
Peter's research focuses on system-level, big data problems in many areas including language and stories, sociotechnical systems, Earth sciences, biology, and ecology. Peter has created (and constantly evolves) a series of complex systems courses starting with Principles of Complex Systems. He co-runs the Computational Story Lab with Chris Danforth.


P. S. Dodds and C. M. Danforth.

Journal of Happiness Studies, DOI:10.1007/s10902-009-9150-9, Published online July 20, 2009.

P. S. Dodds.
"On the optimal form of branching supply and collection networks"
Accepted for publication at Phys. Rev. Lett. , 2010.

D. J. Watts and P. S. Dodds.
"Influentials, Networks, and Public Opinion Formation."
Journal of Consumer Research, 34, 441-458, 2007.

M.J. Salganik, P.S. Dodds, and D.J. Watts.
``Experimental study of inequality and unpredictability in an artificial cultural market.''
Science, 311, 854-856, 2006.

P.S. Dodds and D.J. Watts.
``Universal Behavior in a Generalized Model of Contagion.''
Phyical Review Letters, 92, article #218701, 2004.

P.S. Dodds, D.J. Watts, and C.F. Sabel.
``Information exchange and the robustness of organizational networks.''
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 100, 12516-12521, 2003.

P.S. Dodds, R. Muhamad, and D.J. Watts.
``An Experimental study of Search in Global Social Networks.''
Science, 301, 827-829, 2003.

D.J. Watts, P.S. Dodds and M.E.J. Newman.
``Identity and search in social networks''
Science, 296, 1302-1305, 2002.

P.S. Dodds, D.H. Rothman, and J.S. Weitz.
``Re-examination of the `3/4-law' of Metabolism,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 209, 9-27, 2001.

P.S. Dodds and D.H. Rothman.
``Scaling, universality, and geomorphology,''
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 28, 571-610, 2000.

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Complex systems and networks, contagion, sociotechnical phenomena, happiness, stories.


  • Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Office Location:

Innovation Hall E418


Courses Taught

  • CSYS/MATH 300 - Principles of Complex Systems
  • MATH 122 - Matrixology (or Linear Algebra)
  • CSYS/MATH 303 - Complex Networks