Networking is all about building connections.

It can seem mysterious, selfish, intimidating or even unsavory, but it's really not.

A network is, simply put, a group of interconnected people.Ìý

That's it.Ìý It's your people... people you've worked, studied or played with.Ìý People you are close to, people you want to work more closely with, people you know only in limited capacities.

We all have networks because we all know people.Ìý

The art is to to cultivate your network - in other words, keep track of all the people you know.Ìý This is where tools like LinkedIn and ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Connect come in really handy.Ìý

Unlike other social medias (e.g., Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat), LinkedIn was designed for professional use.Ìý A legitimate place to connect with folks you've worked or studied with in order to maintain that connection even as you both move on to new endeavors.Ìý ¶¶Òõ̽̽Connect is like a version of LinkedIn exclusively for the ¶¶Òõ̽̽ community.

Networking is also a great way to meet new people - someone suggests that you should talk to so & so, or you reach out to an fellow ¶¶Òõ̽̽er for an informational interview.Ìý In this way, networking can help you discover new opportunities, expand your job search, or simply connect with people who hold common interests and passions.


For In-Depth Networking Advice

From building your first resume to landing your first job, the ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Career Center has developed a series of self-paced learning modules in Brightspace to help through every stage! Explore networking opportunities, learn more about joining an interest group for tailored career counseling, practice your elevator pitch, and more.


Your Guide to Networking

Networking is the process of gathering and exchanging information with individuals to help focus your career planning. When you network, you are intentionally developing relationships that can help you gain a greater understanding of an industry, career path, or company. While networking is not a readily available source of jobs, the relationships you develop may lead you to a connection that becomes a future job or internship.

What tools can help me network more effectively?

Below, you'll find a series of tools that will help you connect with ¶¶Òõ̽̽ alums and prospective employers. Remember, you can always come by the Career Center for help practicing your networking pitch!

  • ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Connect is an exclusive network for ¶¶Òõ̽̽ alums and students, this tool connects you with alums working all over the country. From the directory, you can search and reach out to alums who have offered to provide career support in various ways -- such as meeting in person, offering to shadow, sharing industry expertise.

  • allows you to research and reach out to the roughly 75,000 alums on the platform. Search alums by industry, region, and keyword. If you are just getting started on LinkedIn, joining ¶¶Òõ̽̽ groups on LinkedIn will help you to grow your ¶¶Òõ̽̽ network.

  • Not sure how to reach out to alums or other professional contacts? Check out these Sample Communications using ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Connect and LinkedIn.

What about informational interviews?

An informational interview is a structured process of networking where you reach out to professionals to learn about career field and gain insights into your job search. You identify people in fields of interest, ask if they’d be willing to talk or meet with you, and arrange a time in which you interview them about their career. You should develop and ask most of the questions.Ìý

Here are some steps to get started:Ìý

  • Know your purpose. Think about what you are hoping to get out of the meetings.
  • Identify contacts in your field of interest. Start with your existing network -- friends, family, friends’ siblings and parents, and current and former colleagues. Alums are an invaluable resource; check out ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Connect and LinkedIn to identify potential contants.Ìý
  • You have limited time, so plan your questions well. Prepare 5-10 questions to ask. Check out these Sample Networking & Informational Interviewing Questions.
  • Be sure to follow up with a thank you message. Don't be shy about keeping in touch afterward.Ìý
¶¶Òõ̽̽ Career Center Division of Student Affairs


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