public read Soil carbon and nitrogen plot meansForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies leadUniversity of Kentucky partnerCarbon and nitrogen pools and concentrations in fertilized and control plots. Sampled in 1998, 2000, and 2003. Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeCatskill Mountains Nitrogen Fertilization StudyGaryLovettprincipalInvestigatorKathleenWeatherscontentProviderJamieDeppencontentProviderMaryArthurcontentProviderJoyDamoncontentProviderSingle-species plots of five different tree species were fertilized with nitrogen to determine the impacts of atmospheric deposition on trees and soils.Soil carbon and nitrogen plot meansCarbon and nitrogen pools and concentrations in fertilized and control plots. Sampled in 1998, 2000, and 2003. VMC.1316.2606mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/CatskillFertilization/dataset/soil-carbon-nitrogen-plot-means1998-01-01CNCNNo description for this attributedecimalno datagCperm2gCperm2mass of C, g/m2decimalmeternaturalgdrysoilperm2gdrysoilperm2 O or M horizon dry mass, g/m2decimalmeternaturalgNperm2gNperm2mass of N, g/m2decimalmeternaturalhorhorSoil Horizon; M=mineral O=Organic. See methods. M horizon is only the portion of the mineral horizon from the bottom of the O to 12 cm from surface; thus the depth of the M varies depending on the depth thickness of the Otextfertfertfertilization status. F=fertilized, C=controltextnumsamplesnumsamplesNumber of samples averaged for the meanintpctCpctCpercent C in soildecimalmeternaturalpctNpctNpercent N in soildecimalmeternaturalseCNseCNNo description for this attributedecimalno datasegCm2segCm2No description for this attributedecimalno datasegdrysoilm2segdrysoilm2No description for this attributedecimalno datasegNm2segNm2No description for this attributedecimalno datasepctCsepctCNo description for this attributedecimalno datasepctNsepctNNo description for this attributedecimalno datasitesitesite number. There were two sites per species and watershedintspsptree species; B=beech, M=sugar maple, Y=yellow birch, H=hemlock, O=red oaktextyearyearyear sampleddateYYYYwswswatershed (see supplemental information for codes)text