Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaCary Institute of Ecosystem Studies leadUniversity of Kentucky partnerCatskill Mountains Nitrogen Fertilization StudySingle-species plots of five different tree species were fertilized with nitrogen to determine the impacts of atmospheric deposition on trees and soils.Catskill Mountains Nitrogen Fertilization StudyLovettGaryWeathersKathleenDeppenJamieArthurMaryDamonJoyfertilizationnitrogentreecatskillsnew yorkSoil carbon and nitrogen plot means1998-01-01Carbon and nitrogen pools and concentrations in fertilized and control plots. Sampled in 1998, 2000, and 2003. Determining an effect of nitrogen and carbon on forest soils and trees. Z1316_2606_6VO03DVMC.1316.2606mySQLLovett, G.M., Arthur, M.A., Weathers, K.C. (2010) Soil carbon and nitrogen plot means. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/CatskillFertilization/dataset/soil-carbon-nitrogen-plot-means/femc/data/archive/project/CatskillFertilization/dataset/soil-carbon-nitrogen-plot-meansCNCNdecimalgCperm2gCperm2mass of C, g/m2decimal0.01gdrysoilperm2gdrysoilperm2 O or M horizon dry mass, g/m2decimal0.01gNperm2gNperm2mass of N, g/m2decimal0.01horhorSoil Horizon; M=mineral O=Organic. See methods. M horizon is only the portion of the mineral horizon from the bottom of the O to 12 cm from surface; thus the depth of the M varies depending on the depth thickness of the Otextfertfertfertilization status. F=fertilized, C=controltextnumsamplesnumsamplesNumber of samples averaged for the meanintpctCpctCpercent C in soildecimal0.01pctNpctNpercent N in soildecimal0.01seCNseCNdecimalsegCm2segCm2decimalsegdrysoilm2segdrysoilm2decimalsegNm2segNm2decimalsepctCsepctCdecimalsepctNsepctNdecimalsitesitesite number. There were two sites per species and watershedintspsptree species; B=beech, M=sugar maple, Y=yellow birch, H=hemlock, O=red oaktextyearyearyear sampleddateYYYYwswswatershed (see supplemental information for codes)text