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Past Award Winners

Lifetime Influence and Impact Award Winners

The highest form of peer recognition in family business studies, this award is presented to individuals who have provided distinguished leadership over a number of years toward the growth and development of family business research. Through dedicated efforts, this individual has enabled the entry and/or the career progression of scholars into the field, while influencing family business research, education and/or practice. 

Joe Astrachan, 2019
James J. Chrisman, 2015
Jess Chua, 2019
Miguel Ángel Gallo, 2018
Kelin E. Gersick, 2018
Luis Gomez-Mejia, 2024
Michael A. Hitt, 2023
Frank Hoy, 2017
Ivan Lansberg, 2018
Isabelle Le Breton-Miller, 2021
Tom Lumpkin, 2023
Leif Melin, 2016
Danny Miller, 2021
Ken Moores, 2015
Pramodita Sharma, 2015
Ritch Sorenson, 2017
Lloyd Steier, 2021
John L. Ward, 2016


  • FERC Lifetime Influence and Impact Award for providing sustained and distinguished leadership toward the growth and development of family businesses and/or family business research and scholars.
    • Luis Gomez-Mejia (Arizona State University, USA) 
      Sponsored by Trinity Real Estate
  • Best Poster Award 
    • Management Innovation Adoption Process in Family SMEs: Exploration of Micro-Foundations
      • Ali Azouz (ESG-UQAM, Canada)
  • Two Runner Up Awards
    • Warning! Families Are Withdrawing from Business: The Role of Property Rights Protection Environmental Deterioration, Entrepreneurs’ Internationalization and Domestic Political Background
      • Peng Ren (University of Louisville, USA)
      • Daniel Bennett (University of Louisville, USA)
    • The two sides of dual relationships: How parent-child dyads perceive their business-family duality affects the child’s entrepreneurial behavior 
      • Alisa Jno-Charles (Babson College, USA)
      • Keith Rollag (Babson College, USA)
      • Patricia Guinan (Babson College, USA)


Six categories of awards worth $13,500 were presented:

  • Family-Owned Business Institute (FOBI) Scholar in Residence ($13,500, sponsored by FOBI at Grand Valley State University). One individual selected each year to travel to Grand Valley State University and work with faculty, students, and community members on researching and teaching family business.
    • Nadine Kammerlander (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany)
  • Danny Holt Best Doctoral Poster Award
    • You must leave for the benefit of the whole: A multi case study on the sensemaking of dismissals of long-term employees in family firms.
      • ​Reimar Belschner (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany)   
      • Nadine Kammerlander (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany)
  • Best Qualitative Poster Award
    • Continuity or destruction: The role of dyadic intergenerational exchange in the transmission of an entrepreneurial family’s legacy.
      • Rolf Wilmes (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany)     
      • Peter Truemmel (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)
      • Nadine Kammerlander (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany)
      • Alfredo De Massis (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)      
  • Best Quantitative Poster Award
    • Political corruption and family businesses. An empirical study in Tunisia.
      • Amira Hammouda (South Champagne Business School, France)
      • Sami Basly (Paris Nanterre University, France)
  • Best Poster Award
    • Whistleblowing in family firms: Power and justice dynamics.
      • Clarisse Lafleur (Bond University, Australia)
      • Tim Hasso (Bond University, Australia)
      • Francesco Barbera (Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada)


Seven categories of awards worth $13,900 were presented:

  • FERC Lifetime Influence and Impact Award for providing sustained and distinguished leadership toward the growth and development of family businesses and/or family business research and scholars.
    • Danny Miller (HEC Montreal, Canada)
    • Isabelle Le Breton-Miller (HEC Montreal, Canada)
    • Lloyd Steier (Alberta School of Business, Canada)
  • Family-Owned Business Institute (FOBI) Scholar in Residence ($12,500, sponsored by FOBI at Grand Valley State University). One individual selected each year to travel to Grand Valley State University and work with faculty, students, and community members on researching and teaching family business.
    • ​Eric Clinton (Dublin City University, Ireland)
  • Best Research Video ($500, sponsored by FOBI at Grand Valley State University)
    • “Business Incubator Cooperations: Family Firms' Access to Knowledge and Trust within Entrepreneurial Ecosystems”
      • David Sauer (WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany)
      • Nadine Kammerlander (WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany)
  • Best Paper on Family Firm Entrepreneurship & Innovation ($250, sponsored by McCoy College of Business at Texas State University)
    • ​“Next-Gen as a Lever for Innovation: An Exploration of Gender and Succession Dynamics”
      • Christina Constantinidis (University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada)
      • Issaka Oumarou Harou (University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada)
  • Best Paper on Diversity in the Family Firm ($250, sponsored by McCoy College of Business at Texas State University)
    • “Women's Leadership and Leverage Decisions. Exploring the Nature of Family Firms and their Governance”
      • Alfredo De Massis (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, ITALY, and Lancaster University, UK, and Zhejiang University, China)
      • Fernando Muñoz-Bullon (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
      • Maria J. Sanchez-Bueno (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
      • Pilar Velasco (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain)
      • Silvio Vismara (University of Bergamo, Italy)
  • Best Feedback Awards ($100, sponsored by University of Vermont)
    • Myriam Cano-Rubio (Universidad de Jaen, Spain)
    • Rocki-Lee DeWitt (University of Vermont, USA)
    • Catherine Faherty (Dublin City University, Ireland)
    • Alexander Bergfeld (University of Antwerp, Belgium)


Seven categories of awards worth $17,000 were presented:

  • FERC Lifetime Influence and Impact Award for providing sustained and distinguished leadership toward the growth and development of family businesses and/or family business research and scholars
    • Joe Astrachan, Kennesaw State University, USA
    • Jess Chua, University of Calgary, CANADA
  • Family Owned Business Institute (FOBI) Scholar in Residence ($12,500, sponsored by ). One individual selected each year to travel to Grand Valley State University and work with faculty, students, and community members on researching and teaching family business.
    • Hanqing “Chevy” Fang, Assistant Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
  • Best Poster Award ($750 each, sponsored by FOBI at Grand Valley State University)
    • Winner 1: French CEO Values and Family Business Identity
      • Miruna Radu Lefebvre, Audencia Business School, France
      • Vincent Lefebvre, Audencia Business School, France
      • Luis Diaz Matajira, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
    • Winner 2: Stairway to Tax Heaven: Network Positions and Social Influences of Family-Owned Offshore Entities in the Panama Papers
      • Ambra Mazzelli, Asia School of Business & Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Malaysia
      • Robert Nason, Concordia University, Canada
  • Best Contribution to Practice ($750 each, sponsored by MCS Family Wealth Advisors) is given to the project that offers unique insights to the nuances of the family business and its stakeholders AND that can be used by family business educators in the classroom to inform both current and future generations of the family business.
    • WINNER 1: Start-ups of the next-gen: A qualitative and quantitative study on young entrepreneurs from entrepreneurial families.
      • Larissa Leitner, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
      • Nadine Kammerlander, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
    • WINNER 2: Family Business Shareholder Liquidity Agreements: A Conceptual Exploration of Antecedents, Strategies, and Consequences
      • Claudia Binz Astrachan, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland
      • Joseph Astrachan, Kennesaw State University, USA
      • Anneleen Michiels, Hasselt University, Belgium
      • Josip Kotlar, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • Best Project Related To Transgenerational Entrepreneurship STEP Poster Award ($500, Complimentary registration for the STEP Global Summit 2020 in Asia-Pacific, sponsored by the STEP Research Project) is given to the project that focuses on transgenerational entrepreneurship, leverages either qualitative or quantitative data sources. This award seeks to encourage early stage researchers who are investigating entrepreneurship in multi-generational family firms.
    • A social exchange approach of spousal influence on intergenerational succession
    • Miruna Radu Lefebvre, Audencia Business School, France
    • Valérie Denis, ICHEC Brussels Management School, Belgium
  • Best Contribution to Family Business Education ($500, sponsored by Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara) is given to the project that offers unique insights to the nuances of the family business and its stakeholders and that can be used by family business educators in the classroom to inform both current and future generations of the family business.
    • ¿Se debe el éxito de la internacionalizatión de la empresa familiar a motivos económicos, y/o estratégicos, y/o familiares?
      • Valeriano Sanchez-Famoso, University of the Basque Country, Spain
      • Myriam Cano-Rubio, Universidad de Jaen, Spain
      • Guadalupe Fuentes-Lombardo, Universidad de Jaen, Spain
  • Best Reviewer Awards ($500, sponsored by Florida Atlantic University)
    • Best Overall Reviewer
      • Ivona Ljumic, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
    • Outstanding Reviewers
      • Navneet Bhatnagar, Indian School of Business, India
      • Myriam Cano-Rubio, Universidad de Jaen, Spain
      • Guadalupe Fuentes Lombardo, Universidad de Jaen, Spain
      • Carolin Neffe, Muenster University of Applied Sciences, Germany
      • Dustin Odom, Mississippi State University, USA


Nine categories of awards worth more than $21,750 were presented:

  1. Best Overall English Poster Award - $1,500 winner (2) - $1,500 each (sponsored by MCS Family Wealth Advisors) Best overall project and poster.
    The Impact of Socioemotional Wealth on the Relationship between the Dark Triad of Personality (Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) and Family Firm Employee Job Performance

    • Benjamin D. McLarty, Mississippi State University
    • Daniel T. Holt, Mississippi State University

    Are Family Firms the Same “Animal” but a Different “Beast”? An Experiment on Decision-Making in Family and Non-family Organizations

    • Ivona Ljumic, USI, Switzerland
    • Gianluca Colombo, USI, Switzerland
  2. Best Applied Poster Award - $1,500 winner (sponsored by MCS Family Wealth Advisors) Best overall project and poster with valuable practical application.
    Resolving the Paradox between Tradition and Innovation in Family Firms
    • Irmak Erdogan, Altınbaş Üniversitesi, Turkey
    • Emanuela Rondi, Free University of Bozen - Bolzano, Italy
    • Alfredo De Massis, Free University of Bozen - Bolzano, Italy
  3. Best Spanish Poster - $1,000 winner (Sponsored by Familias Empresarias Management Consulting) Best project and poster presented in Spanish.
    El rol de las dificultades percibidas para cooperar en empresas familiares internacionales
    • Myriam Cano-Rubio, University of Jaen, Spain
    • Valeriano Sanchez-Famoso, University of the Basque Country, Spain
    • Guadalupe Fuentes-Lombardo, University of Jaen, Spain
  4. Best Practice-Oriented Spanish Poster Award - $750 winner (Sponsored by Grupo LORSA) Best project and poster with practical implications presented in Spanish.
    El Emprendimiento Transgeneracional: El caso del programa de creación de valor de la empresa familiar en el Tec de Monterrey
    • Fernando Sandoval-Arzaga, ITESM, Mexico
  5. Best Innovation and Entrepreneurship Poster Award - $1,000 winner (Sponsored by Grupo HAZ) Best project and poster presented that contributes to Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Family Firms.
    Achieving the Right Balance: A Paradoxical View of Socioemotional Wealth
    • Horacio Arredondo, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile
    • Cristina Cruz, Instituto de Empresa, Spain
  6. Best STEP Poster Award - $1,000 winner (sponsored by the STEP Research Project) Best project and poster using data from STEP.
    Women’s involvement in family businesses and its effect on performance
    • Ana González, Grand Valley State University, USA
    • Yeny Rodriguez, Universidad Icesi, Colombia
    • Carol Sanchez, Grand Valley State University, USA
  7. UP Gold Award – One gold coin winner (sponsored by Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara) Best project and poster that contributes to family business education.
    The Collaborative Family Business: Toward a Rational Theory of Family Firm Longevity
    • Jackie Milbrandt, University of St. Thomas, USA
    • Ritch Sorenson, University of St. Thomas, USA
    • Jeffrey Chandler, Texas Tech University, USA
  8. Best Reviewer Award - $500 winner (sponsored by Florida Atlantic University) Single best overall conference reviewer.
    • Myriam Cano-Rubio, University of Jaen, Spain
  9. Family Owned Business Institute (FOBI) Scholar in Residence - $12,500 winner (sponsored by FOBI at Grand Valley State University) One individual selected each year to travel to Grand Valley State University and work with faculty, students, and community members on researching and teaching family business.
    • Anneleen Michiels, University of Hasselt, Belgium


Five categories of awards with prize money of $ 19,500 were presented:

  1. Best English Poster - $ 1500 each (Sponsored by MCS Family Wealth Advisors these were presented by FERC Co-President Michael Stalker)
    • An Empirical Assessment of the Validity and Reliability of the Socioemotional Wealth (SEW) Concept
      • Daniel T. Holt, Mississippi State University, USA
      • Emma Su, Mississippi State University, USA
      • Allison Pearson, Mississippi State University, USA
      • Lorenzo Lucianetti, University of Chieti and Pescara, Italy
      • Jay Orr, Mississippi State University, USA
    • Mapping Cognitive Dimensions and Processes of Value Creation in Family Firms
      • Shiva Nadavulakere, Saginaw Valley State University, USA
      • Anushri Rawat, East Michigan University, USA
    • Does Non-Family CEO Advantage Depend on Firm Growth and Area of Management Practice? A Contingency Perspective
      • Atanu Rakshit, Nazarbayev University, Khazakstan
      • Dmitry Khanin, Nazarbayev University, Khazakstan
  2. Best poster aligned with the conference theme: Bridging the Gap - $1500 (Sponsored by Family Business Center, Opus College of Business, University of St. Thomas; Presented by Center Director Prof. Ritch Sorenson)
    • Seeing Forests for the Trees: Knowledge Diversity and Causation Logics in Family Firms
      • Robert Randolph, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
      • Esra Memili, University of North Carolina – Greensboro, USA
      • Dilek Nayir, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
      • Hanqing "Chevy" Fang, Missouri University of Science & Technology, USA
  3. Best Spanish Poster - $1000 (Sponsored by Familias Empresarias Management Consulting; Presented by Claudio Müller, School of Economics and Business, University of Chile)
    • Ambidextria Organizativa y Emprendimiento Corporativo en la Empresa Familiar
      • Tomas Bañegil, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
      • Ascensión Barroso, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
      • Cristina Barriuso, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
      • Ramón Sanguino, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
  4. Family Owned Business Institute (FOBI), Scholar in Resident Award - $ 12,500 (Sponsored by the Seidman College of Business; Presented by FOBI Director Ana Cristina)
    • Isabel Botero, Stetson University, USA
  5. FERC Lifetime Influence and Impact Awards (Presented by FERC Co-Presidents Allison Pearson and Michael Stalker)
    • Frank Hoy, Foisie Business School, Beswick Professor & Director, Collaborative for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
    • Leif Melin, Professor Emeritus, Centre for Family Enterprise and Ownership, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden
    • Ritch Sorenson, Professor of Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship Department College of Arts and Sciences Family Studies, St. Thomas University, USA


