Whether our faculty are being recognized for their research, publishing in top-tier journals, quoted in the media, presenting at global conferences, or delivering keynotes, their knowledge adds unique value to our students in the classroom.
Explore our faculty's impact below with their research from this past fall.
Refereed Journal Articles
De Roeck, K., and Farooq, O. (2018). “Corporate social responsibility and ethical leadership: Investigating their interactive effect on employees’ socially responsible behaviors.” Journal of Business Ethics, 151(4): 923-939.
De Roeck, K., and Maon, F. (2018). “Building the theoretical puzzle of employees’ reactions to corporate social responsibility: An integrative conceptual framework and research agenda.” Journal of Business Ethics, 149(3): 609-625.
Barbera, F., Stamm, I., DeWitt, R.-L. (2018). “The development of an entrepreneurial legacy: Exploring the role of anticipated futures in transgenerational entrepreneurship.” Family Business Review, 31(3), 352-378.
Do, H.T and Shunko M. 2018. “Constrained Load-Balancing Policies in Queueing Networks with Single-Server Nodes.” Forthcoming in Management Science (in FT 50 and ABS 4*)
Schmidt, J. A., Willness, C. R., Jones, D. A., & Bourdage, J. S. (2018). “Human resource practices and voluntary turnover: A study of internal workforce and external labor market contingencies.” The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29, 571-594. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2016.1165275.
Novak, D. , Sullivan, J. had the research manuscript "Performance Related Specification and Payment Modifiers in Highway Construction Projects" accepted for publication in the International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management (June, 2018)
Daspit, J.J., Chrisman, J.J., Sharma, P., Pearson, A.W., & Mahto, R.V. (2018). Governance as a Source of Family Firm Heterogeneity. Journal of Business Research, Special Issue: Family Firm Heterogeneity. 84: 293-300.
Holt, D., Pearson, A., Payne, G.T., & Sharma, P. (2018). Family business research as a boundary spanning platform: An introduction. Family Business Review, 31(1): 14-31.
Wang, L., Zhang, C., Jiang F. (2018). "Matching governance mechanisms with transaction-specific investment types and supplier roles: An empirical study of cross-border outsourcing relationships." International Business Review, forthcoming.
Refereed Books
Sharma, S. & Sharma, P. (in press). Patient Capital: The Role of Family Firms in Sustainable Business. A Research Monograph. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Book Chapters
Monsen, E., & Boss, A.D. (2018). “Integrating Corporate Entrepreneurship and Organization Development Through Learning and Leadership.” In D. Kuratko & S. Hoskinson (Ed.), Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth: Volume 28 - The Challenges of Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Disruptive Age (pp. 63-87). Bingley UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Other Publications
Gove, S. (2018). The Movie Exhibition Industry: 2018 and Beyond. Case study published in Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D. and Hoskisson, R.E. (2018) Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, 13th edition. Cengage.
Sharma, P. (2018). The future of the Three-Circle Model: A Conversation between Pramodita Sharma and John Davis. FFI Practitioner. June 13th 2018.
Sharma, P. (2018). Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the three-circle model: An interview with John Davis. FFI Practitioner. June 6th 2018.
Conference Keynotes, Presentations, Proceedings
Assistant Professor Kenneth De Roeck was invited to present in a Research Symposium on “Morality in organizations: Social responsibility, social issues, and employees’ outcomes” at the Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, Unites States (August 2018).
Assistant Professor Kenneth De Roeck was invited as an expert panelist at the 8th Business & Society Research Seminar on “The transformation towards sustainable business: Empowering stakeholders for sustainable innovation, production, and consumption” at the University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany (June 2018).
Assistant Professor Kenneth De Roeck presented “A risk-mitigation approach of CSR: The case of the psychological contract breach”, which was coauthored by N. Raineri, S. Scheidler, and Professor David A. Jones, at the CR3+ Conference, Nantes, France (June, 2018).
Assistant Professor Kenneth De Roeck presented “Giving the benefit of the doubt: A micro-level investigation of the insurance-like effect of CSR”, which was co-authored by N. Raineri, S. Scheidler, and Professor David A. Jones, at the Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, Unites States (August 10-14, 2018).
Professor Rocki-Lee DeWitt presented joint work with I. Stamm, and F. Barbera, “The development and evolution of resilience in family business.” At the International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference, July 5, 2018, Zwolle, The Netherlands.
Assistant Professor Hung Do gave an invited talk on the joint work with Masha Shunko and Alan Sheller-Wolf: "Evaluating Tail Performance of Queueing Systems Using a Novel Stochastic Ordering Approach” in Two-sided Incentives in Service Operations Session, Service Operations Track, 2018 Annual POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) conference in Houston, TX, May 6th, 2018.
Associate Professor Ante Glavas gave the keynote address at the European Doctoral Association in Management and Business Administration, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 2018.
Associate Professor Steven Gove was a panel presenter for PDW session "Publishing in ORM for non-methodologists or how to get your geek on" held during the 2018 Academy of Management Meeting August 10-14 in Chicago, Illinois.
Professor David A. Jones presented “What you don’t know won’t influence you: Advancing recruitment research on corporate social responsibility through the study of CSR awareness” at the Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, Unites States (August 10-14, 2018).
Professor David A. Jones presented “Do attributed motives moderate the effect of corporate social responsibility on employees’ OCB?”, which was co-authored by O.
Farooq, Assistant Professor Kenneth De Roeck, and M. Farooq, at the Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, Unites States (August 10-14, 2018).
