Children's Integrated Services Personnel Development Coordinator (CDCI)

Julia is helping to coordinate and facilitate the development of a comprehensive system of personnel development (CSPD) for CIS, through the IDEA Part C federal grant. This includes:

  • focus on recruitment and retention
  • professional development, and
  • career pathways

for people providing early intervention services in Vermont.

For 18 years, Julia has worked in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education across Northern Vermont.

She has her Bachelor of Science (BS) in Early Childhood Education, and Masters of Education (M.Ed.) in Early Childhood Special Education.

She completed a graduate fellowship with the Vermont Interdisciplinary Leadership Education for Health Professionals (VT-ILEHP -- now known as LEND: Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities) program at ¶¶Òõ̽̽’s College of Medicine, with a focus on Autism.

Julia also founded Oakledge for All, an organization that is building Burlington’s first universally accessible playground.

Julia Wayne: A white woman in her late forties, brown wavy hair worn loose over one shoulder, smiling happily at the camera, and wearing a pale peach stole across her shoulders.


  • BS, Early Childhood Education
  • M.Ed, Early Childhood Special Education


  • (802) 760-0153