Five categories of awards worth over $ 25,000 were presented:

  1. Best English Poster - $ 1500 each (Sponsored by the Foisie School of Business at WPI)
    • Differences between how family and nonfamily employees perceive their  company’s ethics and their consequences
      • John Perry
    • (In)visibility – a family business?
      • Henrietta Nilson
    • An Overview of Family Business Succession Research: A Bibliometric Study
      • Mihai Ibanescu, Luis-Felipe Cisneros-Martinez, Odette Lobato, & Juan Niebla
  2. Best Portuguese Poster - $1500 (Sponsored by Rich Simmonds and )
    • Política de Investimentos de Empresas Familiares Brazileiras Pos-Crise De 2008
      • Thiago Henrique Moreira Goes, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. & Cláudio Antonio Pinheiro Machado Filho, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
  3. Best Spanish Poster - $1500 each (Sponsored by Familias Empresarias Management Consulting and )
    • La Orientación Emprendedora como Variable Dependiente de la Cultura en las Empresas Familiares
      • Ramón Sanguino, Ascensión Barroso, Óscar González & María Buenadicha. Universidad de Extremadura, Spain.
  4. FERC Special Drawing - iPad Air 2  (128GB) (Sponsored by the Anderson School of Management at University of New Mexico)
    • Fábio Frezatti, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
  5. Family Owned Business Institute (FOBI) Awards - $ 17,500 (Sponsored by the Seidman College of Business)
    • FOBI Scholar in Residence ($10,000 + $2,500 expense reimbursement for a visit to GVSU)
      • Daniel Holt, Mississippi State University, USA
    • FOBI Scholar Grant ($5,000)
      • Mastering Product Innovation in Family Business: Integrating Theory and Practice
      • Josip Kotlar and Alfredo de Massis, Lancaster University, UK


Five categories of awards worth $27,000 were presented during the 2015 FERC:

  1. Best Poster - $1,500 winner each (Sponsored by MCS Family Wealth Advisors)
    • The Earnings Game in Family Firms
      • Joachim Harms, Technische Universität München, Germany
    • The Buck Stops Here....and Here: A Study of Co-CEOS in Family Businesses
      • Annette Rahael, George Washington University, USA
      • Andrea Casey, George Washington University, USA
    • So What is Most Important for you? An Empirical Ranking of Non-financial Goals
      • Maximilian Rupprecht, Technische Universität München, Germany
      • Nadine Kammerlander, University of St Gallen, Switzerland
  2. Best poster Spanish / Portuguese Award - $1,500 winner (Sponsored by Familias Empresarias Management Consulting)
    • Associacao Entre Empresas Familiares: O Caso Do Vale Dos Vinhedos, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brasil
      • Juliana Hernandez, ADEP, Brazil
  3. International Entrepreneurship Award - $1,000 winner (Sponsored by ie-scholars.net)
    • Family Business Sustainability Across Cultures
      • Ricardo Fainsilber, California Institute of Integral Studies, Mexico
  4. Family Owned Business Institute (FOBI) Awards - $5,000 winner each (sponsored by the Seidman College of Business)
    • Exploring the role of Family Legacy on Decisions within Family Firms
      • Nathan Hammond, Mississippi State University
      • Allison Pearson, Mississippi State University
    • Family Firm Governance in an Emerging Market: How Family Firms Navigate Institutional Voids and Corruption
      • Kimberly Eddleston, Northeastern University D'Amore-McKim School
      • Ellie Banalievea, Northeastern University D'Amore-McKim School
      • Jay Mulki, Northeastern University D'Amore-McKim School
    • 1st FOBI Scholar in Residence ($10,000 award)
      • Josip Kotlar, Lancaster University Management School
  5. Lifetime Influence and Impact Award - Overview, Process, Citations
    Lifetime Influence and Impact Award presented to individuals who have provided sustained and distinguished leadership toward the growth and development of family businesses and/or family business research and scholars
    • James Chrisman, Mississippi State University, USA
    • Ken Moores, Bond University, Australia
    • Pramodita Sharma, University of Vermont, USA


Five categories of awards worth $31,500 were presented during the 2014 FERC.

  1. Best Poster on Family Business Education - $500 winner
    • A teaching model for Family Entrepreneurship
      • Kathleen Randerson, University of Grenoble - Alps
      • Alain Fayolle, EMLYON Business School
  2. Best Doctoral Student Contribution - $500 winner
    • Long-Term Orientation and Innovativeness in Multi-Generational Family Firms
      • Vanessa Diaz Moriana, Dublin City University
      • Eric Clinton, Dublin City University
      • Justin Craig, Northeastern University
  3. Best Poster - $1,500 winner each
    • The Untimely Death of a Founder: A Case Study on Intergeneration Innovation and Human Resource Practices
      • Francesco Barbera, Stetson University
      • Isabell Stamm , University of California Berkeley
      • Rocki-Lee DeWitt, University of Vermont
    • Inside CEO Successions in Family Firms: Should Predecessors Stay Active or Cultivate Roses?
      • Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Michael Woywode, Jan Zybura, University of Mannheim
    • Bridge and Buffer: Evidence of the Role of the Board of Directors in Family Firms
      • Cristina Bettinelli, University of Bergamo
      • Manisha Singal, Virginia Tech University
      • John Davis, Harvard Business School
  4. "Practitioner Focused" awards - $2,000 each
    • Leveraging tradition to innovate the family firm: Lessons for family business practitioners
      • Josip Kotlar, Lancaster University Management School
    • Exploring Effects of Family Involvements and HPWS on Managerial Turnover and Firm Performance Linkage
      • Miao-Ju Wang, National Sun Yat-sen University
    • Impact of Pay Satisfaction and Organizational Justice Perceptions on Family Firm Blue Collar Workers
      • Daniel Holt, Mississippi State University
    • Corporate Brand Identity: The Use of Social Media by Family Firm
      • John Perry, Wichita State University
    • Benefit Corporations and Family Businesses
      • Isaac Ison, Jackson State University
  5. Family Owned Business Institute Award Winners - $5,000 each
    • Bridging the Gap in Family Firm Innovation Research: Understanding Differences by Integrating Absortive Capacity.
      • Joshua J. Daspit, Mississippi State University
      • Rebecca G. Long, Mississippi State University
    • From Research to Practice: Planning for New Futures in Family Business Education
      • Alfredo De Massis, Lancaster University Management School
      • Josip Kotlar, Lancaster University Management School
    • Philanthropy in Family Firms: Understanding the governance of and the motivation for philanthropic efforts of family firms.
      • Isabel C. Botero, Gatton College of Business and Economics; University of Kentucky
      • Neus Feliu, Lansberg Gersick & Associates, New Haven, CT.
    • Organizational Crises in Family Firms: The effects on intergenerational innovation.
      • Francesco Barbera, Stetson University
      • Isabell Stamm, University of California - Berkeley
      • Rocki-Lee DeWitt, University of Vermont


Awards for FERC 2013 were presented in 4 categories and were worth $35,000 USD.

Top Paper Award Winners - Sponsored by MCS Family Wealth Advisors ($1,500 each)

Presented by: Michael C. Stalker - MCS Family Wealth Advisors

  1. Family Firms and Corporate Social Responsibility: Does Firm Financial Condition Matter?
    • Manisha Singal - Virginia Tech University - USA
    • Vijay Singal - Virginia Tech University - USA
  2. The Dynamics of Virtues in Family Controlled Firms
    • Luz Elena Orozco Collazos - Universidad de los Andes - Colombia
    • Gustavo Gonzalez Couture - Universidad de los Andes - Colombia
    • Luis Diaz Matajira - Universidad de los Andes - Colombia
  3. Divorce in the family firm: The legal framework and protection of the business
    • Kajsa Haag - Jönköping International Business School - Sweden
    • Lars-Göran Sund - Jönköping International Business School - Sweden
    • Anneli Linhard - Jönköping International Business School - Sweden
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Peruvian Family Businesses: Implications for performance
    • Loreto Torres Araneda - PAD, Escuela de Direccion Universidad de Piura - Perú
    • Pablo Dominguez Estrada - PAD, Escuela de Direccion Universidad de Piura - Perú
    • Cinthya Consiglieri Alvarado - PAD, Escuela de Direccion Universidad de Piura - Perú
    • Matt Allen - Babson College - USA

Top Paper in Spanish - Sponsored by Familias Empresarias Management Consulting ($1,000)

Presented by: Fernando Cañas, Founder Familias Empresarias Management Consulting

  1. Sucesión en empresa familiar agroindustrial en Chile
    • Rodrigo González - Universidad de Chile - Chile
    • Nicole Pinaud - Universidad de Chile - Chile
    • Matthew Allen - Babson College - USA

Top Student Paper Awards - Sponsored by Business Families Foundation ($2,000 each)

Presented by: Dr. Pramodita Sharma - University of Vermont

  1. Psychological Ownership in stockholders of family firms: An understanding from Socioemotional Wealth Approach
    • María Piedad López Vergara - University of Jyväskylä - Finland & Inalde - Colombia
  2. Overcoming the Myths of Entrepreneurship: Moving towards a Communal Group Theory of Entrepreneurship
    • Onnolee Nordstrom - University of Alberta - Canada
  3. Family Ownership, Succession Intentions, and Professionalization
    • Hanqing Chevy Fang - Mississippi State University - USA
    • Esra Memili - University of North Carolina Greensboro - USA
    • Robert Randolph - Mississippi State University - USA
    • James J. Chrisman - Mississippi State University - USA
    • Tim Barnett - Mississippi State University - USA
  4. Family Ownership and Firm Performance evidence from Integrated Latin American Stock Market
    • Claudio Müller - Universidad de Chile - Chile
    • Claudio Bonilla - Universidad de Chile - Chile
    • Gonzalo Gómez Betancourt - INALDE Business School Universidad de la Sabana - Colombia
    • Jose Bernardo Betancourt Ramírez - INALDE Business School Universidad de la Sabana - Colombia

2013 FOBI Awards - Sponsored by Grand Valley State University ($5,000 each)

Presented by: J. Kevin McCurren - Grand Valley State University Family Business Center

  1. "Investigative long-term orientation and entrepreneurial orientation in multi-generational family firms"
    • Justin Craig - Northeastern University
    • Eric Clinton - Dublin City University
    • Vanessa Diaz - Dublin City University
  2. "The buck stops here... and here: A study of Co-CEOs in family business"
    • Annette Rahael - George Washington University
  3. "Good Practices in Family Business Governance Structure and Its Impact on Financial Performance"
    • Jorge Isaac Moreno Gomez - CORPORACIÓN UNIVESIDAD DE LA COSTA, Colombia
  4. "Understanding the Effects of the External Environment on Family Firms"
    • Laurel Ofstein - Western Michigan University
    • Derrick McIver - Western Michigan University
    • John Mueller - Western Michigan University


Three categories of awards worth $31,500 were presented at FERC 2012.

  • The Best Paper Awards sponsored by MCS Financial Advisors were presented by Michael C. Stalker to:
    • First Place winners ($2000) were Josip Kotlar & Alfredo De Massis (University of Bergamo) for their article “Goal setting in family firms: The who, the what and the how.”
    • Second place winners ($1000) were Manisha Singal and Vijay Singal (Virginia Tech) for their paper “The strategic value of branding the family name.”
    • Third place winners ($500) were Alexandra Dawson (Concordia University), Pramodita Sharma (University of Vermont & Babson College), P. Gregory Irving and Joel Marcus (Wilfrid Laurier University) and Francesco Chirico (Jönköping International Business School) for their article “Predictors of next generation family members’ commitment to family enterprise.”
      • Ken Moores (Bond University), Carole Howorth (Lancaster University), Rebecca Long (Mississippi State University), and Ritch Sorenson (St.Thomas Univeristy) served as the FERC Best Poster Award Committee.
  • FERC Doctoral Awards ($2000 each) sponsored by the Business Families Foundation were presented by Pascale Michaud in the categories of women, governance, leadership, and behavioural issues in family firms.
    • David Gras & Robert S. Nason (Syracuse University) for their article “The effect of family capital breadth and depth on firm performance: Evidence from impoverished Indian slums.”
    • Archimedes Guerra (Hong Kong Baptist University) for his article “Some family businesses are better than others: Are Confucian values the missing piece of the family firm performance puzzle?”
    • Nadine Kammerlander (University of St-Gallen) for her article “The influence of organizational social capital on strategic behavior: An explorative study of family firms’ innovativeness.”
    • Josip Kotlar & Alfredo De Massis (University of Bergamo) for their article “Goal setting in family firms: The who, the what and the how.”
      • Matthew Allen (Babson College), Robert Blunden (Dalhousie University), Jon Carr (Texas Christian University), Clay Dibrell (University of Mississippi), Mark Green (FERC co-founder), Claudio Muller (University of Chile), Allison Pearson (Mississippi State University), Frank Hoy (Worchester Polytechnic Institute), Alex Stewart (Marquette University) served as judges for these awards in the four categories.
  • 2012 FOBI 20K scholarships (4@$5000 each) sponsored by the Grand Valley State University were presented by J. Kevin McCurren during the Gala Dinner to:
    • Kristen Day and Franz Kellermanns (University of Tennessee) for their proposal “Exploring the role of spiritual leadership within family firms.”
    • Leif Melin and Ethel Brundin (Jönköping International Business School) for their proposal “Family capital – the theoretical and practical solution for entrepreneurial capacity over generations in family businesses.”
    • Hanqing Fang (Mississippi State University), Esra Memili (University of North Carolina – Greensboro), Robert Van de Graaff Randolph, James J. Chrisman, and Tim Barnett (Mississippi State University) for their proposal “Family ownership, succession intentions, and professionalization.”
    • Robert S. Nason, David Gras, and G.T. Lumpkin (Syracuse University) for their proposal “The role of family capital in impoverished settings.”


