A triptych of photos: first, a young white woman with Down Syndrome, her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, stares intently at her laptop; next, a white middle-aged woman in a wheelchair sits, wearing a high-visibility construction vest, with her arms folded, with similarly dressed coworkers; finally a blind Black woman, mid-twenties, hair worn natural and round, peruses a Braille book while sitting at a small table in a cozy office.

Helping people with significant disabilities become employed and included in the community workforce

We provide training and technical assistance to supported employment programs and high school transition programs throughout the state of Vermont.

A chart of stars showing students achieving goals


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The Supported Employment program at CDCI is a collaboration between the Vermont Department of Labor and Hireability Vermont.

It is directed by Bryan Dague, EdD.

Text: Supported Employment

About the Supported Employment Program

Supported Employment Project Director and research professor Bryan Dague explains what the project is, how it works, and why it makes a difference in helping Vermonters with disabilities find and keep meaningful employment.

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