Building on recent conversations between the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and ̽̽, that aimed at strengthening international and transdisciplinary collaboration in the field of Environmental Humanities and Sustainability Research, we are launching a Fall Lecture-Discussion Series to explore generative transformations at the nexus of globalization and the socio-environmental crisis. The six-event series will take place virtually, from September through November. Each event is designed to host a 20-minute talk followed an open discussion between speakers and participants. A variety of topics and expressive mediums were selected to approach modes of thinking from artists, writers, activists, and theorists who seek to move us beyond the insulation and fragmentation of the present.

Environmental Humanities Fall Discussion Series (PPT)


September 25th         

Ingrid Molderez, KU Leuven, Belgium, Economics and Business Unit. “'Vincent Van Gogh and his paintings as a trigger to (dis)connect.” This talk will be in English.

October 2nd

Pablo Chiuminatto, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, College of Letters. “Sentir para saber: conciencia y sensibilidad ante la crisis global.” This talk will be in Spanish. 

October 16th  

Sofía Rosa, RIHA (Red de Académicos UC por las Humanidades Ambientales) y RIHUA (Red Iberoamericana de Investigación en Humanidades Ambientales). “Crónica roja, crimen verde, ficción oscura: aportes ecocríticos para una criminología del Antropoceno.” This talk will be in Spanish.

October 23rd 

Maria Alessandra Woolson, University of Vermont, School of World Languages and Cultures. “El don de otra mirada: arte efímero en espacios públicos como propuesta eco poética.” This talk will be in Spanish.

October 30th 

Andrea Casals, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, College of Letters. “Hacia una ética ecológica en la literatura infantil a juvenil ilustrada del nuevo milenio.” This talk will be in Spanish.

November 6th 

Ignacio López Vicuña, University of Vermont, School of World Languages and Cultures. “Descentrar la mirada cinemática: Raúl Ruiz y otra manera de narrar la desaparición de las culturas chilenas del mar –los pueblos originarios de Patagonia y Tierra del Fuego.” This talk will be in Spanish.