  • The Best Paper Awards sponsored by MCS Financial Advisors were presented by Michael C. Stalker to:
    • First Place winner ($2000) was Moses Acquaah (University of North Carolina) for his paper “Management Control Systems, Business Strategy and Performance in Family Businesses.”
    • Second place winner ($1000) was Mary Barrett (Wollongong University) for her paper “New theoretical perspectives on family business entrepreneurial behavior.”
    • Third place winner ($500) was Marc-Michael Bergfeld (Munich Business School) for his paper “Dynamic Dynasties: How Germany’s high performance family firms pursue pan-generational entrepreneurship along technology lifecycles.”
  • Michael Stalker (MCS Financial Advisors), Manisha Singal (Virginia Tech University), and Frank Hoy (Worchester Polytechnic Institute) served as the FERC Best Poster Award Committee.
  • FERC Doctoral Awards ($500 each) were presented by Frank Hoy to:
    • Tim Hasso (Bond University - Australia) for his article “Inherent Family Business Brand Equity.”
    • Francesco Barbera (Bond University - Australia) for his article “The Impact of Family Invovlement on the Productivity of the Firm.”
    • Nadine Kammerlander (International Institute for Management Development) for her article “How Do Established Family Businesses Adapt to Technological Discontinuities? A Series of Inductive Case Studies.”
  • 2011 FOBI 20K scholarships (4@$5000 each) sponsored by the Grand Valley State University were presented by Paul Mudde and Candace Dugan to during the Gala Dinner to:
    • Mahendra Joshi (Grand Valley State University) for his proposal “Family Business Identity and Information Exploration.”
    • Daniel Holt (Mississippi State University), Allison Pearson (Mississippi State University), and Jon Carr (Texas Christian University) for their proposal “Measuring Performance in Family Businesses: The State of the Art and Roadmap for Advancing Family Business Research and Practice.”
    • Dianne Welsh (University of North Carolina – Greensboro), Juan Roure (University of Navarra, IESE), Juan Luis Segurado (University of Navarra - IESE), and Kirby Rosplock (GenSpring Family Offices) for their proposal “Family Offices and the Future.”
    • Börje Boers and Mattias Nordqvist (Jönköping International Business School, Sweden) for their proposal “Understanding Hybrid Identity Organizations – The Case of Publicly Listed Family Businesses.


  • The Best Paper Awards sponsored by MCS Financial Advisors were presented by Michael C. Stalker.
    • First Place winners ($2000) were Manisha Singal and Vijay Singal (Virginia Tech University) for their paper entitled “Family Control and Concentrated Ownership: What Determines Firm Value? Evidence from India”.
    • Second place winners ($1000) were Kirby Rosplock (GenSpring Family Offices), Dianne Welsh (University of North Carolina, Greensboro), Juan Roure and Juan Luis Segurado (IESE Business School) for their paper entitled “From the Family Business to the Family Office: Understanding the Development and Management of the Family’s Investment, Other Ventures and Services”.
    • Third place winners ($500) were Peter Jaskiewicz (University of Alberta) and Klaus Uhlenbruck (University of Montana & European Business School) for their paper entitled “The relationship between Boards and Firm Performance: An Agency & Resource Dependence Theory Analysis of Family Business”.
  • Allison Pearson (Chair, Mississippi State University), Mauricio D. Alvarez (Universidad de Monterrey), Carmen Bianchi (San Diego State University), Judy Green (Family Firm Institute), Frank Hoy (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) served as the FERC Best Poster Award committee.
  • FERC Doctoral Awards ($500 each) sponsored by the Family Enterprise USA were presented by Ann Kinkade to:
    • Neus Feliu (ESADE Business School, Spain) for her article entitled – Family Knowledge Homogeneity and Product Innovation: The Role of Non-Family Members
    • Frances Gunn (Open University, UK, Ryerson University, Canada) for her article entitled – How does strategic learning occur in small retain family firms?
    • Corinna Lindow (HHL, Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany) for her article entitle – The Concept of Fit in Strategic Management – Review in the family firm context
    • Alexandra Joseph (HEC, France) and Maria Jose Parada (ESADE Business School, Spain) for their article entitled – Sustaining Competitive Advantage in a World of Giants: The case of family firms in the pharmaceutical industry
    • D’Lisa N. McKee and Shanan R. Litchfield (Mississippi State University, USA) for their article entitled – Family Organizational Identity: Multiple Identities in the Family Business
  • The Loretta Rogers Young Research Scholar in Family Business ($3000+ inclusive of travel costs to present the winning research at Ryerson University) was presented by Alan Carsrud to Corrina Lindow (HHL, Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany)
  • 2010 FOBI 25k scholarships (4@$5000 each, 2@$2500 each) sponsored by the Grand Valley State University were presented by Dean James Williams and Paul Mudde to:
    • Richard L. Gottschall, Alexandra Dawson, and Pramodita Sharma (Concordia University-Canada) for their proposal entitled: Human Capital Impacts on Innovation in Entrepreneurial Family Firms
    • David Hanisch and Sabine B. Klein (European Business School & WHU-Germany) for their proposal entitled: Contextualizing Organizational Boundary Issues: Management Consulting in Family Businesses.
    • Jayanth Jayaram, Jaideep Motwani, and Mita Dixit (University of South Carolina & Grand Valley State University-USA) for their proposal entitled: A Case Study Analysis of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Strategies of Small and Medium Enterprise Family Owned Businesses in India.
    • Torsten M. Pieper, Rebecca M. Guidice, and Neal P. Mero (Kennesaw State University-USA) for their proposal entitled: Toward a Theory of Accountability in Family Business.
    • Tim Hasso (Bond University-Australia) for his proposal entitled: Inherent Family Business Brand Equity and Consumers’ Product Preferences.
    • Francesco Barbera (Bond University- Australia) for his proposal entitled: Allocative Differences in Production: An Investigation into the Productivity of Family Firms.


  • The Best Paper Award ($2000) sponsored by Laird Norton Tyee was presented by Rich Simmonds to:
    • Sharon Danes (University of Minnesota) and Patricia Hedberg (University of St. Thomas) for their paper entitled “Explorations of the Power Relationship Between Business-Owning Couples: Managing Decisions Through Collaborative Power Interactions”.
  • Three Honorable Mention Awards were presented to:
    • Thomas M. Zellweger (Univ. of St. Gallen), Franz W. Kellermanns, James J. Chrisman (both at Mississippi State University), Jess H. Chua (Univ. of Calgary) for their paper entitled “Family Firm Valuation By Family CEOs: The Role of Socioemotional Value”.
    • Manisha Singal and Vijay Singal (both at Virginia Tech Univ.) for their paper entitled “Interest Alignment and CEO Compensation in Family Controlled Firms”.
    • Anna Blombäck (Jönköping International Business School) and Caroline Wigren (Lund University) for their paper entitled “What if it is Not Family That Makes a Difference? Reinterpreting Findings on Family Business and CSR”.
  • Becky Reuber (University of Toronto), Frank Hoy (University of Texas at El Paso), and Trish Reay (University of Alberta) served as the FERC Best Poster Award committee.
  • The first-ever FERC Doctoral Scholarships ($500 each) sponsored by the Family Enterprise USA were presented by Ann Kinkade to:
    • Jeremy Funk, University of Manitoba, “Got Family? The Influence of “Family” Identity on Customer Loyalty”.
    • Nathan Greidanus, University of Calgary, “An Exploration of Corporate Venturing Goals Within the Family Firm”.
    • Albert E. James, University of Alberta, “Another Wrinkle on the Family Business Performance Question: Comparing First and Subsequent Generations Firms”.
    • John E. Neff, Case Western Reserve, “Constructing a Definition of and Portfolio Mode of Family Business Success”.
    • Christian Niedermeyer, European Business School, “The Role of Family Influence in the Sale Process- A Qualitative Study of Family Business Sales”.
  • 2009 FOBI 25k Scholarships ($5000 each) sponsored by the Grand Valley State University were presented by Tom Schwarz and Shorouq Almallah to:
    • Francesco Chirico (University of Lugano) and Carlo Salvato (Bocconi University). Dynamic Capabilities in Family Firms. A Knowledge-based Approach.
    • Sonia Dalmia & Nancy Levenburg (Grand Valley State University). The Succession Process: An Examination of Perceptions from Stakeholders' Perspective.
    • Reginald A. Litz (University of Manitoba). The House of: When Family Businesses and Business Families Rise, Stand, Fall and Rise Again.
    • Esra Memili, Kaustav Misra, and James Chrisman (Mississippi State University). Non Family Managers’ Compensation in Family Firms: Tournament and Game Theory Perspectives.
    • John Perry & Timothy Pett (Wichita State University). Does Work-Family Integration or Segmentation work Better? Evidence from Family Businesses.


  • The Best Paper Award ($2000) sponsored by Laird Norton Tyee was presented by Rich Simmonds to:
    • Francesco Chirico, University of Lugano and Carlo Salvato, Bocconi University. Antecedents of commitment entrapment to the failing founder's family business.
  • Two Honorable Mention Awards were presented to:
    • Marylène Gagne and Stéphanie Brun de Pontet and Carsten Wrosch, Concordia University, Canada. Subjective well being among family business leaders nearing succession: The role of goal adjustment and work motivation.
    • Franz Kellermanns , Mississippi State University, Kim Eddleston , Northeastern University, and Thomas Zelleweger , University of St. Gallens. Family harmony: A facilitator of corporate entrepreneurship in family firms
  • Jane Hilburt-Davis, Becky Reuber, Tom Lumpkin and Bill Schulze served as the FERC Best Poster Award committee
  • 2008 FOBI 30K Awards were presented by Tom Schwarz, Grand Valley State University to:
    • William Gibb Dyer , Brigham Young University and William Justin Dyer , University of Illinois. The Impact of Family Business Ownership and Management on Families
    • Sanjay Goel , University of Minnesota. Stakeholder Management, Ethical Behavior, and Performance of Family Businesses: A Systems View
    • George T. Lumpkin , Texas Tech University and Wendy L Martin , Trinity International University. To Develop a Family Orientation Scale
    • Vijay Singal and Manisha Singal , Virginia Tech University. Interest Alignment and CEO Compensation in Family Controlled Firms
    • Sridhar Sundaram , Grand Valley State University. Effects of Hedge Fund Investment in Founding Family Controlled Firms
    • Lucy F. Ackert, Ann B.Gillette, Torsten M. Pieper , Kennesaw State University. Family Ties: For Love or Money


  • The Best Paper Award ($2000), sponsored by Laird Norton Tyee, was presented by Rich Simmonds to:
    • Trish Reay and C.R. Hinnings for their article entitled: Multilevel logics and strategic approach: Family firms in the Canadian Wine Industry
  • Four Honourable Mention Awards were presented to:
    • Kimberly A. Eddleston and Roland E. Kidwell for their article entitled: Parent-child exchange: Planting the seeds of deviant behavior in family firms, the Fredo effect
    • Vipin Gupta, Nancy M. Levenburg, Lynda Moore, Jaideep Motwani, and Thomas Schwarz for their article entitled: Using a cultural lens to study family businesses in the Anglo cluster
    • Peter Jaskiewicz and Torsten Pieper for their article entitled: A model for the impact of financial and emotional value on owner commitment to businesses
    • Lorraine Uhlaner and Marta Berent for their article entitled: Family governance practices, life cycle and financial performance: An empirical study


  • The Best Paper Award was presented to:
    • Yannick Bammens, Wim Voordeckers, and Anita Van Gils for their article entitled: Effective corporate governance in terms of trust and control: A dynamic view of family firms
  • Two Honourable Mention Awards were presented to:
    • Sharon M. Danes, Johnben Teik-Cheok Loy, and Kathryn Stafford for their article entitled: Family Business Success: Differences in Female- and Male-owned businesses
    • Michael D. Ensley, Allison W. Pearson, and Shruti R. Sardeshmukh for their article entitled: The negative consequences of pay dispersion in family and non-family top management teams


  • The Best Paper Proposal was awarded to:
    • Stephanie De Pontet, Carsten Wrosch and Marylene Gagne from Concordia University for their proposal entitled: What facilitates family business transmission? The adaptive role of goal adjustment and autonomous motivation - A longitudinal follow-up.
  • The Honourable Mention was awarded to:
    • Sabine Klein, Torsten Pieper and Peter Jaskiewics from the European Business School for their proposal entitled: Antecedents for Agency and Stewardship orientation in corporate governance: The role of culture.
Testimonials Through the Years

It was great to attend the FERC conference again in 2015! Excellent keynote speeches on key issues in family business research, outstanding professors sharing their knowledge and experience with emerging scholars, all in a friendly multi-cultural environment where new research opportunities easily emerge. Don't miss it in the next years!

Salvatore Sciascia, IULM University, Milan

Having the opportunity to network with other family business scholars from around the world expanded my research opportunities. From networking and sharing our interests, since returning from FERC, I've already begun discussions of collaboration with scholars in four different countries.

Jay Orr, Mississippi State University

FERC just keeps getting better and better. The research quality is improving, the scholarly discussions are insightful, and the keynote presentations are top-notch. I highly recommend it.

Tom Lumpkin, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University

It was the best FERC I have attended, nice time with old and new friends, great posters and speakers. It really gave me new energy to continue working on developing my academic career on Family Business.

Luis Díaz Matajira, Universidad de los Andes

FERC 2015 clearly illustrated the fulfilment of the founders' vision when a genuinely international community of family business scholars sharing and learning rigorous yet relevant scholarship came together as supportive colleagues.

Ken Moores, Professor Emeritus, Bond University

We both had wonderful experiences at the FERC 2015 conference: inspiring keynote addresses, creative papers, and terrific people. Thank you all. We plan to be back!

Danny Miller & Isabelle Le Breton-Miller, HEC & University of Alberta

FERC is a unique academic and community opportunity for young and tenured scholars. Those who study family firms should take the challenge to be there. The lively and exciting poster presentation format allows for level of interactions that you usually do not get in a traditional paper presentation. Last but not least, meeting friends and new people (who then will become friends) gives to FERC an additional value-added which is its distinctive characteristic.

Andrea Calabrò, Witten Institute for Family Business, University of Witten/Herdecke

FERC is a great conference devoted to developing new scholars and building a worldwide network of family business researchers. Similar to previous conferences I have attended, the Vermont conference was well-organized and valuable for the field. It was great to see so many of my old friends and get a chance to meet so many new ones. Burlington was also a wonderful venue. The founders and organizers have reason to be proud of the way the FERC has developed.

Jim Chrisman, Mississippi State University

FERC 2015 was an energizing experience in many ways. An interesting group of scholars, researchers and outstanding guest speakers sharing ideas and learning from one another. There was a strong sense responsibility in advancing the discipline, yet at the same time we had a great time together.

Juan O. Rivera-Algarin, Inter American University
Puerto Rico

The 11th Annual FERC was the first time we attended this conference and felt that it is very important in our professional careers. Poster format sessions have enriched our work through the opinions of the participants. We will try to participate in next years, as it is a good opportunity to find a community of experts in family business with so much knowledge about the topic.

Ascensión Barroso & Ramón Sanguino, Universidad de Extremadura

FERC 2015 was fantastic! Wonderfully organized, and as usual I appreciated the sense of community, a warm welcome, and helpful feedback on research. Thank you to the conference organizers and Chairs of the Career Day and Academic program!

Kathleen Randerson, EDC Paris Business School & EMLyon Business School

The 2015 Conference was my first participation in FERC and I am more than pleased with the experience. The feedback we received allowed us to see new prospects and strengthen our motivation to continue improving our work. In FERC I was able to interact with academics with extensive experience, as well as others like me, who are beginning to grow in this area. For me, FERC constitutes an opportunity that cannot be missed to learn, make contacts from different parts of the world and improve research.

Ana Cristina González, Universidad Icesi

FERC was a great introduction into the field of family business. The Career Academy offered a chance to interact with and hear from top family business scholars about the current state and future direction of the field. The conference provided a comfortable environment for networking where everyone was approachable and genuinely interested in the work you are doing. I would highly recommend the conference and Career Academy, especially for those just starting to conduct research in the area of family business.

