Whether our faculty are being recognized for their research, publishing in top-tier journals, quoted in the media, presenting at global conferences, or delivering keynotes, their knowledge adds unique value to our students in the classroom.

Explore our faculty's impact below with their research from this past fall and winter.

Refereed Journal Articles

Babu, N., De Roeck, K., & Raineri, N. (2019). "Hypocritical organizations: Implications for employee social responsibility.” Forthcoming in the Journal of Business Research.

Jones, D. A., Newman, A., Shao, R., & Cooke, F. L. (2019). “Advances in employee- focused micro-level research on corporate social responsibility: Situating new contributions within the current state of the literature.” Journal of Business Ethics, 157(2), 293-302.

Kidwell, L.A., and Lowensohn, S. (2019). "Participation in the Process of Setting Public Sector Accounting Standards: the Case of IPSASB." Accounting in Europe. Volume 6, Issue 2: 177-194.

Lucas, M., and Noordewier, T. “On Being Green and Profitable: Does Industry Context Matter?" Forthcoming in the International Journal of Production Economics.

Wales. B., Covin, J., & Monsen, E. (in press). “Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Necessity of a Multi-Level Conceptualization.” Forthcoming in Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.

Sharma, P., Chrisman, J.J., Chua, J.H., & Steier, L.P. (2019). "Family firm behavior from a psychological perspective." Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.

Sharma, S., (2019). "From Environmental Strategy to Environmental Impact." Academy of Management Discoveries. (Forthcoming).

Venugopal, S. , Viswanathan, M. (2019). "Implementation of Social Innovations in Subsistence Marketplaces: A Facilitated Institutional Change Process Model". Journal of Product Innovation Management.

Wang, L, Zhang, C., Li, J., Huo, D. and Fan, X. (2019). "The influence of supplier transaction specific investments on international buyer opportunism: Empirical findings from local suppliers in China". International Marketing Review (forthcoming).

Akdeniz, MB, Zhang, C. and Cavusgil, ST. (2019) “Innovative pedagogical approaches in teaching international business.” Journal of Teaching in International Business 30 (2), 96-101


Sharma, P. & Sharma, S. 2019. "Patient Capital: The Role of Family Firms in Sustainable Business." Cambridge University Press, U.K. ISBN: 978-1-107-12366-3.

Book Chapters

Jones, D. A. (2019). The psychology of CSR. In A. McWilliams, D. E. Rupp, D. S. Siegel, G. K. Stahl, & D. A. Waldman (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of corporate social responsibility: Psychological and organizational perspectives. Oxford University Press.

Bhatnagar, N., Ramachandran, K. & Sharma, P. (in press). Religion and Business Families’ Philanthropic Practices. Kammerlander, N. & De Massis, A. (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Family Business. Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., Northampton, MA.

Sharma, P. & Sharma, S. 2019. The role of family firms in corporate sustainability. In Sturdy.A, Heusinkveld, S., Reay, T. & Strang, D. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Management Ideas, PP 427-442. Oxford University Press, U.K.

Sharma, S. (2019). Innovating for Society. In Dess, G. and Hitt, M. (eds). The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management.

Conference Keynotes, Presentations, Proceedings

Associate Professor Kenneth De Roeck, Maon, F., Swaen, V., presented a paper “Co-constructing corporate social responsibility: Toward a sensemaking-based dialogical and configurational approach,” at the 5th International CSR Communication Conference 2019, Stockholm – Sweden (September 2019).

Associate Professor Kenneth De Roeck, and Maon, F. presented a paper “Framing undue domination: Outsider-driven corporate delegitimation efforts and the Occupy Wall Street movement,” at the 35th EGOS Colloquium, in Edinburgh, United Kingdom (July 2019).

Associate Professor Kenneth De Roeck was invited as an expert panelist at the 9th Business & Society Research Seminar on “Corporate Social Responsibility, Grand Challenges, and Sustainability: The Business of Society?!” at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherland (June 2019).

Associate Professor Kenneth De Roeck and Professor David A. Jones served as panelists and presenters in a Professional Development Workshop titled “Can we do it, yes we can: Strategies for non-US scholars to succeed in the US jobs market” at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Boston, MA (August,2019).

Professor David A. Jones presented a paper, co-authored with Associate Professor Ante Glavas & T. Hahn, titled “Why do some early-career professionals want jobs that allow them to have social impact, and do they care less about pay? Effects of being predisposed, inspired, and widely-desired” in a research symposium at the 79 th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Boston, MA (August, 2019).

Associate Professor Suzanne Lowensohn and Linda Kidwell presented “EU Member State Participation in Setting IPSAS: A Potential Precursor to Setting EPSAS,” at the Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research (CIGAR) Conference, June 2019, in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Associate Professor Susan Hughes was the organizer and moderator, and Associate Professor Suzanne Lowensohn was a panel member, of a panel entitled “Sustainability Reporting: Perspectives and Approaches” at the 2019 American Accounting Association NE Regional Meeting in NYC in October.

