Whether our faculty are being recognized for their research, publishing in top-tier journals, quoted in the media, presenting at global conferences, or delivering keynotes, their knowledge adds unique value to our students in the classroom.

Explore our faculty's impact below with their research from this past spring.

Refereed Journal Articles

Janney, J. J. & Gove, S. (2017). "Firm linkages to scandals via directors, auditors, and lawyers: Insights from the backdating scandal." Journal of Business Ethics, 140(1): 65-79.

Gove, S., Junkunc, M., Bruyaka, O., Kabbach de Castro, L.R., Larraza- Kintana, M., Mingo, S., Song, Y., & Thakur Wernz, P. "Reexamining CEO duality: The surprisingly problematic issues of conceptualization and measurement." Forthcoming in Corporate Governance: An International Review.

Janney, J.J. & Gove, S. "Do executive departures to signal the end of a scandal create or reduce uncertainty? An examination of market reaction in stock option backdating scandal events." Forthcoming Business &
Society (Special issue on reputation).

Jones, D. A., Willness, C. R., & Glavas, A. (2017) "When corporate social responsibility (CSR) meets organizational psychology: New frontiers in micro- CSR research, and fulfilling a quid pro quo through multilevel
insights." Frontiers in Psychology, Organizational Psychology Specialty Section.

Kingsley, A. & Graham, B. (2016). "The Effects of Information Voids on Capital Flows in Emerging Markets." Journal of International Business Studies. Special Volume on Institutional Voids.

Kingsley, A., Noordewier, T., & Vanden Bergh, R. (2017). "Understating and Overstating Interaction Results in International Business Research." Journal of World Business.

Graham, B., Johnston, N., & Kingsley, A. (2017). "Even Constrained Governments Steal: The Domestic Politics of Transfer and Expropriation Risks." Journal of Conflict Resolution.

Johnson, M., Monsen, E., & MacKenzie, N. (2017). "Follow the Leader or the Pack? Regulatory Focus and Academic Entrepreneurial Intentions." Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34(2): 181-200.

Puranam, S. K., Novak, D. C., Lucas, M. T., and M. Fung, (2017) "Managing Blood Inventory over Multiple Time Periods with Multiple Independent Sources of Supply." Forthcoming European Journal of Operational Research.

Chuluun, T., Prevost, A. & Upadhyay, A. (2016). "Firm Network Structure and Innovation." Journal of Corporate Finance.

Sharma, P., Debicki, B.J., Dawson, A., & Kellermanns, F.W. (2017). "Behavioral Issues in Family Enterprises." International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development. 16(1/2): 1-12.

Daspit, J.J., Chrisman, J.J., Sharma, P., Pearson, A.W., & Long, R.G. (2017). "A Strategic Management Perspective of the Family Firm: Past Trends, New Insights, and Future Directions." Journal of Managerial Issues. 29(1): 6-29.

Hart, S., Sharma, S. and Halme, M. (2016). "Poverty, Business Strategy and Sustainable Development." Organization and Environment, 29(4): 401- 415.

Godinho, V., Venugopal, S., Russell, R. and Singh, S. "When Exchange Logics Collide: Insights from Remote Indigenous Australia."
Forthcoming Journal of Macromarketing.

Zhang, C., Li, J. J., and Ying, H. (2017). "Sustaining relationships after opportunism and misunderstanding: the role of formalization and socialization." Marketing Letters. DOI: 10.1007/s11002-016-9414-1.


Associate Professor David Novak joined the editorial team for the special issue "Managing Complexity in Supply Networks: Control and Emergence" in the journal Complexity (February, 2017)

Associate Professor David Novak (with J. Sullivan and K. Sentoff ) concluded an 18-month sponsored research project with the Vermont Agency of Transportation and published a research report outlining their findings "Examining the Potential Impacts of Maintenance Investment and Capital Reinvestment in Vermont's Roadway Infrastructure Network." (February, 2017)

Guest Editors: Hart, S., Sharma, S. and Halme, M. 2016. Special Issue on "Poverty, Business Strategy and Sustainable Development." Organization and Environment 29(4): December


Associate Professor William Cats-Baril is the primary investigator on a $29,998 REACH grant titled "Identifying Predictors of Suicide Using Social Media," which was awarded in March, 2017. His Co-PI's include Professor Chris Danforth (PhD, Complex Systems) and Dr. Isabelle Desjardins (MD, Psychiatry).

Associate Professor William Cats-Baril is a primary investigator on a $15,000 VT EPSCoR SBIR grant titled "Modeling of Addiction Experts' Cognitive Process in Assessing Near Term Suicide Risk," which was awarded in April, 2017. His Co-PI's include Dr. Althoff (MD, Psychiatry), Dr. Isabelle Desjardins (MD, Psychiatry) and Dr. Maruti (MD, Psychiatry).

Associate Professor Erik Monsen is a collaborator on a $10,000 ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Engaged Practices Innovation (EPI) Grant entitled "Advanced Design Thinking," which was awarded in November, 2016.

Assistant Professor Srini Venugopal received the Express Grant ($2,960) from the Office of the Vice-President of Research at ¶¶Òõ̽̽, for his project entitled "Subsistence and Sustainability".

Conference Keynotes, Presentations, Proceedings

Professor David A. Jones delivered a keynote address, "Insights from the science and practice of corporate volunteerism: Enhancing stakeholder value through informed program design" at the Corporate Community Volunteering and Employee Engagement gathering of Australian business leaders in Melbourne, Australia on November 25, 2016.

Associate Professors David Novak and Marilyn Lucas (with K. Puranam) presented "An Approximate Solution Approach for Blood Management when there are Multiple Sources of Supply" in the Healthcare Modeling track, at the 2016 national INFORMS (The Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences) conference in Nashville, TN (November 15, 2016)

Associate Professors David Novak and Marilyn Lucas (with K. Puranam) presented "Addressing Uncertainty in Blood Management" in the Healthcare Operations track, at the 2016 national DSI (Decision Sciences Institute) conference in Austin, TX (November 19, 2016)

Associate Professor David Novak attended the invitation only, bi-annual Center for Supply Networks research meeting at the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ (March 9-10, 2017)

Professor Sanjay Sharma delivered the research seminar "Building Capacity for Sustainable Innovation" hosted by Nanyang Technological University Sustainable Business Center, Singapore and Sustainable Earth Singapore on February 15th 2017.


Associate Professor William Cats-Baril and his co-investigators Drs. Althoff, Desjardins, and Maruti received an excellent progress review and the second $25,000 installment of the $50,000 SPARK VT Innovation Award they won last July to fund their start-up WISER Systems. Their app to assess imminent risk of suicide was selected by the international Patient Safety Movement as one of the "most actionable and promising" innovations to decrease preventable deaths in hospitals. Their work won third place and $10,000 in the Patient Safety Movement Innovation Competition.

Professor David A. Jones was awarded the John L. Beckley Professorship in American Business.