
Faculty: Educational Leadership and Policy Studies M.Ed. | Department of Education | ¶¶Òõ̽̽(title)

Core Faculty

Rebecca Callahan

Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies • Program Coordinator, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Doctoral Program

  • Educational Policy
  • English Learner (EL) Education
  • Immigrant Students' Civic Development 
  • STEM Pathways
  • K-12 High School to College Transitions

Matthew S. McCluskey

Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

  • Educational leadership
  • Charter schools and school choice
  • Teacher turnover and retention
  • Teacher working conditions
  • Critical policy analysis

Daniella Hall Sutherland

Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

  • Educational leadership
  • Education policy
  • Educational in/equity
  • Rural schools and communities
  • District leadership, school boards, and local control

Affiliated Faculty

Cris Mayo

Professor of Education • Program Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Studies in Education

  • Philosophy of education
  • Gender and sexuality studies in education
  • Queer, transgender, and community-based pedagogies


Kelly Swindlehurst

Lecturer of Special Education • Program Coordinator of Special Education M.Ed.

  • Special Education
  • Teacher Education