Professor David A. Jones and Assistant Professor Kenneth De Roeck were presenters and panelists in a Professional Development Workshop on “Reaching the American dream: Strategies for non-US scholars to succeed in the US jobs market” at the Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, Unites States (August 10-14, 2018).
Associate Professor Erik Monsen (with John Mueller) co-chaired a professional development workshop on “Pathways to Connect Research and Practice:
Developing Practice-Inspired Entrepreneurship Research” at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Chicago, IL, August 10th, 2018.
Professor Pramodita Sharma presented "Integrating time in research on the dominant organizational form of family business." Symposium sponsored by the Entrepreneurship Division of the 78th Annual Academy of Management, Chicago. August 10-14, 2018.
Professor Pramodita Sharma was the keynote speaker presenting "Entrepreneurs in Every Generation: How Successful Families Develop Next Generation Leaders" at Singapore Management University, Business Families Institute, 5th Anniversary Celebrations, 26th-27th July 2018.
Professor Pramodita Sharma was the keynote speaker presenting "Family Business Studies: Opportunities & Possibilities" at Universidad PanAmericana, Guadalajara, Mexico, 14th Family Enterprise Research Conference, June 6th – 9th 2018.
Professor Sanjay Sharma delivered the keynote address “Integrating ethics and sustainability in business education: Lessons from the US and Latin American contexts" at the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Annual Accreditation conference, Washington DC, September 2018.
Professor Sanjay Sharma was a panelist, Faculty, ONE and SIM joint Junior Faculty Consortium, Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Chicago, August 2018.
Professor Sanjay Sharma was a panelist on “Theorizing and measuring the real impact of organizations on ecological systems. A worthwhile and necessary way to extend O&NE research?” Opening Plenary at the Group of Researchers in Organizations and the Natural Environment Conference, Almeria, Spain, June 13th 2018,
Professor Sanjay Sharma was a panelist, “What are the main drivers and barriers for O&NE scholars to reach greater levels of legitimacy in academia?” Plenary at the Group of Researchers in Organizations and the Natural Environment Conference, Almeria, Spain, June 15th 2018,
Professor Sanjay Sharma was a panelist, Doctoral Consortium, Group of Researchers in Organizations and the Natural Environment Conference, Almeria, Spain, June 17th 2018,
Associate Professor Chun Zhang presented a paper titled “Coping with supplier- related disruptions: the role of power asymmetry, market volatility and response strategies” at the 2018 Consortium of International Marketing Research Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA (September, 2018).
Associate Professor Chun Zhang presented a paper titled “Relationship dynamics and trust asymmetry in bribery exchanges” at the 2018 Academy of Management Annual Conference in Chicago, Georgia, USA (August, 2018).
Associate Professor David Novak is the Primary Investigator on the grant “Hamburg Wheel Tracker: Preliminary Data Analysis” awarded from the State of Vermont Research and Development Section, Vermont Agency of Transportation (VAOT). Amount $8,408 (July, 2018)
Other Distinctions
Assistant Professor Kenneth De Roeck started a first term on the editorial board of the Journal of Business Ethics.
Professor Rocki-Lee DeWitt accepted an invitation to join the Editorial Board of Academy of Management Learning and Education, an academic journal sponsored by the Academy of Management.
Professor Rocki-Lee DeWitt, Professor of Management and Faculty Athletics Representative to the NCAA for ¶¶Ňő̽̽, was named to the NCAA Region I Postgraduate Scholarship Selection Committee for 2018-19.
Associate Professor Steven Gove was recognized as the 2017 Best Paper Award Runner-up in the journal Corporate Governance: An International Review for the published article: Gove, S., Junkunc, M., Bruyaka, O., Kabbach de Castro, L.R., Larraza-Kintana, M., Mingo, S., Song, Y., & Thakur Wernz, P. (2017). Reexamining CEO duality: The surprisingly problematic issues of conceptualization and measurement. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 25(6): 411-427.
Associate Professor Steven Gove was honored at Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management as the outgoing Treasurer and Executive Committee Member for the Academy of Management’s Research Methods Division (2015-2018).
Professor David A. Jones was honored to receive a Best Reviewer Award from the Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE) Division of the Academy of Management at its annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois, Unites States (August 10-14, 2018).
Associate Professor David Novak accepted an invitation to join the Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal of Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (Sept, 2018).
Professor Sanjay Sharma was named the Fetner Fellow by the Sustainable Enterprise Partnership of the Syracuse University Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University’s L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Sciences, the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry and the Syracuse
University Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems. Associate Professor Chun Zhang chaired a session on international market entry at the 2018 Consortium of International Marketing Research Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Associate Professor Chun Zhang chaired a session at the 2018 Academy of Management Conference in Chicago, USA where her co-authored paper on trust incongruence and power imbalance in supervisor-subordinate relationships was presented.
Associate Professor Chun Zhang gave invited talks at Tshinghua University in Beijing, China and Donghua University in Shanghai, China on her research steam titled “Inter-organizational Relationship Governance and Recovery” in June and July, 2018.
Associate professor Chun Zhang accepted an invitation to join S. Tamer Cavusgil (Georgia State University) and Billur Akdeniz (University of New Hampshire) as co- editors for the special issue "Digital Transformation, Innovation, and Novel Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching International Business" in the Journal of Teaching International Business.
The Grossman School of Business would sincerely like to thank Nicole Stata for the support provided by the Nicole Maria Stata Fellowships and Awards Endowment.