Recent Dissertation Abstracts on Paraprofessional Topics

The following list of references includes doctoral dissertations related to paraprofessionals. We have also posted links to the complete (full-text) sources for cases in which we have obtained written permission to do so.

For additional research, please see Paraprofessional References 1990 to present. If you would like to suggest additional resources or publications to be included on this page, please contact Michael F. Giangreco.


Sickles, Loren K.  (.pdf). Doctoral dissertation. George Fox University.

Siew Hui Li, June. (.pdf). Doctoral dissertation, University College London (UCL) Institute of Education.


Jardi, A., Bartolomé, A., Puigdellívol, I. . Doctoral dissertation, Universitat de Barcelona.

Luchtel, S. (2021) Doctoral dissertation, University of Kansas.


Eaton, E. P. (2020). . Doctoral dissertation, Texas A&M University -Texarkana.

Jolley, T. (2020).  Doctoral dissertation, University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Raemae, I., Kontu, E., & Pirttimaa, R. (2020). Special education with out teaching assistants? Development process for students with autism. 9. 163-172.

Reyes, E. N. (2020). Effects of a paraprofessional-implemented video self-modeling and system of least prompts intervention on completion of transitional routines for a student with extensive support needs in inclusive settings (Publication No. 27744786) [Doctoral dissertation, University of North Carolina, Charlotte]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.


Boyle, A. (2019). . (Doctoral Dissertation 2200). University of Connecticut.Ìý

Clark, D. (2019). Use of the instructional hierarchy to guide decisions about staff training (Doctoral Dissertation, 2071). Stoors, CT: University of Connecticut. .

Jandl, K. (2019). Paras to peers: Facilitating social interactions for school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder. Doctoral Dissertation, Boston University. .

Naghavi, M. (2019). The relationship between employee engagement and length of employment among special education paraprofessionals (Order No. 13901542).  via ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I. (2283371306).Ìý 

Stieg, C. D. (2019). Training and supervision of paraprofessionals in special education: A qualitative case study [Doctoral dissertation]. Portland. ME: University of New England. .

Woodman, D. (2019). Middle school paraprofessionals describing their experiences teaching students in inclusive classroom: A case study [Doctoral dissertation].Ìý Retrieved from ProQuest. (13879208)


Cruice, S. (2018). Time to meet: The value of common planning time for middle school teachers and paraprofessionals. (Doctoral dissertation, West Chester University). Retrieved from:

Griffin-O’Brien, C. (2018). Fostering independence through care? A study of the preparedness and deployment of Special Needs Assistants when supporting pupils’behavioural care needs and independence developmentin mainstream primary schools in Ireland (Doctoral thesis). University College London. .

Kuhn, K. K. (2018). Inclusive practices: A study of high school general education teacher and paraeducator collaborative partnerships (Doctoral Dissertation). Wichita, KS: Wichita State University. .

Saccoccio, C. (2018). The para predicament: Investigating the intersectionality of race, disability, and paraeducator assignment (Doctoral Dissertation, University of Connecticut). Retrieved from:  Full text available posted with permission of the author/copyright holder. Full Text: The para predicament: Investigating the intersectionality of race, disability, and paraeducator assignment (PDF)

Tatum, E. (2018). Teacher -teacher aide teaming: investigating collaboration using cogenerative dialoguing and CHAT. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Queensland). Retrieved from:


Dalley, A. M. (2017).Teacher and paraeducator perceptions of a hierarchical to hierarchical-collaborative relationship. Doctoral dissertation, Grand Canyon University, ProQuest Dissertation 10262568.Ìý

Erickson, J. J. K. (2017). Training paraprofessional staff to facilitate social interactions within a job-embedded training model. Doctoral dissertation. Seattle, WA: University of Washington. Retrieved from

Franz, R. J. (2017). Coaching teaching assistants to implement naturalistic behavioral teaching strategies to enhance social communication skills during play in the preschool classroom (Doctoral Dissertation). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon. Retrieved from:

Johnson Comly, K. (2017). A descriptive case study of supervision of paraprofessionals in elementary schools, Neumann University, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing 10591265.

Martinez, Y. L. (2017). Training paraprofessions to support students with challenging behaviors. Doctoral dissertation. San Diego State University, ProQuest 10622333.