Associate Professor Erik Monsen’s paper “Team-Based Technology Entrepreneurship Education: A Longitudinal Study of the NSF Innovation Corps Program” with M. Wasko and S. Terjesen, was presented at the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (Babson College MA) in June 2019.

Assistant Professor Akshay Mutha presented joint work with V. D. R. Guide, S. Bansal "Pricing in Remanufacturing Operations" in the Sustainable Operations track, 2019 Annual POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) conference in Washington DC, May 4th, 2019.

Assistant Professor Akshay Mutha presented joint work with V. D. R. Guide, S. Bansal ”Evaluating Profitability of Remanufacturing Operations" in the Sustainable Operations track, 2019 Annual POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) conference in Washington DC, May 4th, 2019.

Assistant Professor Akshay Mutha presented joint work with V. D. R. Guide, S. Bansal ”Evaluating Profitability of Remanufacturing Operations" at the 2019 Annual INFORMS conference in Seattle, WA, October 23, 2019.

Professor Pramodita Sharma with Bhatnagar, N., Ramachandran, R. (2019) presented "How spirituality shapes family firm philanthropy in India." International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), June 17-21, 2019. Bergamo, Italy.

Professor Pramodita Sharma with Bhatnagar, N., Ramachandran, R. (2019) presented "The influence of spirituality on family firm philanthropy in India." Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), May 30 – June 2, 2019, Burlington, Vermont, USA.

Professor Pramodita Sharma was a featured speaker at Succeeding Success: Next Gen Values for Family Businesses, Sasin Alumni Talk, Bangkok, Thailand, July 19, 2019

Professor Pramodita Sharma was a featured speaker at Sustainable Innovations for Family Business, Sasin Executive Education, Bangkok, Thailand, July 18-19, 2019

Professor Pramodita Sharma was a keynote speaker at Roundtable for Indonesian Entrepreneurship Educators (RIEE) 2019, Family Business Research Landscape: Evolution, Current Status, Future Possibilities, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Jakarta, Indonesia, July 23-24, 2019

Professor Pramodita Sharma was a featured speaker at Next Generation Embracing Technological Changes, Family Business Talk for Alumni and Business Families, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Jakarta, Indonesia, July 25, 2019

Professor Pramodita Sharma was a featured speaker at 6th Annual Family Business Conference – Entrepreneurs in Family Business. Columbia Business School. Organized by the MBA Family Business Club. Entrepreneurs in Every Generation. March 2019.

Professor Dita Sharma and Professor Sanjay Sharma organized and chaired an academic symposium “The Role of Family Firms in Sustainability” at the Annual Academy of Management Meetings in Boston in August 2019. The symposium was sponsored by three Academy Divisions: Strategic Management (SM), Entrepreneurship (ENT), and Organizations and Natural Environment (ONE) and included the top scholars in the field of sustainability and family business.

Professor Sanjay Sharma presented a seminar on Sustainable Innovation in Family Businesses at the Sasin School of Business, Bangkok, Thailand, June 2019.

Associate Professor Chun Zhang and Gao, H. co-authored and presented "Firm Response Strategies to Political Disruptions in International Sourcing" at AIB US-NE 2019 Annual Conference.

Other Publications

Professor David Novak (with Jim Sullivan, Karen Sentoff, and Jon Dowds) had theresearch paper titled “A Framework to Guide Strategic Disinvestment in Roadway Infrastructure Considering Social Vulnerability” accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. November, 2019.

Professor David Novak (with Jim Sullivan, Jon Dowds, Darren Scott, and Cliff Ragsdale) had the research paper titled “Development and Application of an Iterative Heuristic for Roadway Snow and Ice Control” accepted and published in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 127. 18-31. July, 2019.

Other Distinctions

Associate Professor Kenneth De Roeck accepted an invitation to serve for a 3-year term as an Associate Editor at M@n@gement, a French-based Second-Tier journal in the French CNRS ranking list.

Associate Professor Kenneth De Roeck along with F. Maon, V. Swaen, received the “Best paper award” at the 5th International CSR Communication Conference for their study entitled: “Co-constructing corporate social responsibility: Toward a sensemaking-based dialogical and configurational approach.”

Professor David A. Jones co-edited (with F. L. Cooke, A. Newman, & R. Shao) a special journal issue on “Corporate Social Responsibility and Employees” in the FT-50 ranked Journal of Business Ethics, 157(2).

Associate Professor Erik Monsen co-organized a panel of Boston-area entrepreneurs, including ̽̽ alumni Jana Gailiunas (BBA 2016; SI-MBA 2017) and Doug Hurd (BBA 1993), to discuss “Pathways to Connect Entrepreneurship Research and Practice” with J Combs, J. Kickul, and J. Mueller at the 79 th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Boston MA) in August 2019.

Assistant Professor Akshay Mutha was a 2019 winner of ̽̽, Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching award.

David Novak was promoted to the rank of Full Professor effective September 1, 2019

The Grossman School of Business would sincerely like to thank Nicole Stata for the support provided by the Nicole Maria Stata Fellowships and Awards Endowment.