• The 2021-2022 Vermont Interdisciplinary Team (I-Team): front rowÌý(l to r) Jayson Capobianco, Maureen Nevers, Chelsea Deraway, Chayah Lichtig, Jackie Feiss. Second row (l to r): Darren McIntyre, Lisa Gaiotti, Tamra Yandow, Pamela Cummings.ÌýThird row (l to r): Valerie LeClair, Tammy Myers, Phoebe Chestna, Helene Gallagher. Fourth row (l to r): Valerie Richardson, Tammy Willey, Adrienne Miao, Amy Starble.


The Vermont I-Team assists Vermont families, educators, and other service providers in providing quality educational services to students with intensive special education needs.Ìý

Founded in 1974, the Vermont Interdisciplinary Team (I-Team) currently consists of nearly 30 specialist consultants from around Vermont. When teams of health care professionals and/or school-based teams recognize a need for additional support in meeting the health needs of a child in Vermont, they request I-Team services.



Who is on the Vermont I-Team?

The Vermont I-Team consists of a number of specialists, as well as groups devoted to specific areas of care for children and youth.Ìý

Individual specialties represented on the Vermont I-Team include:

  • family resource consultants
  • education consultants
  • speech language therapists
  • occupational therapists
  • physical therapists
  • continence therapists

Darren McIntyre directs the Vermont I-Team, and Valerie LeClair provides I-Team referral support services.Ìý

Meet the full Vermont I-Team



Where is the I-Team located?

The Vermont Interdisciplinary Team (I-Team) is housed in the Center on Disability & Community Inclusion (CDCI) in the College of Education and Social Services, at ¶¶Òõ̽̽. This connection allows the I-Team to access the CDCI's infrastructure team and services, as well as providing a professional connection with consultants at the ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Medical Center.Ìý

Find out more about the CDCI

What services does the I-Team offer?

Technical Assistance

The Vermont I-Team provides technical assistance to teams supporting students with complex communication and educational profiles, ages 3-22 who:

• have an IEP
• need support to increaseÌýparticipation, engagement,Ìýand social connections
• need significant curriculumÌýmodifications to learnÌýacademic curriculum
• need support to participateÌýfully in communication to the same degree as their peers

Professional Development

The I-Team also provides professional development to Vermont school district personnel, family members, community providers, and general community members on a variety of topics related to the education of students with complex educational profiles.

Find out more about the I-Team's services

How can I get in contact with the I-Team?

You can reach the I-Team by filling out this contact form.

You can reach I-Team Director Darren McIntyre at (802) 495-6538. Additionally, you can reach I-Team Referral Specialist Caleb Serra directly at (802) 656-7122.

How much do I-Team services cost?

Technical Assistance

I-Team technical assistance can be provided on a fee for service basis. Fees for FY23 have not yet been determined. We anticipate this information to be updated on March 25, 2022.

The yearly fee includes on-site and distance based technical assistance from I-Team consultants up to 25 hours. The level of technical assistance is dependent on the needs of the student, the family, and the student's educational team. Once the needs are collaboratively identified, I-Team consultants provide technical assistance monitored through a student action plan.

Professional Development

Training fees are based on length of time of actual training regardless of the number of I-Team consultants involved in the training or number of participants.

Participants may include teachers, special educators, related service providers, administrators, family members, students or community members. These trainings are billed as half-day (up to 3.5 hours) at $450 and full-day opportunities (up to 7 hours) at $900.


The VermontÌýI-Team is also proud to collaborate with theÌýVermont I-Team Early Intervention Project, the VermontÌýContinence Project, and the Pediatric Professionals Collaborative of Vermont.


Vermont I-Team logo: four figures dancing, hands clasped



Darren McIntyre(He / Him)

I-Team Project Director



Download the 2022 Vermont I-Team Services Brochure

Thumbnail of the I-Team 2022 brochure front cover

A full list of the I-Team's services, as well as service model, is available in the 2023 Vermont I-Team brochure (.pdf)