Rivera, J. C. (2017). Aligning leadership qualities of special education teachers with teacher/paraeducator collaboration. Doctoral Dissertation. California State University Fresno. Retrieved from:

Smith, J. M. (2017). Behavior skills training of differential reinforcement of Alternative behavior for three paraprofessionals working in inclusive classrooms (Doctoral Dissertation). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved from:

Zheng, W. (2017). The impact of an online training program on paraprofessionals’ questioning skills. Doctoral dissertation. Bloomington, IN: University of Indiana. ProQuest 10621381


Sobeck, E.E. (2016). The effects of didactic instruction and performance feedback on paraeducators use of positive behavior support strategies in inclusive settings. (Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh). .Ìý

Wigstrom, Z. D. (2016). Perceptions of special education paraprofessionals in the inclusive and self-contained settings (Doctoral dissertation, University of West Florida) Available from ProQuest.

Wren, A. (2016). Exploring pupils’ perspectives on their interactions with peers and Teaching Assistants. A mixed methods study of Key Stage 1 pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs in mainstream schooling. Doctoral thesis. University of Bristol (UK). .


Gibson, D. (2015). Teachers' aides training and professional learning in mainstream secondary schools. Doctoral dissertation, Deakin University (Victoria, Australia). Retrieved from:

Johnson, G. (2015). Exploring the role of teaching assistants in an early literacy intervention programme. Doctoral thesis University of Nottingham (UK). Available online:

Sherwin, M. (2015). An investigation into best practices in training para-educators of students with autism. Education Doctoral Theses, Northeastern University. Paper 262.

Watkins, A. M. (2015). The design of a training program for paraprofessionals working with students with autism in an urban school district. Doctoral Dissertation Rutgers University. Retrieved from:

Watkins, C. D. (2015). Paraeducators supporting reading instruction. (Doctoral Dissertation, University of Illinois at Chicago). .

Zanton, J. (2015). Evaluating the effect of a staff training package for paraprofessionals to teach communicative behavior to students with special needs. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana). Retrieved from:


Berger, D. (2014). "I do as much as any teacher": Role conflict among paraeducators in private special education schools. Doctoral Dissertation, Long Island University. Retrieved from:

Butt, R. (2014). The Changing Role of Teacher Assistants: Where Being a Mum is Not Enough. (Doctoral Dissertation, University of Canberra). Retrieved from:

Fasulo, E. (2014). The Relationship between Paraeducator Support and Student Scores on the Kansas Assessment of Modified Measures (Doctoral Dissertation, Baker University).

Kim, J. S. S. (2014). Training paraprofessionals to improve social skills in students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Doctoral Dissertation, California State University, Santa Barbara).

McDonough, M. L. G. (2014). The perception of special education administrators on the use of paraprofessionals in the education of students with disabilities. (Doctoral Dissertation, Boston University). posted with permission of the copyright holder/author.

Riemenschneider, T. M. (2014). Paraeducators: Building agency, capacity, and skill through participatory action research. (Doctoral dissertation: Texas Christian University). Retrieved from:


Ramsey, M J. (2013). A case study analysis of paraprofessional work, training, and supervision in inclusive elementary schools. (Doctoral Dissertation, University of Kansas). Retrieved from:

Winstead, R. A. (2013). "The Road from Paraprofessional to Certified Teacher: A State, School District, and University Partnership". Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 2297.


Bosanquet, P. (2012). Turn taking, repair and topic practices in teaching assistant led literacy intervention session. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of London.

Harris, C. R. (2012). The perceptual difference in roles and responsibilities of special education paraprofessionals. (Doctoral Dissertation, Lindenwood University).Ìý

Mansaray, A. A. (2012). The roles and positions of teaching assistants in two urban primary schools: an ethnographic study of educational work and social change (Doctoral thesis, Institute of Education, University of London)

Trahms, C. J. (2012). More Than Just a Whistle: Paraprofessionals' Perceived Competency. (Doctoral Dissertation, Capella University). Retrieved From : ProQuest Dissertations and Theses


Chambers, D. J. (2011). Assistive technology: Effects of training on education assistants' perceptions of themselves as users and facilitators of assistive technology and consequent transfer of skills to the classroom environment (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle, WA.

