Assistive Technology Tryout Center

Assistive Technology is defined in the Assistive Technology Act of 2004 as “Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities." Simply put, it's a term for creative tools and strategies that help people accomplish tasks at home, school, work, and in the community. The Vermont Assistive Technology Program helps put assistive technology in hands of Vermonters who can benefit from its use. The Center on Disability and Community Inclusion supports three assistive technology tryout centers across the state so consumers can demo and borrow equipment before deciding to purchase.

Mission and Vision

The mission of the Vermont Assistive Technology Program is to support full access and integration for Vermonters with disabilities and aging-related needs, in education, work, and their communities.

Our vision is that everyone’s potential will be supported holistically and that each Vermonter will be provided with opportunities for independence and self-determination. Assistive Technology will be incorporated across all systems to create access to every environment in our state.

AT Tryout Centers Around Vermont

Our AT Tryout Centers provide information on AT tools, strategies, and related resources; demonstrations; short-term equipment loans; group trainings and technical assistance around the latest assistive technology. Our services are available to all Vermonters, including individuals with disabilities, caregivers, educators and service providers. Please call or email to schedule an appointment or to receive further information about our services.

TOLL FREE: 1-800-750-6355 | EMAIL:

Text: Vermont Assistive Technology program

Additional External Resources

Funding AT

If you have borrowed a piece of equipment from the Vermont Assistive Technology Program and found that it works well for you, we can provide you with vendor information. Please note, we do not sell equipment or provide financial loans.

Vermont Assistive Technology Program has compiled a that you can use to locate alternative funding options to help you purchase your assistive technology. You can find out more on the .