Ray Jones, University of Minnesota Duluth

I have not attended FERC for a few years, which was a grave mistake. From the career academy to the poster presentations, from the shared lunches to the key-note speeches, FERC has offered me ample opportunities to discuss my papers, learn about intriguing new research ideas, and socialize with top-notch academics and promising newcomers. The well-organized conference offered the right balance between learning and mentoring, academia and application. If you are interested in family business, you should attend FERC. I will surely return next year.

Peter Jaskiewicz, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University

June 17, 2015

"FERC is definitely one of the most inspiring conferences I know. The feedback, provided in the doctoral consortium as well as during the main conference, is always constructive and most helpful. Furthermore, FERC is a great opportunity to network. Personally, I have met several scholars at FERC, which later became co-authors on joint projects."

Dr. Nadine Kammerlander, Center for Family Business,
, Switzerland

"FERC is a very democratic forum where you can meet a community of passionate and serious family business scholars and have fruitful discussions about research ideas in a very collegial spirit. It offers a great opportunity for constructive feedback, for networking and for getting in touch with practitioners and family business owners as well. It is one of the family business conferences that I always try to attend."

Alfredo De Massis, Director of the Centre for Family Business, IEED, , U.K.

"FERC was crucial for my career development. It gave me the opportunity to interact and create strong bonds with many top family business scholars, initiate new research projects with FERC participants, and get great valuable feedback about my work from many colleagues. The relaxed atmosphere and friendly environment of FERC enable all of us to gain a lot both from a professional and personal point of view. Thank you all for organizing this event year by year."

Francesco Chirico, PhD Associate Professor, , Center for Family Enterprise and Ownership - CeFEO, Jönköping, Sweden

May 20, 2014

"I love the poster presentation format: some of my papers were published also because experienced scholars stopped in front of my posters and provided invaluable guidance at FERC."

Salvatore Sciascia
Università IULM - Milano

"I consider attending FERC conferences an essential part of my scholarly activities. All aspects of the conference- the consortium, the keynote speeches, the practitioner round-tables, the scholarly program are professionally developmental and thought-provoking. I have found FERC attendees encouraging, supportive, and a resource for feedback, especially since we do not have other family business scholars at my university. And every year the conference gets better!"

Manisha Singal
Pamplin College of Business
Virginia Tech University

"FERC was crucial for my career development. It gave me the opportunity to interact and create strong bonds with many top family business scholars, initiate new research projects with FERC participants, and get great valuable feedback about my work from many colleagues. The relaxed atmosphere and friendly environment of FERC enable all of us to gain a lot both from a professional and personal point of view. Thank you all for organizing this event year by year."

Francesco Chirico, PhD
Associate Professor
Jonkoping International Business School
Center for Family Enterprise and Ownership - CeFEO
Jönköping, Sweden

"What FERC has done for me is let me meet some wonderful people from around the world who are truly focused on family business research. Many of these people I would have never met at any other meeting in management or entrepreneurship. Several of these individuals I have now written with or have contributed to books that I have edited. The best thing about FERC is the network of colleagues."

Alan L. Carsrud, Ph.D., Ec.D. (hc)
Carsrud & Associates, Consultants to Entrepreneurs & Family Firms
Visiting Research Professor, Abo Akademi University
Associate Editor, Journal of Small Business Management.

"FERC is a very democratic forum where you can meet a community of passionate and serious family business scholars and have fruitful discussions about research ideas in a very collegial spirit. It offers a great opportunity for constructive feedback, for networking and for getting in touch with practitioners and family business owners as well. It is one of the family business conferences that I always try to attend."

Alfredo De Massis,
Director of the Centre for Family Business, IEED,
Lancaster University Management School, U.K.

"FERC focuses on the development of family business research. The conversations that take place when displaying collaborative work allow for ideas to get challenged, discussed and advanced. Nearly finished papers, work-in-progress or even an emerging perspective around family business research benefits tremendously from such an engagement. It is an experience that enriches your work and helps forge lasting relationships in academia."

Allan Discua Cruz, PhD.
Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, Institute for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development
Lancaster University Management School, UK

"Attending FERC has been extremely useful to connect with family business scholars and to get constructive feedback on my research. The poster format and the pitch competition of practitioner focused papers are the two things that make FERC unique as well as extremely helpful for developing theoretically sound, empirically rigorous and practically useful knowledge about family firms."

Josip Kotlar,
Lecturer in Family Business,
Lancaster University Management School


"Thank you for all your hard work in running the conference so efficiently. Not a single hiccup – that takes some doing!!"

Carole Howorth, Lancaster University Management School

"FERC Montreal was a very well organized, inspiring and energizing event, an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and brainstorm with colleagues, recognized scholars and editors in the field.
The format of doctoral consortium followed by poster sessions with panels, on the internationalization of family business studies, was well thought out and provided an opportunity for everyone to participate. At the same time, the lobby, where the posters were exposed in-between sessions, was transformed in a brainstorming arena where everyone could gather and cross-fertilize ideas with peers and presenters."

Bistra Stoytcheva, VP Legal Affairs, Business Families Foundation

"I found FERC 2012 to be both educational and enlightening. The lectures, coupled with the more informal poster sessions, gave me a tremendous opportunity to learn more about current research as well as connect with members of the business family community. The concepts presented were thought provoking and ground breaking, resulting in a very holistic family business experience, and one I would recommend to all."

Thomas Clark, Project Manager, Business Families Foundation

"The degree of personal commitment, dedication and intellectual openness of editors, researchers, faculty members, doctoral students and specialists gathering at the FERC activities in Montreal created a remarkable atmosphere of knowledge development, dissemination and retention. Truly a memorable experience!"

Pascale Michaud, President, Business Families Foundation

"Isabelle and I would like to thank you (Pramodita) and Michael for the superbly organized and most interesting FERC 2012 conference. We met so many wonderful people and encountered a tremendous richness of ideas."

Danny Miller & Isabelle Le Breton-Miller, HEC Montreal & University of Alberta

Sponsors and Collaborators


FERC is a non-membership-based initiative. To ensure that our conferences are reasonably priced and thus accessible to scholars from around the world and at various stages of their careers, we depend heavily on the generosity of our sponsors.

For questions or comments, please email Pramodita "Dita" Sharma.


To help support our mission of building a community of Family Business Research scholars, FERC is proud to work on mutually supportive initiatives with the following organizations:


Family Business Magazine

For questions or comments, please email Pramodita "Dita" Sharma.

Special Publication Issues

Notable Special Issues on Family Business Research are listed below. For additions, please email Pramodita "Dita" Sharma with the following information:

  • Year issue is released
  • Journal name and title of special issue
  • Editor names
  • Link to table of contents


Co-Editors: Keith Brigham, Cristina Cruz Serrano, Nadine Kammerlander & Josip Kotlar

Co-Editors: Thomas Clauß, Sascha Kraus, Paul Jones


Co-Editors: Pramodita Sharma, James J. Chrisman, Jess H. Chua, Lloyd P. Steier

Co-Editors: Cirillo A., Huybrechts J., Mussolino D., Sciascia S., Voordeckers W.

Co-Editors: Peter Jaskiewicz, Donald O. Neubaum, Alfredo De Massis and Daniel T. Holt

Co-Editors: Kathleen Randerson, Claire Seaman, Joshua J. Daspit, Céline Barredy

Co-Editors: Ramón Sanguino, Alfonso A. Rojo-Ramírez and João Leitão

Co-Editors: Maura McAdam, Eric Clinton, and Clay Dibrell

Co-Editors: Joseph H. Astrachan, Claudia Binz Astrachan, Giovanna Campopiano, Massimo Baù


Social structures, social relationships, and family firms
Co-Editors: Thomas M. Zellweger, James J. Chrisman, Jess H. Chua, Lloyd P. Steier

Co-Editors: Alfredo De Massis,  Josip Kotlar, Daniel Lorenzo, Pedro Núñez-Cacho Utrilla, Ignacio Osborne, Antonio Gallardo

Co-Editors: Donald O. Neubaum, Nadine Kammerlander and Keith H. Brigham

Co-Editors: Veland Ramadani & Dianne H.B. Welsh

Guest Editors: Francesco Chirico, Leif Melin, Carlo Salvato and David Seidl


Co-Editors: James J. Chrisman, Jess H. Chua, Isabelle Le Breton-Miller, Danny Miller, Lloyd P. Steier

Co-Editors: Daniel T. Holt, Allison W. Pearson, G. Tyge Payne and Pramodita Sharma

Co-Editors: Alfredo De Massis, Federico Frattini, Antonio Majocchi and Lucia Piscitello

Co-Editors: Joshua J. Daspit, James J. Chrisman, Pramodita Sharma, Allison W. Pearson, & Raj Mahto


Co-Editors: G. Tyge Payne, Allison W. Pearson, and Jon C. Carr

Behavioural Issues in Family Enterprises
Co-Editors: Bart J. Debicki, Franz W. Kellermanns, Alexandra Dawson, and Pramodita Sharma

JOURNAL OF MANAGERIAL ISSUES: Strategic Issues in the Family Firm
Co-Editors: Joshua J. Daspit, James J. Chrisman, Pramodita Sharma, Allison W. Pearson, and Rebecca G. Long

Co-Editors: Joshua J. Daspit, James J. Chrisman, Pramodita Sharma, Allison W. Pearson, & Rebecca G. Long

Co-Editors: Cristina Bettinelli, Salvatore Sciascia, Kathleen Randerson, Alain Fayolle


Co-Editors: Maria José Parada, Claudio Müller and Alberto Gimeno

ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY & PRACTICE: Family Firm Challenges in Intergenerational Wealth Transfer
Co-Editors: Jon C. Carr, James J. Chrisman, Jess H. Chua, and Lloyd P. Steier

Co-Editors: Jeremy C. Short, Pramodita Sharma, G. Thomas Lumpkin & Allison W. Pearson

Co-editors: Kathleen Randerson, Giovanna Dossena and Alain Fayolle

(pages 719-817)
Co-editors: James Chrisman, Jess Chua, Alfredo De Massis, Tommaso Minola, Silvio Vismara


ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT LEARNING AND EDUCATION: Learning Patterns and Approaches to Family Business Education
Co-editors: Carlo Salvato, Pramodita Sharma and Mike Wright

Co-Editors: Alfredo de Massis, Alberto Di Minin and Federico Frattini

ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE: Governance in Family Businesses and Business Families
Co-editors: Lloyd P Steier, James J Chrisman and Jess H Chua

Co-editors: Isabel Botero, Cristina Cruz, Alfredo de Massis, & Mattias Nordqvist

Co-editors: Friederike Welter, Joern Block, Karl Wennberg, Roger Stough, and Rodrigo Basco

Co-editors: James J. Chrisman, Jess H. Chua, Alfredo De Massis, Federico Frattini, & Mike Wright

Co-Editors: Xin Chun Lin, Ling Chen, Jess H.Chua, Bradley L. Kirkman, Sara Rynes-Weller and Luis Gomez-Mejia


Co-editors: Mike Wright, James J Chrisman, Jess H Chua & Lloyd P Steier

Co-editors: Annalisa Prencipe, Sasson Bar-Yosef & Henri Dekker

Co-editors: Marylène Gagné, Pramodita Sharma, Alfredo De Massis

FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW: Temporal Dimensions in Family Enterprise Research
Co-editors: Pramodita Sharma, Carlo Salvato, Trish Reay

FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW: Social Issues in the Family Enterprise
Co-editors: Anita Van Gils, Clay Dibrell, Donald O. Neubaum, and Justin B. Craig

Co-editors: Joseph F. Hair, Marko Sarstedt

Co-editors: Alan Carsrud, Marco Cucculelli

MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL REVIEW: The stakeholders in family business succession, roles, implications, challenges [In French]
Co-editors: Bérangère Deschamps, Luis Cisneros


Co-editors: Yuan Lu, Kevin Au, Mike W. Peng, Erming Xu

Co-editors: Andrea Colli, Carole Howorth , Mary Rose

Co-editors: Pramodita Sharma, Robert Blunden

ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE: The Influence of Family Goals, Governance and Resources on Family Outcomes
Co-editors: James J Chrisman, Pramodita Sharma, Lloyd P Steier, Jess H Chua

ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE: Entrepreneurial and Family Business Teams
Co-editors: Leon Schjoedt, Erik Monsen, Allison Pearson, Tim Barnett, James J. Chrisman

FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW: Advising Family Enterprise
Co-editors: Trish Reay, Allison Pearson, W. Gibb Dyer

Co-editors: Michael M. Morris, Franz W. Kellermanns

Co-editors: Barbara Bigliardi, Lucio Cassia, Alfredo de Massis, Federico Frattini

Co-editors: Lucrezia Songini, Luca Gnan, Teemu Malmi

Editor: Franz Kellermanns


Co-editors: Alex Stewart, Jerome A Katz, GT Lumpkin

Editor: Marco Cucculelli

ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE: Sources of Heterogeneity in Family Firms
Co-editors: Jess H. Chua, James J. Chrisman, Lloyd P. Steier, Sabine B. Rau

FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW: 25 years of Family Business Review
Co-editors: Pramodita Sharma, James J. Chrisman, Kelin E. Gersick

FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW: Value Creation and Performance in Private Family Firms
Co-editors: Pramodita Sharma, Michael Carney

Editor: Dr. Christopher Graves

Co-editors: Denise Fletcher, Leif Melin, Alberto Gimeno

Co-editors: Ramona K. Zachary, Torsten M. Pieper, Phillip H. Phan, Pietro Mazzola, Sanjay Goel

Co-editors: Lorraine M Uhlaner, Franz W. Kellermanns, Kimberly A Eddleston, Frank Hoy


BUSINESS ETHICS QUARTERLY: Stakeholder theory, Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, And Family Enterprise
Co-editors: Ronald K Mitchell, Bradley R Agle, James J Chrisman, Laura Spence

Co-editors: James J Chrisman, Jess H Chua, Lloyd P Steier

FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW: Marketing (in) the Family Firm
Co-editors: A Rebecca Reuber, Eileen Fischer

Co-editors: GT Lumpkin, Lloyd Steier, Mike Wright


Co-editors: Mattias Nordqvist, Leif Melin

Co-editors: Kimberly A Eddleston, James J Chrisman, Lloyd P Steier, Jess H Chua

FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW: Research in Accounting in Family Firms
Co-editors: Carlo Salvato, Ken Moores

Co-editors: Carole Howorth and Paul Westhead

Co-editors: William S Schulze, Eric R Gedajlovic


ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE: Embeddedness perspective of economic actions within family firms
Co-editors: Lloyd P Steier, Jess H Chua, James J Chrisman

FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW: Family Capital, Family Business & Free Enterprise
Co-editors: Ritch L. Sorenson, Leonard Bierman

Co-editors: Justin Craig, Ken Moores, Carole Howorth and Panikkos Poutziouris.


ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE: Toward a Theoretical Basis of Understanding the Dynamics of Strategic Performance in Family Firms
Co-editors: James J Chrisman, Lloyd P Steier, Jess H Chua


Co-editors: James J Chrisman, Pramodita Sharma, Simon Taggar


ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE: Personalism, Particularism and the Competitive Behaviors and Advantages of Family Firms: An Introduction
Co-editors: James J Chrisman, Lloyd P Steier, Jess H Chua


ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE: Sources and Consequences of Distinctive Familiness: An Introduction
Co-editors: James J Chrisman, Jess H Chua, Lloyd P Steier


ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE: Entrepreneurial Management & Governance in Family Firms:An Introduction
Co-editors: Lloyd P Steier, James J Chrisman, Jess H Chua


ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE: Extending the Theoretical Horizons of Family Business Research
Co-editors: Jess H Chua, James J Chrisman, Lloyd P Steier

Co-editors: James J Chrisman, Jess H Chua, Lloyd P Steier

Co-editors: Edward G Rogoff & Ramona K Z Heck

Family Business and Entrepreneurship Centers

The centers listed below represent family business programs that offer either courses, forums, peer groups or family business related programs.

Dr. Dave KetchenLowder Eminent Scholar and ProfessorLowder Center for Family Business and EntrepreneurshipAlabama, USA
Shauna FethExecutive DirectorAlberta Business Family InstituteAlberta, Canada
Dave RobertsonDirectorUniversity of Arkansas- Ft. Smith Family Enterprise CenterArkansas, USA
Judi CunninghamVice ChairUniversity of British Columbia Business Families CentreBritish Columbia, Canada
Ed HartDirectorCenter for Family Business at UC FullertonCalifornia, USA
Monika HudsonDirectorGellert Family Business Resource Center at USFCalifornia, USA
Peter JohnsonDirectorInstitute for Family Business at University of the PacificCalifornia, USA
Paul SessionsDirectorCenter for Family BusinessConnecticut, USA
Greg McCannDirectorFamily Enterprise Center at Stetson UniversityFlorida, USA
Mark HiattExecutive DirectorFamily Enterprise Center at Kennesaw State UniversityGeorgia, USA
Judy HogelExecutive DirectorChicago Family Business Council at DePaul UniversityIllinois, USA
Panikkos PoutziourisPresidentIFERA- International Family Enterprise Research AcademyIllinois, USA
Andrew KeytExecutive DirectorFamily Business Center at Loyola University ChicagoIllinois, USA
John WardCo DirectorThe Center for Family EnterprisesIllinois, USA
Jon GeiserDirectorGoshen College Family Business ProgramIndiana, USA
Mattias NordqvistDirectorCenter for Family Enterprise and OwnershipJonkoping, Sweden
Kirk Ring WSU Center for Entrepreneurship and the Kansas Family Business ForumKansas, USA
Kathleen B. HoyeDirectorUniversity of Louisville Family Business CenterKentucky, USA
Robert JustisDirectorLSU Stephenson Entrepreneurship InstituteLouisiana, USA
Rosalind G. ButlerAssistant DirectorTulane University Family Business CenterLouisiana, USA
Gina WeathersbyDirectorInstitute for Family-Owned BusinessMaine, USA
Candida BrushDirectorThe Arthur M. Blank Center for EntrepreneurshipMassachusetts, USA
Ted ClarkExecutive DirectorCenter for Family Business at Northeastern UniversityMassachusetts, USA
Ira BryckDirectorUMass Amherst Family Business CenterMassachusetts, USA
Ellie FreyDirectorGrand Valley State Family Business AllianceMichigan, USA
Rejeana HeinrichAssociate DirectorStevens Center for Family Businesses at SVSUMichigan, USA
Jan HubbardDirectorWalsh Institute Leadership CenterMichigan, USA
Ann KinkadePresidentFamily Enterprise USAMinnesota, USA
Sara McGinleyDirectorMinnesota, USA
Craig EhlertAdjunct Instructor, ManagementMontana, USA
Barbara DraperDirectorNew Hampshire, USA
Kim DennisonProgram AdministratorNew Jersey, USA
Bill ReynoldsFBMCP AdvisorNew Jersey, USA
Donna HerlihyExecutive DirectorNew York, USA
Cindy ClarkeExecutive DirectorNorth Carolina, USA
Cooper Smith BiersachDirectorNorth Carolina, USA
Kathy BakerDirectorNorth Carolina, USA
Dianne H.B. WelshFounderNorth Carolina, USA
Elaine SibsonExecutive in Residence & Executive DirectorNova Scotia, Canada
Lawrence GryppPresidentOhio, USA
Deana R. GordonAssociate DirectorOhio, USA
Debbe SkutchDirectorOhio, USA
David SimpsonDirectorBusiness Families Centre (BFC) at the Richard Ivey School of BusinessOntario, Canada
Ted PatersonDirectorOregon, USA
Sally DerstineManaging DirectorPennsylvania, USA
Dr. Robert J. BoldinAdvisorPennsylvania, USA
Linda GentinoProgram AssistantPennsylvania, USA
Ann DuganAssistant DeanPennsylvania, USA
Lanie JordanExecutive DirectorWilkes University Family Business ForumPennsylvania, USA
Isabelle Le Breton Miller Quebec, Canada
Colette VanasseExecutive DirectorQuebec, Canada
Beth AdamsonExecutive DirectorPrairie Family Business AssociationSouth Dakota, USA
  St. Gallen, Switzerland
Dawn MaitzAssociate DirectorTexas, USA
  Texas, USA
William J. Worthington IVDirectorTexas, USA
Daniel G. Van Der VlietDirectorVermont, USA
Charles GallagherDirectorVirginia, USA
Deb HoudenDirectorWisconsin, USA
Catherine HuybersDirectorWisconsin, USA


Family Business Surveys and Findings

A collection of recent family business surveys collected from around the globe.

NameYearInstitution or Sponsoring Organization
On the Minds of Family Enterprise Owners2013Family Enterprise USA
Succession Planning the Next Gen Way2013SEI
Coming home or breaking free2012Ernst & Young, University of St. Gallen
On the Minds of Family Business2012Family Enterprise USA
Family firm: A resilient model for the 21st century (PDF)2012PwC
Family Business Confidence Survey2012Elizabethtown College
Annual Family Business Survey2011Family Enterprise USA
Family Business-Best-in-Class with Minor Flaws2011Egon Zehnder International
When Is a Family Business Not a Family Business2011Rothstein Kass
The MGI Australian Family and Private Business Survey2010RMIT University
Kin in the Game2010PwC
Australia's Top 100 Private Family Firms2009Dealin University
Women in Family Enterprises2009Family Business Solutions
Family Business Program Survey2009University of Connecticut, Connecticut Business and Industry Association
KPMG and Family Business Australia Survey of Family Businesses2009KPMG
Barclays Wealth Insights2009Barclays Wealth
Emotional Ownership2008Institute for Family Business (UK)
Family Business Management Perspectives Succession2008Institute for Family Business
MGI New Zealand Family & Private Business Survey2007RMIT University
Laird Norton Tyee Family to Family Survey2007Laird Norton Tyee
Next-Generation Wealth Management2007IBM and Actuate
American Family Business Survey2007MassMutual, Kennesaw State University and Family Firm Institute
Women in Family Owned Businesses2003Babson College
American Family Business Survey2003Loyala University Chicago, Kennesaw State University and Babson College

If you have conducted a large sample family business survey and wish to share your findings through this site, please email Pramodita "Dita" Sharma.

Additional Resources

Degree Programs

Family business-related degree programs are listed below.

  • Graduate Certificate of Management (Deakin University)
  • Family Business Masters Programs (Bond University, Australia)

If you would like to have your school's FB degree program posted, please email Pramodita "Dita" Sharma.

Family Business Online Programs

University of Minnesota

This website is designed to contribute to family and business vitality. It includes research, worksheets, interactive assessments, short audio-streamed Powerpoint presentations, publications, and links to other sites.

Family Business Cases

Join the FERC Listserv


This is a private listserv for members of the family business scholarly community.
As of April 2024, there are over 800 members on this list.

  1. To add your name to the FERC mailing list, please send an email to listserv@list.uvm.edu with no subject line and only the following text in the body: subscribe FERC [first_name] [last_name]
    • You will receive an email shortly after. In the body of this message there will be a URL you need to click on to confirm your email address.
  2. To send a message to everyone on the mailing list, please send an email to ferc@list.uvm.edu and it will be forwarded to all subscribers.
  3. If you wish to leave this list, you may do so at any time by sending the command “unsubscribe FERC” as the only line in the body of a message with no subject line to the mailing list server at listserv@list.uvm.edu

We hope you enjoy being a member of the "Family Enterprise Research Conference." If you have any additional questions about this list, please email sawyer.zundel@uvm.edu

Past Conferences


Oregon State University, USA

May 30-June 1, 2024


  • Ted Paterson, Oregon State University, USA

Academic Program Co-Chairs

  • Clay Dibrell, University of Mississippi, USA
  • Eric Clinton, Dublin City University Business School, IRELAND
  • Catherine Faherty, Dublin City University Business School, IRELAND
  • Kincy Madison, Oklahoma State University, USA
  • Evelyn Micelotta, University of Ottawa, CANADA
  • Don Neubaum, Florida Atlantic University, USA
  • Ted Paterson, Oregon State University, USA
  • Chelsea Sherlock, Mississippi State University, USA
  • Natalia Vershinina, Audencia Business School, FRANCE 


  • 35 attendees
  • 16 posters presented

Awards Presented

  • FERC Lifetime Influence and Impact Award for providing sustained and distinguished leadership toward the growth and development of family businesses and/or family business research and scholars. [Sponsored by Trinity Real Estate].
    • Luis Gomez-Mejia, Arizona State University, USA
  • Best Poster Award
    • Management Innovation Adoption Process in Family SMEs: Exploration of Micro-Foundations
      • Ali Azouz (ESG-UQAM, Canada)

Presentation Socioemotional Wealth (SEW) – Its Foundation and Evolution 

  • Two Runner Up Awards
    • Warning! Families Are Withdrawing from Business: The Role of Property Rights Protection Environmental Deterioration, Entrepreneurs’ Internationalization and Domestic Political Background
      • Peng Ren (University of Louisville, USA)
      • Daniel Bennett (University of Louisville, USA)
    • The two sides of dual relationships: How parent-child dyads perceive their business-family duality affects the child’s entrepreneurial behavior
      • Alisa Jno-Charles (Babson College, USA
      • Keith Rollag (Babson College, USA)
      • Patricia Guinan (Babson College, USA)

Research Seminars

  • Theoretical Contributions (Evelyn Rita Micelotta, University of Ottawa, Canada)
  • Micro Topics in Family Business (Ben McLarty, Rowan University; James Vardaman, University of Memphis)

Professional Development Workshops

  • “I Have an Idea… Now What?!” (Mel Fulgate, Mississippi State University)
  • The Anatomy of an FBR Best Paper Award Winner (Ali Azouz, University of Quebec in Montreal School of Management)
  • The importance of seeing eye to eye: Congruence approaches to family business research (Benjamin D. McLarty, Mississippi State University; James M. Vardaman, University of Memphis; Min Carter, Southern Illinois University)
  • Going Behind-the-Scenes of FBR’s Review Issue (Kincy Madison, Oklahoma State University; Josh Daspit, Texas State University)



Florida Atlantic University, USA

June 15-17, 2023 

Academic Program Co-Chairs

  • Eric Clinton, Dublin City University, IRELAND
  • Clay Dibrell, University of Mississippi, USA
  • Catherine Faherty, Dublin City University, IRELAND
  • Kincy Madison, Oklahoma State University, USA
  • Natalia Vershinina, Audencia Business School, FRANCE
  • Don Neubaum, Florida Atlantic University, USA


  • 70 attendees
  • Six categories of awards worth #13,500 were presented:
    • FERC Lifetime Influence and Impact Award for providing sustained and distinguished leadership toward the growth and development of family businesses and/or family business research and scholars.
      • Tom Lumpkin (University of Oklahoma, USA)
      • Michael A. Hitt (Texas A & M University, USA)
    • Family-Owned Business Institute (FOBI) Scholar in Residence ($13,500, sponsored by FOBI at Grand Valley State University). One individual selected each year to travel to Grand Valley State University and work with faculty, students, and community members on researching and teaching family business.
      • Nadine Kammerlander (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, GERMANY)
    • Danny Holt Best Doctoral Poster Award
      • You must leave for the benefit of the whole: A multi case study on the sensemaking of dismissals of long-term employees in family firms.
        • Reimar Belschner, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, GERMANY         
        • Nadine Kammerlander, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, GERMANY
  • Best Qualitative Poster Award
    • Continuity or destruction: The role of dyadic intergenerational exchange in the transmission of an entrepreneurial family’s legacy.
      • Rolf Wilmes, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, GERMANY     
      • Peter Truemmel, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, ITALY
      • Nadine Kammerlander, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, GERMANY
      • Alfredo De Massis, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, ITALY      
  • Best Quantitative Poster Award
    • Political corruption and family businesses. An empirical study in Tunisia.
      • Amira Hammouda, South Champagne Business School, FRANCE
      • Sami Basly, Paris Nanterre University, FRANCE
  • Best Poster Award
    • Whistleblowing in family firms: Power and justice dynamics.
      • Clarisse Lafleur, Bond University, AUSTRALIA
      • Tim Hasso, Bond University, AUSTRALIA
      • Francesco Barbera, Toronto Metropolitan University, CANADA

Universidad de los Andes, Colombia (virtual)

May 24-27, 2021

Academic Program Co-Chairs

• Eric Clinton, Dublin City University, IRELAND
• Josh Daspit, Texas State University, USA
• Luis Díaz Matajira, Universidad de los Andes, COLOMBIA
• Danny Holt, Louisiana State University, USA
• Don Neubaum, Florida Atlantic University, USA
• Pramodita Sharma, Grossman School of Business, University of Vermont, USA


• 112 attendees from 24 countries (4 continents)
51 research video presentations made. Called 5&5 presentations, these were five minute video presentations with a maximum of five slides. Coordinated by Josh Daspit, Luis Matajira, Eric Clinton, and Clay Dibrell.