Hull, M. W. (2011). The other grown-up in the elementary classroom: Paraprofessionals' perceptions of identity, role and relationships. Dissertation Abstracts International, 71, 4355. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

Leger-Rodriguez, T. N. (2011). Paraprofessional preparation and supervision in special education. Dissertation Abstracts International, 71,2846. Retrieved from

Moreno, R. (2011) Paraprofessionals who work with elementary grade students with significant disabilities in inclusive settings. Dissertation Abstracts International, 71,3984. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

Nguyen, H. O. T. (2011). Emphasizing the educator in paraeducator: An ecocultural and activity theory perspective on elementary school special education paraeducators' instruction. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

Perez-Kennedy, V. M. (2011). Paraprofessional support for the behavioral needs of students with disabilities (Doctoral dissertation: California State University, Northridge). Retrieved from:


Farr, J. (2010). A rock or a hard place? Teaching assistants supporting physically disabled pupils in mainstream secondary school physical education: the tensions of professionalising the role. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Greenwich, London.

Smerkers-Bass, K. (2010). Quality is everyone's business, case study of northern Nevada school districts' special education paraprofessional training designs. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

Weiner, K.B. (2010). Improving instructional assistant effectiveness in inclusive settings. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara.


Bryan, R. R. (2009). The role of the paraeducator in the general physical education environment. Doctoral Dissertation, Oregon State University. .

Giles, E. L. (2009). A phenomenological study of paraprofessionals' perceptions of training and efficacy. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Phoenix). UMI Number 3357432

Harris, B. A. (2009). Paraprofessional proximity and decision making during interactions of students with visual impairments. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona, Tucson). Retrieved from

Martin, L. J. (2009). No paraprofessional left behind (NPLB): The changing role of paraprofessionals in an inclusion classroom. Dissertation Abstracts International, 70, 842. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

O'Keeffe, B. V. (2009). The effects of fluency training on implementation fidelity of a reading intervention conducted by paraprofessionals. (Doctoral dissertation).

Walker, B. L. (2009). Paraeducator training necessary to facilitate students with and without disabilities while meeting mandated licensure requirements in an urban mid-atlantic school system. Dissertation Abstracts International, 70, 1623. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses


Ackerman, P. L. B. (2008). A study of work satisfaction on special education paraprofessionals based on the index of work satisfaciton questionnaire. (Doctoral dissertation University of West Florida).

Amos, B. A. (2008). Exploring communication between paraprofessional and teacher. Dissertation Abstracts International, 69 (05A), 145. (UMI No. AAI3307984)

Archibald, D. (2008). The roles and responsibilities of the Georgia special education paraprofessionals and the impact of the NCLB mandates: An assessment by Georgia administrators, special education teachers, and special education paraprofessionals. Doctoral Dissertation, Georgia Southern University.

Bourke, Patricia E. (2008) The experiences of teacher aides who support students with disabilities and learning difficulties : A phenomenological study. [Queensland University of Technology, Doctoral Thesis] Link to abstract and full text pdf at

Cossette, G. E. (2008). Teachers' and paraprofessionals' shared understanding of roles/responsibilities and other factors affecting training/learning transfer. (Doctoral Dissertation, Cappella University, UMI Microform Number 3315222).

Duran, L. K. (2008). An analysis of verbal interactions during dialogic reading with Spanish-speaking children enrolled in a Head Start home visiting program. Dissertation Abstracts International, 69 (01A), 112. (UMI No. AAI3295684)

Parvey, M. C. (2008). Teacher assistants in classrooms and schools: Roles, collaboration, and responsibilities. Dissertation Abstracts International, 69 (02A), 178. (UMI No. AAI3303098)

Rutherford, G. (2008). Different ways of knowing? Understanding disabled students' and teacher aides' school experiences within a context of relational social justice. Doctoral dissertation. University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ. Abstract and Full text pdf available at:

Simpson, L. A. (2008). Social facilitation as a clinical intervention for children with nonverbal learning disability and Asperger's Disorder: A theory review. Dissertation Abstracts International, 68 (12B), 253. (UMI No. AAI3294297)


Keane, T. E. (2007). The relationship between paraprofessional job satisfaction and student academic and co-curricular success for secondary school students in special education. Dissertation Abstracts International, 68 (04A), 122. (UMI No. AAI3259837)

