Maple Flavor
Stained Wood
Tap Below Lateral
Flavor: Maple Syrup Grading Fundamentals
Density: Maple Syrup Grading Fundamentals
Color: Maple Syrup Grading Fundamentals
Clarity: Maple Syrup Grading Fundamentals
Backyard Sugaring: Just Do It!
Fundamentals of Filtering Maple
Maplerama Tour 2017
Forest Tent Caterpillar Publications
- Forest Tent Caterpillar Update in Vermont Forest Health (PDF) September 2016.
- Forest Tent Caterpillar Update in The Maple News (PDF) August/September 2016.
- Video Interview (Across the Fence): . June 30, 2016.
- Radio Interview (WAMC): . September 6, 2016.
Maple Syrup Production Publications
- Sugarbush Waterbars (PDF), 2022
- Maple Syrup Guide Cards (PDF), February 2021
- Quality Control in the Sugarhouse (PDF), supplement to Maple Syrup Digest, Mark Isselhardt, June 2018
- Growth Rates of Sugar Maple Trees Tapped for Maple Syrup Production Using High-Yield Sap Collection Practices (PDF), Forest Science, van den Berg et al., February 2016
- Is Tapping Below the Lateral Line a Good Idea? (PDF) Maple Syrup Digest, December 2016
- Filtering Syrup (PDF), Maple Syrup Digest, December 2016
- , Stowe Today, January 2017
- Maple Syrup Production Statistics (PDF) October 2016
- Maple Products Regulations, CVR 20-011-002 (PDF) 2013
- Grading Maple Syrup (PDF)
- : Host David Ferland interviews Mark Isselhardt of the Proctor Maple Research Center about the science and biology of maple trees, sap flow, tapping methods, and syrup production. January 14, 2015.
- : Host David Ferland and Mark Isselhardt discuss sugaring, how sap flows, birch sap sugaring and so much more. February 25, 2015.
Other Publications
- Understanding the relationship between tree size and yield (PDF). Perkins, T., M. Isselhardt, and A. Van den Berg. 2 pages, 2017.
- A snapshot at sugarbush lease rates in Vermont (PDF). Isselhardt, M.L., 1 pages, 2017
- Bacterial Adhesion to Plastic Tubing Walls (PDF). King, W.G., and M.F. Morselli. 2 pages, 1985.
- A Correlation between Sugar Concentration and Volume Yields in Sugar Maple (PDF). Marvin, J.W., M.F. Morselli, and F.M. Laing. 6 pages, 1967.
- Effect of Moisture and Fertilizers on Sugar Maple Seedling Growth (PDF). Carl, Clayton M. Jr., John R. Donnelly, and Boyd W. Post. MP #79. 5 pages, 1973.
- Effects of the Use of Paraformaldehyde (PFA) Sterilising Pellets on Sugar Maple Health: A Review (PDF). Morselli, M.F. 4 pages, 1995.
- How to Lessen the Content of Lead in Maple Products (PDF). Hills, J.L. 3 pages, 1938.
- Image-Analyzing Computer in Plant Science: More and Larger Vascular Rays in Sugar Maples of High Sap and Sugar Yield (PDF). Morselli, F.M., J.W. Marvin, and F.M. Laing. 5 pages, 1978.
- Maple Sap Exudation: How It Happens (PDF). Tyree, M. 2 pages, 1984.
- Maple Sugaring in Your Backyard. Producing and Storing Pure Maple Syrup From a Few Trees (PDF). 2 pages, revised 2006.
- Maple Sugaring Worksheets (XLS) (revised January 2010). Spreadsheet (Excel file) for calculating maple syrup production/profitability. [To be used with "Maple Syrup Costs: What does it really cost to produce that gallon of maple syrup?" factsheet.]
- "Salty" Syrup from Roadside Sugar Maples in Decline (PDF). Morselli, M.F. and M.L. Whalen. 3 pages, 1987.
- Sap Preheaters: Efficient Maple Syrup Processing (PDF). Duchacek, H., F.M. Laing, L.D. Garrett, N.K. Huyler, M.F. Morselli, J. Marvin. MP #97. 1978, 11 pages.
- A Silvicultural Guide for Developing a Sugarbush (PDF). Lancaster, K.F., R.S. Walters, F.M. Laing, and R.T. Foulds. USDA Forest Service Research Paper NE-286. 10 pages, 1974.
- Species Trials for Biomass Production on Abandoned Farmland (PDF). Laing, F.M., P.E. Sendak, and J. Aleong. 5 pages, 1985.
- Sugarbush Lease Agreement (PDF). A suggested lease form. 4 pages, revised January 2003.
- Sugarhouse Design (PDF). Wells, Grant. 27 pages.
- A Survey of Sugar Maple Nutrition in Vermont and its Implications for Fertilization of Sugar Maple Stands (PDF). Wilmot, Timothy. 4 pages.
- Temperatures in the Sugarbush (PDF). Wilmot, Tim. 4 pages, 2006.
- Treatment of Sugar Maple Sap with In-Line Ultraviolet Light (PDF). Morselli, M.F., and M.L. Whalen. 2 pages, 1983.
- Variation in Sugar Content of Maple Sap (PDF). Taylor, F.H. 21 pages, 1956.
- Vigor and Nutrition vs. Sap Sugar Concentration in Sugar Maples (PDF). Wilmot, T.R., P.W. Brett, and M.T. Tyree. 7 pages, 1995.
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