The Center on Disability and Community Inclusion works to study, educate, and share information on local, national, and global levels. We partner with organizations and entities small and large, regionally and internationally in order to fulfill our mission of creating a more inclusive Vermont.

Our National Network

The Center on Disability and Community Inclusion is a University Center on Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). CDCI is the only UCEDD in Vermont and one of 67 UCEDDs throughout the nation. UCEDDs are authorized under the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000. UCEDDs are a resource to serve Americans with a wide range of abilities in the areas of education, research, and service related to the needs of people with developmental disabilities. To learn more about our national network, please see the .

Vermont's Developmental Disabilities (DD) Network

The DD Network is authorized under theÌýDevelopmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000. Every state in the United States has a DD network made of up of a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, a Developmental Disabilities Council, and a Protection and Advocacy Agency. This network provides leadership, advocacy, and legal protection on behalf of citizens with developmental disabilities. Below is a breakdown of Vermont's DD Network:

DD Network Table

National Organization


Vermont Programs

LeadershipCenter on Disability and Community Inclusion


The three components of the DD Network work in partnership to uphold federal legislation. Together they are commonly referred to as the Three-Legged Stool or the Three Sisters.

Community of Practice on Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Developmental Disabilities

The Community of Practice is a partnership among 10 disability organizations in Vermont to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in disability services. To learn more, please visit the Vermont Community of Practice website.

CDCI logo

Funding and support

Administration for Community Living Logo

CDCI is funded by the


CDCI is a member of the

OSEP LogoPartial funding for CDCI comes from the