• 11 scholars from eight countries attended the Research Seminar. Chaired by Danny Holt, participants learned from the following thought-leaders:
     Cristina Cruz, IE Business School, SPAIN
     Nadine Kammerlander, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, GERMANY
     David Reeb, National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE

Virtual Professional Development Workshops (vPDWs) were chaired by Don Neubaum and focused on the following topics:
     Making a Theoretical Contribution
     Exploring the “Fertile Territory” at the Intersection of Positive Organizational Scholarship and Family Business Research
     SAGE Publishing´s Family Business Cases Series
     Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship Practices: Involving Students in Family Business Research
     Spanish FERC Discussion Group
     Family Business Network (FBN) and Sustainability
     Surviving Service: How to Build a Career while Contributing to the Community

• Three Practical Insights Videos were premiered. Organized by Pramodita Sharma and conducted by Thomas Clark of the Family Enterprise Foundation, these short videos called 3n3 featured practical insights from authors of peer reviewed publications since 2015 in three minutes using three slides. Top three videos:
     “Diagnosing Innovation Readiness in Family Firms” by Danny Holt (Louisiana State University, USA) and Josh Daspit (Texas State University, USA)
     “Digital Transformation in Family-Owned Mittelstand Firms” by Jonas Soluk (WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, GERMANY) and Nadine Kammerlander (WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, GERMANY)
     “Sex and Gender in Family Business Succession Research” by Teresa Nelson (Simmons University, USA) and Christina Constantinidis (University of Quebec in Montreal, CANADA)

Three small group virtual networking sessions were held. These were organized by Pramodita Sharma (University of Vermont) and Luis Diaz-Matajira (Universidad de los Andes)

Awards Presented

Seven categories of awards worth $13,900 were presented:

• FERC Lifetime Influence and Impact Award for providing sustained and distinguished leadership toward the growth and development of family businesses and/or family business research and scholars
     Danny Miller (HEC Montreal, CANADA)
     Isabelle Le Breton-Miller (HEC Montreal, CANADA)
     Lloyd Steier (Alberta School of Business, CANADA)

• Family-Owned Business Institute (FOBI) Scholar in Residence ($12,500, sponsored by FOBI at Grand Valley State University). One individual selected each year to travel to Grand Valley State University and work with faculty, students, and community members on researching and teaching family business.
     Eric Clinton (Dublin City University, IRELAND)

• Best Research Video ($500, sponsored by FOBI at Grand Valley State University)
     “Business Incubator Cooperations: Family Firms' Access to Knowledge and Trust within Entrepreneurial Ecosystems”
          • David Sauer (WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, GERMANY)
          • Nadine Kammerlander (WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, GERMANY)

• Best Paper on Family Firm Entrepreneurship & Innovation ($250, sponsored by McCoy College of Business at Texas State University)
     “Next-Gen as a Lever for Innovation: An Exploration of Gender and Succession Dynamics”
          • Christina Constantinidis (University of Quebec in Montreal, CANADA)
          • Issaka Oumarou Harou (University of Quebec in Montreal, CANADA)

• Best Paper on Diversity in the Family Firm ($250, sponsored by McCoy College of Business at Texas State University)
     “Women's Leadership and Leverage Decisions. Exploring the Nature of Family Firms and their Governance”
          • Alfredo De Massis (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, ITALY, and Lancaster University, UK, and Zhejiang University, CHINA) 
          • Fernando Muñoz-Bullon (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, SPAIN)
          • Maria J. Sanchez-Bueno (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, SPAIN)
          • Pilar Velasco (Universidad de Valladolid, SPAIN) 
          • Silvio Vismara (University of Bergamo, ITALY)

• Best Feedback Awards ($100, sponsored by University of Vermont)
     Myriam Cano-Rubio (Universidad de Jaen, SPAIN)
     Rocky-Lee DeWitt (University of Vermont, USA)
     Catherine Faherty (Dublin City University, IRELAND)
     Alexander Bergfeld (University of Antwerp, BELGIUM)


University of Vermont Grossman School of Business, Burlington, VT, USA

May 30-June 2, 2019

Academic Program Co-Chairs

  • Eric Clinton, Dublin City University Business School, IRELAND
  • Josh Daspit, Texas State University, USA
  • Luis Díaz Matajira, Universidad de los Andes, COLOMBIA
  • Danny Holt, Mississippi State University, USA
  • Tom Lumpkin, University of Oklahoma, USA
  • Don Neubaum, Florida Atlantic University, USA
  • Pramodita Sharma, Grossman School of Business, Univ. of Vermont, USA


  • 134 attendees, from 81 institutions in 22 countries
  • 86 reviewers involved (each reviewer provided between 1 and 3 reviews)
  • 61 posters presented, two of which were in Spanish
  • The inaugural Research Academy was attended by 13 scholars. Chaired by Danny Holt, the eight Seminar Leaders are listed alphabetically below:
    • Jim Chrisman, Mississippi State University, USA
    • Jim Combs, University of Central Florida, USA
    • Mike Hitt, Texas Christian University & Texas A&M, USA
    • Peter Jaskiewicz, University of Ottawa, CANADA
    • Isabelle Le Breton-Miller, HEC Montreal, CANADA
    • Danny Miller, HEC Montreal, CANADA
    • Mattias Nordqvist, Jönköping University, SWEDEN
    • Thomas Zellweger, University of St. Gallen, SWITZERLAND
  • The inaugural Professional Development Workshops (PDWs) were chaired by Don Neubaum and focused on the following topics:
    • Content Analysis
    • Research Opportunities in Latin American Family Business Centers
    • Heterogeneity in Family Business & Business Families
    • Case Method as a Learning Tool for Wicked Family Business Problems
    • Qualitative Development & Quantitative Testing of Grounded Theory
    • Reviewing for Academic Journals
  • Twelve scholars attended the STEP Latin American Meeting chaired by Luis Diaz-Matajira.
  • The keynote speakers and panel are listed below:
    • Family Business @ Top, Bottom, Centerfold, and Edges of the Economy & Society
      • Sophie Bacq, Indiana University, USA
      • Josip Kotlar, Lancaster University, UK
      • Rob Nason, Concordia University, CANADA
      • Trent Williams, Indiana University, USA
    • Impact Investing
      • Laurie Lane-Zucker, Founding CEO, Impact Entrepreneur, USA
      • Charles Schnitzlein, Grossman School of Business, University of Vermont, USA
      • Thomas Zellweger, University of St. Gallen, SWITZERLAND
    • Moving From Conference Presentation To Publication
      • Isabelle Le Breton-Miller, HEC Montreal, CANADA
      • Nadine Kammerlander, WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management, GERMANY
      • Tyge Payne, Texas Tech University, USA

Awards Presented

Seven categories of awards worth $17,000 were presented:

  • FERC Lifetime Influence and Impact Award for providing sustained and distinguished leadership toward the growth and development of family businesses and/or family business research and scholars
    • Joe Astrachan, Kennesaw State University, USA
    • Jess Chua, University of Calgary, CANADA
  • Family Owned Business Institute (FOBI) Scholar in Residence ($12,500, sponsored by FOBI at Grand Valley State University). One individual selected each year to travel to Grand Valley State University and work with faculty, students, and community members on researching and teaching family business.
    • Hanqing “Chevy” Fang, Assistant Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
  • Best Poster Award ($750 each, sponsored by FOBI at Grand Valley State University)
    • WINNER 1: French CEO Values and Family Business Identity
      • Miruna Radu Lefebvre, Audencia Business School, FRANCE
      • Vincent Lefebvre, Audencia Business School, FRANCE
      • Luis Diaz Matajira, Universidad de los Andes, COLOMBIA
    • WINNER 2: Stairway to Tax Heaven: Network Positions and Social Influences of Family-Owned Offshore Entities in the Panama Papers
      • Ambra Mazzelli, Asia School of Business & Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MALAYSIA
      • Robert Nason, Concordia University, CANADA
  • Best Contribution to Practice ($750 each, sponsored by MCS Family Wealth Advisors) is given to the project that offers unique insights to the nuances of the family business and its stakeholders AND that can be used by family business educators in the classroom to inform both current and future generations of the family business.
    • WINNER 1: Start-ups of the next-gen: A qualitative and quantitative study on young entrepreneurs from entrepreneurial families.
      • Larissa Leitner, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, GERMANY
      • Nadine Kammerlander, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, GERMANY
    • WINNER 2: Family Business Shareholder Liquidity Agreements: A Conceptual Exploration of Antecedents, Strategies, and Consequences
      • Claudia Binz Astrachan, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, SWITZERLAND
      • Joseph Astrachan, Kennesaw State University, USA
      • Anneleen Michiels, Hasselt University, BELGIUM
      • Josip Kotlar, Politecnico di Milano, ITALY
  • Best Project Related To Transgenerational Entrepreneurship STEP Poster Award ($500, Complimentary registration for the STEP Global Summit 2020 in Asia-Pacific, sponsored by the STEP Research Project) is given to the project that focuses on transgenerational entrepreneurship, leverages either qualitative or quantitative data sources. This award seeks to encourage early stage researchers who are investigating entrepreneurship in multi-generational family firms.
    • A social exchange approach of spousal influence on intergenerational succession
    • Miruna Radu Lefebvre, Audencia Business School, FRANCE
    • Valérie Denis, ICHEC Brussels Management School, BELGIUM
  • Best Contribution to Family Business Education ($500, sponsored by Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara) is given to the project that offers unique insights to the nuances of the family business and its stakeholders AND that can be used by family business educators in the classroom to inform both current and future generations of the family business.
    • ¿Se debe el éxito de la internacionalizatión de la empresa familiar a motivos económicos, y/o estratégicos, y/o familiares?
      • Valeriano Sanchez-Famoso, University of the Basque Country, SPAIN
      • Myriam Cano-Rubio, Universidad de Jaen, SPAIN
      • Guadalupe Fuentes-Lombardo, Universidad de Jaen, SPAIN
  • Best Reviewer Awards ($500, sponsored by Florida Atlantic University)
    • Best Overall Reviewer
      • Ivona Ljumic, Università della Svizzera Italiana, SWITZERLAND
    • Outstanding Reviewers
      • Navneet Bhatnagar, Indian School of Business, INDIA
      • Myriam Cano-Rubio, Universidad de Jaen, SPAIN
      • Guadalupe Fuentes Lombardo, Universidad de Jaen, SPAIN
      • Carolin Neffe, Muenster University of Applied Sciences, GERMANY
      • Dustin Odom, Mississippi State University, USA

Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara, Mexico

June 7-10, 2018 hosted by 


  • Fernanda Canale Segovia, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico
  • Josh Daspit, Texas State University, USA
  • Luis Díaz-Matajira, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
  • Luis Jiménez-Castillo, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico
  • Héctor Ramírez-Pérez, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico


  • 71 attendees
  • 50 Institutions and 20 Countries represented by attendees.
  • 58 reviewers who provided three reviews each
  • 77 submissions received, 55 posters presented including 11 in Spanish.
  • Career Academy was attended by over 50 scholars. It was chaired by Cristina Cruz and Tyge Payne. Presenters are listed alphabetically below:
    • Ricardo Aparicio, IPADE Business School, Mexico
    • Horacio Arredondo, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Chile
    • Rodrigo Basco, American University of Sharjah, UAE
    • Isabel Botero, Stetson University, USA
    • Joshua Daspit, Texas State University, USA
    • Devin DeCiantis, Kellogg School of Management, USA
    • Daniel Holt, Mississippi State University, USA
    • Albert James, Dalhousie University, Canada
    • María Concepción López-Fernández, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
    • Eleanor Hamilton, Lancaster University, UK
    • Claudio Müller, Universidad de Chile, Chile
    • Donald Neubaum, Florida Atlantic University, USA
    • Ramón Sanguino, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
    • Pramodita Sharma, University of Vermont, USA
    • Tyge Payne, Texas Tech University, USA
  • 10 scholars attended the STEP Meeting, where North and South American academics meet.
  • The keynote speakers for our conference were:
    • Mr. Devin DeCiantis, Adjunct Lecturer of Family Enterprise, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.
    • Dr. Ivan Lansberg, Adjunct Professor of Family Enterprise and Academic co-director of Family Enterprise Programs, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. Co-founder: Lansberg, Gersick & Associates.
    • Dr. Eleanor Hamilton, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Lancaster University Management School.
    • Dr. Kelin Gersick, Professor Emeritus of Organizational Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology. Co-founder: Lansberg, Gersick & Associates.

Awards Presented

Ten categories of awards worth more than $21,750 were presented:

  1. Best Overall English Poster Award - $1,500 winner (2) - $1,500 each (sponsored by MCS Family Wealth Advisors) Best overall project and poster.
    The Impact of Socioemotional Wealth on the Relationship between the Dark Triad of Personality (Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) and Family Firm Employee Job Performance

    • Benjamin D. McLarty, Mississippi State University
    • Daniel T. Holt, Mississippi State University

    Are Family Firms the Same “Animal” but a Different “Beast”? An Experiment on Decision-Making in Family and Non-family Organizations

    • Ivona Ljumic, USI, Switzerland
    • Gianluca Colombo, USI, Switzerland
  2. Best Applied Poster Award - $1,500 winner (sponsored by MCS Family Wealth Advisors) Best overall project and poster with valuable practical application.
    Resolving the Paradox between Tradition and Innovation in Family Firms
    • Irmak Erdogan, Altınbaş Üniversitesi, Turkey
    • Emanuela Rondi, Free University of Bozen - Bolzano, Italy
    • Alfredo De Massis, Free University of Bozen - Bolzano, Italy
  3. Best Spanish Poster - $1,000 winner (Sponsored by Familias Empresarias Management Consulting) Best project and poster presented in Spanish.
    El rol de las dificultades percibidas para cooperar en empresas familiares internacionales
    • Myriam Cano-Rubio, University of Jaen, Spain
    • Valeriano Sanchez-Famoso, University of the Basque Country, Spain
    • Guadalupe Fuentes-Lombardo, University of Jaen, Spain
  4. Best Practice-Oriented Spanish Poster Award - $750 winner (Sponsored by Grupo LORSA) Best project and poster with practical implications presented in Spanish.
    El Emprendimiento Transgeneracional: El caso del programa de creación de valor de la empresa familiar en el Tec de Monterrey
    • Fernando Sandoval-Arzaga, ITESM, Mexico
  5. Best Innovation and Entrepreneurship Poster Award - $1,000 winner (Sponsored by Grupo HAZ) Best project and poster presented that contributes to Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Family Firms.
    Achieving the Right Balance: A Paradoxical View of Socioemotional Wealth
    • Horacio Arredondo, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile
    • Cristina Cruz, Instituto de Empresa, Spain
  6. Best STEP Poster Award - $1,000 winner (sponsored by the STEP Research Project) Best project and poster using data from STEP.
    Women’s involvement in family businesses and its effect on performance
    • Ana González, Grand Valley State University, USA
    • Yeny Rodriguez, Universidad Icesi, Colombia
    • Carol Sanchez, Grand Valley State University, USA
  7. UP Gold Award – One gold coin winner (sponsored by Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara) Best project and poster that contributes to family business education.
    The Collaborative Family Business: Toward a Rational Theory of Family Firm Longevity
    • Jackie Milbrandt, University of St. Thomas, USA
    • Ritch Sorenson, University of St. Thomas, USA
    • Jeffrey Chandler, Texas Tech University, USA
  8. Best Reviewer Award - $500 winner (sponsored by Florida Atlantic University) Single best overall conference reviewer.
    • Myriam Cano-Rubio, University of Jaen, Spain
  9. Family Owned Business Institute (FOBI) Scholar in Residence - $12,500 winner (sponsored by FOBI at Grand Valley State University) One individual selected each year to travel to Grand Valley State University and work with faculty, students, and community members on researching and teaching family business.
    • Anneleen Michiels, University of Hasselt, Belgium
  10. FERC Lifetime Influence and Impact Award for providing sustained and distinguished leadership toward the growth and development of family businesses and/or family business research and scholars
    • IVAN LANSBERG, Adjunct Professor of Family Enterprise and Academic co-director of Family Enterprise Programs, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University; Lansberg, Gersick & Associates.
    • KELIN GERSICK, Professor Emeritus of Organizational Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology. Lansberg, Gersick & Associates.

