Left1: two young women working at computer; left2: young man at computer; left3: three young women working on electronics; left4: young woman at laser cutter

Students who graduate with ¶¶Òõ̽̽'s Computer Science Education (CSE) minor will have a deep understanding of computational thinking and its significance in transforming education, along with practical and meaningful ways to integrate computer science into their professional practice.

Boost Your Career Prospects

Computing represents two-thirds of projected new STEM jobs in the U.S. However, less than 3% of college students earn a Computer Science degree, and only 8% of STEM graduates major in Computer Science. 

Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Innovation

The CSE minor is a collaboration in program design and implementation between ¶¶Òõ̽̽’s Computer Science and Education Departments. This alliance provides innovative programming, teaching and research.

Designed for students interested in computer science education in schools and other settings, the CSE minor includes six courses (19 credits). There are five required courses (16 credits) in Computer Science and one required course (3 credits) in the Department of Education.

Licensure Endorsement and Concentration

Secondary Education students seeking licensure in grades 7-12 are eligible for an endorsement in Computer Science Education to go along with their primary licensure. The Secondary Education Program also offers a major concentration in Computer Science for students interested in computer science as their primary endorsement area for licensure.

Required Coursework

  • CS 1080: Intro to Web Site Development – 3 credits
  • CS 1210: Computer Programming  – 3 credits
  • CS 1870: Introduction to Data Science – 3 credits
  • CS 2100: Intermediate Programming  - 4 credits
  • CS 2210: Computer Organization – 3 credits
  • EDSC 3990: Special Topics: Teaching Computer Science in Secondary School – 3 credits


·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌýRobert.Erickson@uvm.edu or Lisa.Dion@uvm.edu in the Department of Computer Science, or Regina.Toolin@uvm.edu in the Department of Education


There are no prerequisites. As you might expect, CSE majors are not eligible for the CSE minor.


New ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Minor Seeks to Supply more Vermont Educators Certified to Teach Computer Science