Lanoux, F. (2007). Paraprofessionals: Instructional support in the elementary schools. Dissertation Abstracts International, 68 (11A), 261. (UMI No. AAI3289801)

Robinson, S. E. (2007) Training Paraprofessionals of Students with Autism to Implement Pivotal Response Treatment Using a Video Feedback Training Package. Dissertation Abstracts International, 68 (10A), 4255. (UMI No. AAI3283763)

Smith, H. (2007). Why do they go? Reasons for the attrition of paraeducators working with high school students having severe disabilities. Dissertation Abstracts International, 68 (10A), 158. (UMI No. AAI3283778)


Klein, E.F. (2006). Training Paraprofessionals to Facilitate Social Interactions Between Children with Autism and their Typically Developing Peers. Dissertation Abstracts International, 68 (04A), 1409. (UMI AAI3263766)


Bingham, M. A. (2005). The effect of paraeducator training on the promotion of augmentative communication by students with severe communication disabilities. Dissertation Abstracts International, 66 (01A), 86. (UMI No. AAI3162078)

Tindall, D. W. S. (2005). The effects of three knowledge interventions on novice volunteer tutors' teaching performance with children with developmental disabilities in a motor development lab setting. Dissertation Abstracts International, 66 (05A), 101. (UMI No. AAI3175999)


Conti, A. M. (2004). A qualitative inquiry into the responsibilities and supports of paraeducators in special education. Dissertation Abstracts International, 65 (12A), 256. (UMI No. AAI3159330)

Hawkins, S. R. (2004). A study of the perceptions of special education teachers and paraeducators regarding the training of paraeducators (Washington, D.C.). Dissertation Abstracts International, 65 (08A), 82. (UMI No. AAI3142355)

Sandoval-Lucero, E. M. (2004). The role of self-efficacy in paraeducators' career decisions. Dissertation Abstracts International, 65 (07A), 246. (UMI No. AAI3138720)

Slider, N. J. (2004). Cost effective and sequential methods for teaching educational paraprofessionals to implement behavior management strategies in preschool classrooms. Dissertation Abstracts International, 65 (10A), 105. (UMI No. AAI3151852)

Wiese, B. J. (2004). Knowledge and skills for the utilization and supervision of paraeducators across Iowa: Trends in special education teacher preparation and inservice needs. Dissertation Abstracts International, 65 (07A), 153. (UMI No. AAI3139406)


Causton-Theoharis, J. N. (2003).ÌýIncreasing interactions between students with severe disabilities and their peers via paraprofessional training. Dissertation Abstracts International, 64 (08A), 193. (UMI No. AAI3101362)

Ghere, G. S. (2003). Employing, directing, and supporting paraprofessionals in inclusive education programs for students with disabilities: A multi-site case study. Dissertation Abstracts International, 64 (01A), 254. (UMI No. AAI3078016)

Skulina, J. A. (2003). Paraprofessionals in general education environments: A comparison of parent perceptions and classroom observations. Dissertation Abstracts International, 64 (02A), 163. (UMI No. AAI3079390)

Walters-Remaly, M. A. (2003). A study of essential characteristics of paraeducators who work with students with severe/profound cognitive and/or multiple disabilities. Dissertation Abstracts International, 64 (03A), 346. (UMI No. AAI3085107)


Chopra, R. V. (2002). Parent-paraeducator collaboration in inclusion: Reality and issues. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63 (08A), 285. (UMI No. AAI3064080)

Devlin, P. A. (2002). The effect of continuous improvement training for teacher-paraprofessional teams on interaction and engagement of special education students in general education classrooms. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63 (09A), 125. (UMI No. AAI3065543)


Dover, W. F. (2001).ÌýInstructional management of paraeducators in inclusive classrooms: The perspectives of the teachers. Dissertation Abstract International, 62, no. 07A

Schonewise, E. A. (2001). The current training practices and perceived training needs of paraprofessionals in special education programs in Nebraska. Dissertation Abstracts International, 62 (05A), 228. (UMI No. AAI3015853)


Smith, S. D. (2000). From paraprofessional to credentialed teacher: Motivational factors that influence career pathways in special education. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61 (10A), 120. (UMI No. AAI9989819)

Stallings, C. F. (2000). The identification of paraprofessional training needs within the context of inclusive education. Dissertation Abstract International, 61, no. 06A