Journal Special Issues Associated with FERC 2018

  • Co-editors: Isabel C. Botero, Ana González and Luis Díaz-Matajira.
  • Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (ET&P) Special Issue on Family Business Special in partnership with the Theories of Family Enterprise (ToFE) conference.
    Co-editors: Jim Chrisman, Jess Chua, Pramodita Sharma & Lloyd Steier.

  • Co-editors: Luis Gomez-Mejia, Claudio G. Müller, Ana Gonzalez & Rodrigo Basco.
    Co-editors: Albert James, Elias Hadjielias, Maribel Guerrero, Allan Discua Cruz, and Rodrigo Basco.

UNC Asheville Family Business Forum, Asheville, NC, USA

June 8-10, 2017


  • Cindy Clarke, UNC Asheville Family Business Forum, Asheville, NC, USA; Logistics Chair
  • Kayla Dunn, UNC Asheville Family Business Forum, Asheville, NC, USA; Logistics Chair
  • Dianne H. B. Welsh, UNC Greensboro, NC, USA; Academic Program Chair;
  • Franz W. Kellermanns, UNC Charlotte, NC, USA; Career Academy Chair;
  • Donna Boone Parsons, Mars Hill University, NC, USA; Coordinating Chair;


  • 84 Scholar Attendees; With guests 112
  • 63 Institutions from 27 countries represented
  • 69 Papers Accepted; 53 Papers Presented
  • 80 Reviewers
  • Career Academy had the largest attendance ever at FERC with over 50 scholars. It was held at the campus of UNC Asheville. Presenters included Professors Frank Hoy, Franz Kellermanns, Leif Melin, Donna Parsons, Allison Pearson, Torsten Pieper, Justin Webb, and Dave Woehr.
  • Speakers on FERC opening night were Asheville City Mayor Esther Manheimer, UNC Asheville Chancellor Mary Grant, and the keynote was Dini Pickering, fourth generation family member of the Biltmore Estate shared her perspective on building bridges across generations while growing a legacy firm.
  • Dr. Frank Hoy, Paul R. Beswick Professor @ the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Worcester Polytechnic Institute was the Keynote speaker of the conference.
  • Panel discussion about leadership preparation for the next generation was moderated by Dr. Steve Miller, Gen-Span and UNC Chapel Hill. Panelists were:
    • Trevor Astey, Togar Rugs
    • Karl Koon, Asheville Oil
    • Don Parker, SAS Institute
    • Dini Pickering, The Biltmore Company
  • Round table discussion with editors included:
    • Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice w. Franz Kellermanns
    • Family Business Review w. Pramodita Sharma
    • International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business; And, Journal of Small Business Strategy w. Frank Hoy and Dianne Welsh
    • Journal of Ethics and Entrepreneurship w. Christine Sutton
    • Journal of Family Business Strategy w. Torsten Pieper
    • Journal of Management Studies w. Frank Hoy
  • The award ceremony on Friday night was a grand success.  It was off site at a family owned 200-year-old stage coach inn, known as Sherrill’s Inn.  The night consisted of a tour of the Inn and grounds, followed by buffet dinner, a professional storyteller, photographs, awards, and square dancing.

Awards Presented

Five categories of awards with prize money of $ 19,500 were presented:

  1. Best English Poster - $ 1500 each (Sponsored by MCS Family Wealth Advisors these were presented by FERC Co-President Michael Stalker)
    • An Empirical Assessment of the Validity and Reliability of the Socioemotional Wealth (SEW) Concept
      • Daniel T. Holt, Mississippi State University, USA
      • Emma Su, Mississippi State University, USA
      • Allison Pearson, Mississippi State University, USA
      • Lorenzo Lucianetti, University of Chieti and Pescara, Italy
      • Jay Orr, Mississippi State University, USA
    • Mapping Cognitive Dimensions and Processes of Value Creation in Family Firms
      • Shiva Nadavulakere, Saginaw Valley State University, USA
      • Anushri Rawat, East Michigan University, USA
    • Does Non-Family CEO Advantage Depend on Firm Growth and Area of Management Practice? A Contingency Perspective
      • Atanu Rakshit, Nazarbayev University, Khazakstan
      • Dmitry Khanin, Nazarbayev University, Khazakstan
  2. Best poster aligned with the conference theme: Bridging the Gap - $1500 (Sponsored by Family Business Center, Opus College of Business, University of St. Thomas; Presented by Center Director Prof. Ritch Sorenson)
    • Seeing Forests for the Trees: Knowledge Diversity and Causation Logics in Family Firms
      • Robert Randolph, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
      • Esra Memili, University of North Carolina – Greensboro, USA
      • Dilek Nayir, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
      • Hanqing "Chevy" Fang, Missouri University of Science & Technology, USA
  3. Best Spanish Poster - $1000 (Sponsored by Familias Empresarias Management Consulting; Presented by Claudio Müller, School of Economics and Business, University of Chile)
    • Ambidextria Organizativa y Emprendimiento Corporativo en la Empresa Familiar
      • Tomas Bañegil, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
      • Ascensión Barroso, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
      • Cristina Barriuso, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
      • Ramón Sanguino, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
  4. Family Owned Business Institute (FOBI), Scholar in Resident Award - $ 12,500 (Sponsored by the Seidman College of Business; Presented by FOBI Director Ana Cristina)
    • Isabel Botero, Stetson University, USA
  5. FERC Lifetime Influence and Impact Awards (Presented by FERC Co-Presidents Allison Pearson and Michael Stalker)
    • Frank Hoy, Foisie Business School, Beswick Professor & Director, Collaborative for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
    • Leif Melin, Professor Emeritus, Centre for Family Enterprise and Ownership, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden
    • Ritch Sorenson, Professor of Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship Department College of Arts and Sciences Family Studies, St. Thomas University, USA
  6. Special Awards for appreciation of dedicated service to outgoing Co-Presidents Allison Pearson and Michael Stalker were presented by their successors Don Neubaum and Pramodita Sharma

Journal Special Issues Associated with FERC 2017

  • Journal of Family Business Strategy represented by Torsten M. Pieper
    Fast track review for FERC 2017 authors that submit their papers for consideration for publication in a regular issue.
  • Journal of Small Business Strategy represented by Dianne Welsh
    Special issue for FERC 2017 - Internationalization Strategies of Family Firms: Challenges and Perspectives.
  • International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business represented by Dianne Welsh
    Special issue for FERC 2017: Immigrant, Gender, and Succession Issues in Family Firms.

Fundação Dom Cabral, Aloysio Faria Campus, Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil

June 2-6, 2016


  • Teresa Roscoe, Fundação Dom Cabral, Brazil; Conference Chair
  • Raj Mahto, University of New Mexico, USA; Academic Program Chair
  • Claudio G. Müller, University of Chile, Chile; Spanish / Portuguese, Program & Career Academy Chair


  • 69 Registrants, about 75 total including guests
  • 60 Institutions from19 countries represented
  • 87 submissions from 154 authors received
  • 97 reviewers
  • 49 posters presented including 16 in Spanish and Portuguese 
  • 37 scholars attended the English Career Academy and 27 attended the Portuguese / Spanish sessions. Presenters included Pramodita Sharma, John Perry, Kincy Madison, Manisha Singal, Ascensión Barros, Melquicedec Lozano, Horacio Arrendondo, Ana Cristina Gonzalez, and Luis Felipe Cisneros.
  • The three keynote speakers for the conference were:
    • Dr. Paulo Vincente dos Santos Alves, Fundação Dom Cabral, Brazil
    • Dr. Allison Pearson, W.L. Giles Distinguished Professor of Management, Mississippi State University, USA
    • Dr. Pramodita Sharma, Professor and Sanders Chair in Family Business, Grossman School of Business, University of Vermont, USA
  • FERC in the news

Awards Presented

Five categories of awards worth over $ 25,000 were presented:

  1. Best English Poster - $ 1500 each (Sponsored by the Foisie School of Business at WPI)
    • Differences between how family and nonfamily employees perceive their  company’s ethics and their consequences
      • John Perry
    • (In)visibility – a family business?
      • Henrietta Nilson
    • An Overview of Family Business Succession Research: A Bibliometric Study
      • Mihai Ibanescu, Luis-Felipe Cisneros-Martinez, Odette Lobato, Juan Niebla Zataráin & Naïma Cherchem.
  2. Best Portuguese Poster - $1500 (Sponsored by Rich Simmonds and MCS Family Wealth Advisors)
    • Política de Investimentos de Empresas Familiares Brazileiras Pos-Crise De 2008
      • Thiago Henrique Moreira Goes, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. & Cláudio Antonio Pinheiro Machado Filho, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
  3. Best Spanish Poster - $1500 each (Sponsored by Familias Empresarias Management Consulting and  MCS Family Wealth Advisors)
    • La Orientación Emprendedora como Variable Dependiente de la Cultura en las Empresas Familiares
      • Ramón Sanguino, Ascensión Barroso, Óscar González & María Buenadicha. Universidad de Extremadura, Spain.
  4. FERC Special Drawing - iPad Air 2  (128GB) (Sponsored by the Anderson School of Management at University of New Mexico)
    • Fábio Frezatti, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
  5. Family Owned Business Institute (FOBI) Awards - $ 17,500 (Sponsored by the Seidman College of Business)
    • FOBI Scholar in Residence ($10,000 + $2,500 expense reimbursement for a visit to GVSU)
      • Daniel Holt, Mississippi State University, USA
    • FOBI Scholar Grant ($5,000)
      • Mastering Product Innovation in Family Business: Integrating Theory and Practice
      • Josip Kotlar and Alfredo de Massis, Lancaster University, UK

Journal Special Issues Associated with FERC 2016

  • Journal of Business Research: Family Firm Heterogeneity
    Special Issue Co-Editors: James J. Chrisman, Joshua J. Daspit, Raj V. Mahto, Allison W. Pearson, and Pramodita Sharma.
  • Journal of Small Business Strategy: Strategy in Small Family Firms
    Special Issue Co-Editors: Raj V. Mahto, Manisha Singal, Joshua J. Daspit, and Claudio G. Müller

University of Vermont Grossman School of Business, Burlington, Vermont, USA

June 4-7, 2015


  • Pramodita Sharma, University of Vermont, Vermont, USA
  • Manisha Singal, Virginia Tech, USA
  • Alexandra Dawson, Concordia University, Canada
  • Rebecca Long, Mississippi State University, USA
  • Claudio Müller, Universidad de Chile, Chile


  • 154 Registrants, 194 including guests
  • 101 Institutions and 27 Countries represented by attendees
  • 104 submissions received, 90 posters presented including 13 in Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Discussants were assigned to each poster.
  • Pre-conference events:
    • FBR Editors' Retreat
    • STEP Board, North and South American academic meetings, STEP Dinner
  • Chaired by Rebecca Long, the 1st FERC Career Academy was attended by around 80 participants. While 58 were formally registered, with the spread of buzz of this day, several walk in attendees joined!
    • Presenting scholars - Jim Chrisman, Josh Daspit, Clay Dibrell, Gibb Dyer, Kim Eddleston, Mark Green, Peter Jaskiewicz, Nadine Kammerlander, Claudio Mueller, Allison Pearson, Becky Reuber, Tyge Payne, Pramodita Sharma and Michael Stalker
  • The three keynote speakers for our conference were:
    • Dr. Stuart Hart, Steven Grossman Endowed Chair for Business Sustainability, ̽̽: The Sustainable Family and Enterprise
    • Mr. Fred P. Keller, Founder and Chair, Cascade Engineering: Why family businesses are needed now to solve some of the world's toughest problems
    • Dr. David Mitchell Reeb, Mr. & Mrs. Lin Jo Yan Professor in Banking and Finance National University of Singapore

Awards Presented

Five categories of awards worth $27,000 were presented during the 2015 FERC:

  1. Best Poster - $1,500 winner each (Sponsored by MCS Family Wealth Advisors)
    • The Earnings Game in Family Firms
      • Joachim Harms, Technische Universität München, Germany
    • The Buck Stops Here....and Here: A Study of Co-CEOS in Family Businesses
      • Annette Rahael, George Washington University, USA
      • Andrea Casey, George Washington University, USA
    • So What is Most Important for you? An Empirical Ranking of Non-financial Goals
      • Maximilian Rupprecht, Technische Universität München, Germany
      • Nadine Kammerlander, University of St Gallen, Switzerland
  2. Best poster Spanish / Portuguese Award - $1,500 winner (Sponsored by Familias Empresarias Management Consulting)
    • Associacao Entre Empresas Familiares: O Caso Do Vale Dos Vinhedos, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brasil
      • Juliana Hernandez, ADEP, Brazil
  3. International Entrepreneurship Award - $1,000 winner (Sponsored by ie-scholars.net)
    • Family Business Sustainability Across Cultures
      • Ricardo Fainsilber, California Institute of Integral Studies, Mexico
  4. Family Owned Business Institute (FOBI) Awards - $5,000 winner each (sponsored by the Seidman College of Business)
    • Exploring the role of Family Legacy on Decisions within Family Firms
      • Nathan Hammond, Mississippi State University
      • Allison Pearson, Mississippi State University
    • Family Firm Governance in an Emerging Market: How Family Firms Navigate Institutional Voids and Corruption
      • Kimberly Eddleston, Northeastern University D'Amore-McKim School
      • Ellie Banalievea, Northeastern University D'Amore-McKim School
      • Jay Mulki, Northeastern University D'Amore-McKim School
    • 1st FOBI Scholar in Residence ($10,000 award)
      • Josip Kotlar, Lancaster University Management School
  5. Lifetime Influence and Impact Award - Overview, Process, Citations
    Lifetime Influence and Impact Award presented to individuals who have provided sustained and distinguished leadership toward the growth and development of family businesses and/or family business research and scholars
    • James Chrisman, Mississippi State University, USA
    • Ken Moores, Bond University, Australia
    • Pramodita Sharma, University of Vermont, USA

Journal Special issues associated with the conference

  • Organization and Natural Environment: Sustainability & Family Business Special Issue co-editors: Pramodita Sharma, Justin Craig, Tyge Payne, and Sanjay Sharma. Due date: July 1, 2015
  • Special Issue co-editors: Alberto Gimeno, MariaJose Parada, and Claudio Muller. ARLA accepts papers in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Due Date: July 1, 2015
  • Special Issue co-editors: James J. Chrisman, Joshua J. Daspit, Rebecca G. Long, Allison W. Pearson, and Pramodita Sharma. Due Date: July 31, 2015.
  • Special Issue co-editors: Bart J. Debicki, Franz W. Kellermans, Alexandra Dawson, and Pramodita Sharma. Due Date: July 31, 2015

Oregon State University 

June 6-8, 2014


  • Don Neubaum, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
  • Sherri Noxel, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA

Organizing Committee

  • Kim Eddleston, D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Alex Stewart, Kohler Center for Entrepreneurship, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Conference Highlights

  • 85 Scholars attended
  • 60 Universities represented
  • 49 Posters presented
  • 14 Countries represented: Brazil, Canada, Chile, Columbia, France, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, United Kingdom, U.S.
  • 20 Scholars and 9 faculty participated in the Doctoral and Early Career Consortium
  • Research Advice
    • Writing to get Published & Handling an R&R, Pramodita Sharma
    • Methodology Trends: Micro and Macro Issues Allison Pearson (Micro Issues), Clay Dibrell (Macro Issues)
  • Teaching Advice
    • Creative Teaching Techniques, Roland Kidwell
    • Involving Family Businesses, Ritch Sorenson
  • Managing the Tenure Process
    • Handling the 3rd Year Review, Esra Memili
    • Strategies for T&P Success, Gibb Dyer
    • An Administrator's Perspective, Don Neubaum
  • Closing, Kimberly Eddleston

Awards Presented

Five categories of awards worth $31,500 were presented during the 2014 FERC.

