Title: Z1316_2606_6VO03D
- Object Name: VMC.1316.2606
- Data Type: mySQL
- Citation: Lovett, G.M., Arthur, M.A., Weathers, K.C. (2010) Soil carbon and nitrogen plot means. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/CatskillFertilization/dataset/soil-carbon-nitrogen-plot-means
- Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/CatskillFertilization/dataset/soil-carbon-nitrogen-plot-means
► Attribute List
- Attribute Name: CN
- Label: CN
- Storage Type: decimal
- Attribute Name: gCperm2
- Label: gCperm2
- Description: mass of C, g/m2
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: g/m2
- Attribute Name: gdrysoilperm2
- Label: gdrysoilperm2
- Description: O or M horizon dry mass, g/m2
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: g/m2
- Attribute Name: gNperm2
- Label: gNperm2
- Description: mass of N, g/m2
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: g/m2
- Attribute Name: hor
- Label: hor
- Description: Soil Horizon; M=mineral O=Organic. See methods. M horizon is only the portion of the mineral horizon from the bottom of the O to 12 cm from surface; thus the depth of the M varies depending on the depth thickness of the O
- Storage Type: text
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Attribute Name: fert
- Label: fert
- Description: fertilization status. F=fertilized, C=control
- Storage Type: text
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Attribute Name: numsamples
- Label: numsamples
- Description: Number of samples averaged for the mean
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Attribute Name: pctC
- Label: pctC
- Description: percent C in soil
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: %
- Attribute Name: pctN
- Label: pctN
- Description: percent N in soil
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: %
- Attribute Name: seCN
- Label: seCN
- Storage Type: decimal
- Attribute Name: segCm2
- Label: segCm2
- Storage Type: decimal
- Attribute Name: segdrysoilm2
- Label: segdrysoilm2
- Storage Type: decimal
- Attribute Name: segNm2
- Label: segNm2
- Storage Type: decimal
- Attribute Name: sepctC
- Label: sepctC
- Storage Type: decimal
- Attribute Name: sepctN
- Label: sepctN
- Storage Type: decimal
- Attribute Name: site
- Label: site
- Description: site number. There were two sites per species and watershed
- Storage Type: int
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Attribute Name: sp
- Label: sp
- Description: tree species; B=beech, M=sugar maple, Y=yellow birch, H=hemlock, O=red oak
- Storage Type: text
- Measurment Type: nominal
- Attribute Name: year
- Label: year
- Description: year sampled
- Storage Type: date
- Measurment Type: datetime
- String Format: YYYY
- Attribute Name: ws
- Label: ws
- Description: watershed (see supplemental information for codes)
- Storage Type: text
- Measurment Type: nominal
► Methods
- No methods recorded for this dataset
► Sampling Equipment
- No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset
► Site Characteristics
- No site characteristics recorded for this dataset