Ward, D. L. (2000). An investigation of the role of paraeducators with students with mild disabilities. Dissertation Abstract International, 61, no. 09A


Plagge, B. A. (1999). Dimensions of roles, responsibilities, training background and needs, policies, and procedures for paraeducators dealing with students with special needs. Dissertation Abstract International, 60, no. 12A


Milner, C. A. (1998).ÌýParaprofessionals in inclusive classrooms: Working without a net (Mainstreaming) Dissertation Abstract International, 59 (05A), 1527. (University Microfilms No. AAG98-33557)

Perez, J. C. (1998) Investigating the effects of a paraprofessional teaching sharing behaviors to young children with special needs in an inclusive kindergarten classroom. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59 (08A), 2928. (University Microfilms No. AAG99-00965)

Rosness, L. D. (1998) Characteristics of successful paraeducator-to-teacher programs (Minority Teachers, Teacher Diversity). Dissertation Abstracts International, 59 (08A), 2934. (University Microfilms No. AAG99-00782)

Sullivan, K. O. (1998) Meeting the challenge of paraprofessional training: An application of the competence model. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59 (02B), 0889. (University Microfilms No. AAG98-24803)

Torres, R. L. (1998) Meeting the demands for quality teachers: A case study of bilingual paraprofessional-to-bilingual-teacher training program (Paraprofessional). Dissertation Abstracts International, 59 (06A), 1983. (University Microfilms No. AAG9838414)

Werts, M. G. (1998) Child academic engagement related to proximity of paraprofessionals (Students with Disabilities). Dissertation Abstract International, 59 (09A), 3407. (University Microfilms No. AAG99-06254)


D'Aquanni, M. M. (1997). The role of paraprofessionals in quality inclusive educational programs. (Teaching assistants) Dissertation Abstracts International, 58 (12A), 4613. (University Microfilms No. AAG98-20076)

Mueller, P. H. (1997). A study of the roles, training needs, and support needs of Vermont's paraeducators. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Vermont.

Wallace, T. L. (1997). The role of paraprofessionals in effective transition programs (Youth, disabilities, school to work).ÌýDissertation Abstracts International, 58 (07A), 2603. (University Microfilms No. AAG98-01024)


Prigge, D. J. (1996).ÌýSupervising the special education paraprofessional in inclusionary settings (Supervision). Dissertation Abstracts International, 57 (09A), 3893. (University Microfilms No. AAG97-04537

Riggs, C. G. (1996) Dimensions of the paraeducator experience: Facilitating the inclusion of children with identified special education needs in general education classes. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58 (03A), 0820. (University Microfilms no. AAG97-26182)


Doyle, M. B. (1995). A qualitative inquiry into the roles and responsibilities of paraeducators who support students with severe disabilities in inclusive classrooms. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56 (06A), 2198. (University Microfilms No. AAI95-34115)

Genzuk, S. M. (1995).ÌýIntegration factors affecting commitment to educational and occupational goals for latino paraeducators (educational goals, minority students, retention, limited english proficient). Dissertation Abstract International, 57 (02A), 600. (University Microfilms No. AAI96-16962)

Reamer, R. B. (1995). The effects of video self-modeling and self-assessment training on the delivery of instructional strategies provided by paraeducators working with children with developmental delays. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56 (08A), 3061. (University Microfilms No. AAI95-42615)

Sullivan, J. P. (1995) The relationship between the actual role and ideal role of paraprofessionals in secondary schools (Urban education, High Schools, Teachers). Dissertation Abstracts International, 57 (10A), 4218. (University Microfilms No. AAG97-08201)


Lavadenz, M. C. (1994). Factors related to the teaching aspirations of chicano/latino paraprofessionals (Chicanos, Latinos). Dissertations Abstracts International. 55 (06A), 1532 (University Microfilms No. AAG05-75169)


Prest, G. S. (1993). A study of instructional assistants' job satisfaction and supervising teachers' leadership behavior. Dissertation Abstracts International, 54 (05A), 1670. (University Microfilms No. AAG93-28319)

Wickham, D. R. (1993). An investigation of paraprofessional training to facilitate the inclusion of young children with severe multiple disabilities and autism in community preschools (Mainstreaming). Dissertation Abstracts International, 55 (05A), 1186. (University Microfilms No. AAG94-25972)