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Promoting social emotional competence in Vermont's young children

MTSS is a nationally recognized framework of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, that provide evidence-based systems and processes for educators supporting social-emotional development of children and youth. Early MTSS is the framework specifically for supporting very young children, birth through third grade.

In Vermont, the Vermont Early MTSS project is run by the Vermont Agency of Education.

And CDCI is one of the organizations that works on Vermont Early MTSS.

  • A wheel showing the Circle of Continuous Improvement, powered by high-quality instruction and intervention, effective collaboration, expertise, and comprehensive assessement.

    How does MTSS work?

    In MTSS, decision-making for excellence and equity can be visualized as a culture of continuous improvement. It's a systemic and comprehensive approach made up of:

    • High Quality Instruction and Intervention
    • Comprehensive Assessment
    • Effective Collaboration, and
    • Expertise

    More about Vermont Early MTSS @ CDCI

Text: VT Early MTSS

More about Vermont Early MTSS