Project EVOLVE Plus offers school-based research, training, technical assistance, and collaborative consultation on a fee-for-service basis. 

Why EVOLVE Plus?

Schools invest resources in EVOLVE Plus because our services:

  • Improve academic, functional, and social outcomes for students
  • Increase knowledge and skills of personnel
  • Improve partnerships with families
  • Use resources more effectively
  • Avoid risks associated with questionable (though common) practices
  • Ensure adherence to IDEA (2004)
  • Contribute to the field by informing policy and practice

What is the timeline for services?

Organizations interested in receiving services from Project EVOLVE Plus are encouraged to express interest in the academic year prior to projected service provision. Since personnel time and availability on this project is limited at present, decisions about offering services are typically made quite far in advance. Some small-scale services may be agreed to on shorter notice during a school year as time and resources permit.

What are the fees for this service?

The service costs vary and will be determined based on the nature and extent of work requested by the school or agency. Costs include primarily the personnel costs for faculty time and consultants if needed. A small portion of the cost goes towards administrative support, indirect costs to the University, travel to and from on-site visits or for project-related purposes, supplies, materials, and any miscellaneous expenditures related to the project activities.

How do we sign up?

After initial discussions with the Project Director, all Project EVOLVE Plus activities are formalized through a written consultation agreement specifying the work plan and costs. This agreement is reviewed and signed by the Executive Director of ¶¶Òõ̽̽'s Center on Disability & Community Inclusion, the Project EVOLVE Director, and an authorized representative from the organization receiving services from Project EVOLVE Plus prior to commencing the agree upon work.

Please email Dr. Michael F. Giangreco for more information.