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It takes a village...

As a faculty member, advisor, or department chair you play an important role in helping students make decisions about their academic and career paths.Ìý Students know you, and often aspire to advance in your field - so they hope (and often expect) to receive career guidance from you.Ìý

You don't have to be a career counselor to help - we're here to help you feel prepared to offer appropriate supports and referrals.ÌýTogether we can met the students where they're at and prompt them to continue on a productive path toward career-readiness.

Teaching Resources

  • In-class workshops
  • Assignment ideas
  • Tips to help students leverage ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Connect
  • Internship info
  • Additional career resources

Advising Resources

  • First-Year studentsÌý
  • 2nd / 3rd-Year studentsÌý
  • SeniorsÌý
  • Advising Student Groups

Department Chair Resources

  • Planned Integration: Why & How


Summit 2024 : Partners in Integrative Learning

Thanks to all who joined our divisional summit on May 1st - it was a great evolution of 2 great years of our Carer Summit.ÌýÌýSummit '23 highlightsÌý|ÌýSummit '24 Slides (agenda)

Employers on Campus

Bringing employers on campus as part of your class or event?Ìý

Wonderful - this is a great way to support the career readiness of our students and engage the community beyond ¶¶Òõ̽̽!Ìý Remember that the Career Center is here to support such efforts, and please be sure to followÌý¶¶Òõ̽̽'s Recruiting Guidelines.

Oh, and don't forget to tell them about our Employer Partner ProgramÌý- they may be interested in deepening their relationship with the university and we've got some great resources to help them to just that.

¶¶Òõ̽̽ Career Center Division of Student Affairs

Staff/Faculty intern resources:

Intern Coordinator Info


Heard from a recent graduate about their success?Ìý Share the news...Ìý

and encourage them to complete the outcomes survey


Partner with us

Opt in to our monthly update meetings (3rd Tues @ 9am) &/or access our resource bank and count yourself a career partner!


Refer a Student

Know a student who needs something different than what they're finding here or through our drop-ins? Refer them for one-on-one coaching.


Join an Interest Group

Help connect students to the people and opportunities they need, find alums interested in engaging, and expand your own network!

Find your group


Request a Presentation/Module

Help your students get career-ready and connect the dots between your activities and their success


Nominate a Career Champ

Recognize a faculty/staff member who goes above and beyond in encouraging ¶¶Òõ̽̽ students' career readiness and success.




Assistant Director,
Campus Integration

Adam Boothe(He/ Him)
