Johne's disease (pronounced “yo-neez”) typically affects domestic ruminants such as cattle, sheep, and goats. It is a progressive, incurable, wasting disease caused by bacterial infection of the intestines and other tissues. It is transmitted from an infected animal to herdmates primarily via the fecal-oral route.
Johne's Disease Factsheets
Johne's Disease Factsheets
- What is Johne's Disease? (PDF)
- Why Care About Johne's Disease? (PDF)
- What Causes Johne's Disease? (PDF)
- How Does Johne's Disease Spread? (PDF)
- What Influences Risk of Infection? (PDF)
- How Does Infection Progress? (PDF)
- Should I Test for Johne's? (PDF)
- What Do Test Results Mean? (PDF)
- Which Testing Strategy Should I Use? (PDF)
- How Can Johne's Be Avoided? (PDF)
- How Can Johne's Be Minimized? (PDF)
- Johne's Disease in Goats and Sheep (PDF)
- Herd Health Goals and Action Plan (PDF)
- Johne's Disease Fact Sheet Reference List (PDF)
How Do I Manage Johne's Disease in My Herd?
- Get advice from your herd veterinarian.
- Conduct a risk assessment online using the or with a Johne’s certified veterinarian.
- Develop a management plan.
- Review your progress regularly (every 6 or 12 months).
Publications & Resources
A number of booklets and brochures (PDF) listed below (*) were published through the are available upon request.
- Johne's Disease Q&A*: Dairy/Beef (PDF) | Sheep (PDF) | Goat (PDF)
- Johne's Disease Pocket Guide Checklists*: Dairy Producers (PDF) | Beef Producers (PDF)
- The Cost of Johne's Disease to Dairy Producers (PDF) (English)
- El Costo al Productor Lechero de la Enfermedad de Johne (PDF) (Spanish)
- How to Do Risk Assessments and Management Plans for Dairy and Beef Herds (PDF) (10/2011)
- Risk Assessment Management Plan (PDF) (Vt. Cattle Health Improvement RAMP Workbook for completing risk assessment and management plan; 4/30/2015)
- Uniform Program Standards for the Voluntary Bovine Johne's Disease Control Program (PDF) (USDA APHIS)
Research Professor