  1. Best Poster on Family Business Education - $500 winner
    • A teaching model for Family Entrepreneurship
      • Kathleen Randerson, University of Grenoble - Alps
      • Alain Fayolle, EMLYON Business School
  2. Best Doctoral Student Contribution - $500 winner
    • Long-Term Orientation and Innovativeness in Multi-Generational Family Firms
      • Vanessa Diaz Moriana, Dublin City University
      • Eric Clinton, Dublin City University
      • Justin Craig, Northeastern University
  3. Best Poster - $1,500 winner each
    • The Untimely Death of a Founder: A Case Study on Intergeneration Innovation and Human Resource Practices
      • Francesco Barbera, Stetson University
      • Isabell Stamm , University of California Berkeley
      • Rocki-Lee DeWitt, University of Vermont
    • Facilitator or chock block: Do active predecessors inhibit organizational change in family business successions?
      • Jan Zybura, Mannheim University
    • Bridge and Buffer: Evidence of the Role of the Board of Directors in Family Firms
      • Cristina Bettinelli, University of Bergamo
      • Manisha Singal, Virginia Tech University
      • John Davis, Harvard Business School
  4. "Practitioner Focused" awards - $2,000 each
    • Leveraging tradition to innovate the family firm: Lessons for family business practitioners
      • Josip Kotlar, Lancaster University Management School
    • Exploring Effects of Family Involvements and HPWS on Managerial Turnover and Firm Performance Linkage
      • Miao-Ju Wang, National University of Tainan
    • Impact of Pay Satisfaction and Organizational Justice Perceptions on Family Firm Blue Collar Workers
      • Daniel Holt, Mississippi State University
    • Corporate Brand Identity: The Use of Social Media by Family Firm
      • John Perry, Wichita State University
    • Benefit Corporations and Family Businesses
      • Isaac Ison, Jackson State University
  5. Family Owned Business Institute Award Winners - $5,000 each
    • Bridging the Gap in Family Firm Innovation Research: Understanding Differences by Integrating Absortive Capacity.
      • Joshua J. Daspit, Mississippi State University
      • Rebecca G. Long, Mississippi State University
    • From Research to Practice: Planning for New Futures in Family Business Education
      • Alfredo De Massis, Lancaster University Management School
      • Josip Kotlar, Lancaster University Management School
    • Philanthropy in Family Firms: Understanding the governance of and the motivation for philanthropic efforts of family firms.
      • Isabel C. Botero, Gatton College of Business and Economics; University of Kentucky
      • Neus Feliu, Lansberg Gersick & Associates, New Haven, CT.
    • Organizational Crises in Family Firms: The effects on intergenerational innovation.
      • Francesco Barbera, Stetson University
      • Isabell Stamm, University of California - Berkeley
      • Rocki-Lee DeWitt, University of Vermont

Universidad del Desarrollo, Viña del Mar, Chile

May 17 to 19, 2013


  • Isabel C. Botero, University of Kentucky Gatton School of Business and Economics, USA
  • Claudio Müller V., School of Economics and Business Universidad de Chile, Chile

Organizing Committee

  • Dr. Allison W. Pearson, Mississippi State University, USA
  • Dr. Pramodita Sharma, University of Vermont & Babson College, USA
  • Dr. Frank Hoy, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
  • Dr. Alfredo De Massis, University of Bergamo, Italy

Conference Highlights

  • 60 submissions were received from authors in 19 countries.
    • For the first time, FERC welcomed authors from Ghana, Honduras, and Argentina.
    • A record 34% of submissions were from Latin American countries.
  • 51 papers were presented.
  • 5 FOBI winners from 2012 and 2011 presented their work at FERC:
    • Family businesses on the stock exchange: a dualities-perspective.
      Börje Boers and Mattias Nordqvist from Jönköping International Business School, Sweden.
    • Merging two intersections: Exploring the role of spiritual leadership within family firms.
      Kristen Madison and Franz Kellermanns from the University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA.
    • Family capital - a solution for entrepreneurial capacity over generations?
      Ethel Brundin and Leif Melin from Jönköping International Business School, Sweden.
    • Family ownership, succession intentions, and professionalization.
      Hanqing Chevy Fang, Mississippi State University; Esra Memili, University of North Carolina Greensboro; Robert Randolph, James J. Chrisman, and Tim Barnett from Mississippi State University, USA
    • The role of family capital on impoverished household entrepreneurial performance.
      Robert Nason, David Gras, and G. Thomas Lumpkin from Syracuse University, USA
  • 78 people attended this first scholarly conference on family enterprises in Chile
  • Dr. Alan Carsrud moderated a panel on experiences from family enterprises in Latin America. The presenters were:
    • Mr. Marco Aveggio - Wiese family from Peru - Fundacion Wiese
    • Mr. Pedro Reisz - Reisz family from Chile - Reicotex Tecnologia
  • Three parallel sessions on applied topics in family firms were presented by:
    • Internationalization in family firms - Mr. Dante De Lucia, Director, Competitive Legacy LLC, Venezuela
    • Innovation in Family Firms - Dr. Alfredo De Massis - University of Bergamo Center for Young & Family Enterprise, Italy.
    • The process of the family protocol/family constitution - Dr. Gonzalo Gomez Betancourt - Family Business Director Inalde Business School, Colombia.
  • The program included a panel on Family Business Consulting that was moderated by:
    • Mr. Michael Stalker from MCS Wealth Management, USA
    • Mrs. Neus Feliu, Lansberg, Gersick & Associates, USA
  • The two keynote speakers for our conference were:
    • Dr. Belen Villalonga, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA
    • Dr. Jeanne Lafortune from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile - Escuela de Economía, Chile
  • Dr. Isabel C. Botero moderated a panel on 'Furthering your Career as a Family Business Scholar'. Panelists included:
    • Dr. Lucia Naldi - Jönköping International Business School, Sweden
    • Dr. Mattias Nordqvist - Jönköping International Business School, Sweden
    • Dr. Daniel Holt - Mississippi State University, USA
  • On the social front, FERC 2013 attendees enjoyed two cultural activities:
    • A visit to Casablanca Wine Route
    • Sightseeing in Valparaiso and Viña del Mar.

Awards Presented

Awards for FERC 2013 were presented in 4 categories and were worth $35,000 USD.

  • Top Paper Award Winners – Sponsored by MCS Family Wealth Advisors ($1,500 each), presented by Michael C. Stalker – MCS Family Wealth Advisors
  1. Family Firms and Corporate Social Responsibility: Does Firm Financial Condition Matter?
    • Manisha Singal – Virginia Tech University - USA
    • Vijay Singal – Virginia Tech University - USA
  2. The Dynamics of Virtues in Family Controlled Firms
    • Luz Elena Orozco Collazos – Universidad de los Andes - Colombia
    • Gustavo Gonzalez Couture - Universidad de los Andes - Colombia
    • Luis Diaz Matajira - Universidad de los Andes - Colombia
  3. Divorce in the family firm: The legal framework and protection of the business
    • Kajsa Haag - Jönköping International Business School - Sweden
    • Lars-Göran Sund - Jönköping International Business School - Sweden
    • Anneli Linhard - Jönköping International Business School – Sweden
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Peruvian Family Businesses: Implications for performance
    • Loreto Torres Araneda- PAD, Escuela de Direccion Universidad de Piura – Perú
    • Pablo Dominguez Estrada - PAD, Escuela de Direccion Universidad de Piura- Perú
    • Cinthya Consiglieri Alvarado - PAD, Escuela de Direccion Universidad de Piura- Perú
    • Matt Allen - Babson College - USA
  • Top Paper in Spanish – Sponsored by Familias Empresarias Management Consulting ($1,000) presented by: Fernando Cañas, Founder Familias Empresarias Management Consulting
  1. Sucesión en empresa familiar agroindustrial en Chile
    • Rodrigo González – Universidad de Chile - Chile
    • Nicole Pinaud – Universidad de Chile - Chile
    • Matthew Allen – Babson College - USA
  • Top Student Paper Awards – Sponsored by Business Families Foundation ($2,000 each), Presented by: Dr. Pramodita Sharma – University of Vermont
  1. Psychological Ownership in stockholders of family firms: An understanding from Socioemotional Wealth Approach
    • María Piedad López Vergara – University of Jyväskylä – Finland & Inalde – Colombia
  2. Overcoming the Myths of Entrepreneurship: Moving towards a Communal Group Theory of Entrepreneurship
    • Onnolee Nordstrom – University of Alberta - Canada
  3. Family Ownership, Succession Intentions, and Professionalization
    • Hanqing Chevy Fang – Mississippi State University - USA
    • Esra Memili – University of North Carolina Greensboro - USA
    • Robert Randolph – Mississippi State University - USA
    • James J. Chrisman – Mississippi State University - USA
    • Tim Barnett – Mississippi State University - USA
  4. Family Ownership and Firm Performance evidence from Integrated Latin American Stock Market
    • Claudio Müller – Universidad de Chile - Chile
    • Claudio Bonilla - – Universidad de Chile - Chile
    • Gonzalo Gómez Betancourt - INALDE Business School Universidad de la Sabana Colombia
    • Jose Bernardo Betancourt Ramírez – INALDE Business School Universidad de la Sabana – Colombia
  • 2013 FOBI Awards – Sponsored by Grand Valley State University ($5,000 each), Presented by: J. Kevin McCurren – Grand Valley State University Family Business Center
  1. "Investigative long-term orientation and entrepreneurial orientation in multi-generational family firms"—
    • Justin Craig- Northeastern University
    • Eric Clinton- Dublin City University, and
    • Vanessa Diaz-Dublin City University
  2. "The buck stops here….and here: A study of Co-CEOs in family business"
    • Annette Rahael-George Washington University
  3. "Good Practices in Family Business Governance Structure and Its Impact on Financial Performance"
    • Jorge Isaac Moreno Gomez-CORPORACIÓN UNIVESIDAD DE LA COSTA, Colombia
  4. "Understanding the Effects of the External Environment on Family Firms"
    • Laurel Ofstein- Western Michigan University
    • Derrick McIver- Western Michigan University
    • John Mueller- Western Michigan University


The sponsors for FERC 2013 were:

  • MCS Financial Advisors
  • Business Families Foundation
  • Family Owned Business Institute at Grand Valley State University
  • Familias Empresarias Management Consulting
  • Banco Penta

Thank you for helping make FERC 2013 a special conference.

Special Note

FERC 2013 would not have been possible without the support of Mr. Rodrigo Castro – Dean of the School of Business and Economics for Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile. Thank you very much for his support and the collaboration of all of his staff in making this version of FERC a reality.


Montreal, Quebec, Canada

May 11-13, 2012


  • Michael Carney, John Molson School of Business, Canada
  • Alexandra Dawson, John Molson School of Business, Canada
  • Marylene Gagne, John Molson School of Business, Canada
  • Lucie Begin, Georges Doriot Conference, France
  • Colette Vanasse, HEC-McGill Center for Family Enterprises, Canada


  • Four pre-conference events were held:
    • STEP Academic meetings held on May 10-11 were co-chaired by Pramodita Sharma and Valerie Duffy. 32 scholars from 21 universities were in attendance. Ten cases on trans-generational entrepreneurship were presented and discussed. Attendees came from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Finland, France, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, and Venezuela.
    • The 2nd FERC Doctoral Consortium was co-hosted by Alexandra Dawson (JMSB, Concordia University), Allison Pearson (Mississippi State University) and Rebecca Long (Mississippi State University) on Friday, May 11th. The full-day Consortium included 13 students from Canada, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong, Sweden, UK and USA. The Consortium featured presentations from the following family business scholars: Jim Chrisman (Mississippi State University) and Guido Corbetta (Bocconi University) who shared their views on the family business field; Esra Memili (University of North Carolina at Greensboro) who talked about how to engage in a successful career as a family business scholar during and after the PhD process; Trish Reay (University of Alberta) who addressed how to publish family business research; and Jeremy Short (University of Oklahoma) who talked about methods of research. The afternoon was dedicated to doctoral students' presentations of their research projects, with feedback from family business scholars.
    • The 2nd annual Fuller Landau Family Business Awards, sponsored by the Montreal-based accounting firm Fuller Landau LLP and Concordia's John Molson School of Business (JMSB) were held on May 11th. More than 100 scholars and members of the Montreal's family business community attended the FL awards event that recognizes Quebec-based, family-owned businesses whose policies and business practices have a positive impact on the community and stimulate economic growth through local entrepreneurial ventures. Nominees were evaluated based on the financial success of their companies; quality of business and family linkages; multi-generational family involvement; contributions to the community; and industry and innovative business practices or strategies. The judging panel, co-chaired by JMSB faculty members Michael Carney and Alexandra Dawson, included Terry Didus, partner at Heenan Blaikie LLP; Michele Desjardins, president of Koby Consulting and senior associate at Lansberg, Gersick and Associates; J. Sebastian van Berkom, president and CEO of Van Berkom and Associates Inc.; and last year's winners, Norman Hebert, Jr., vice-president of Pension Planning Centre. Michael Newton, managing director of Fuller Landau LLC presented the awards. The winning company in the medium-sized business category (25-100 full-time employees or between $1 and $5 million in annual revenue) was Les Entreprises Daniele Henkel, a manufacturer, distributer, laboratory and training centre specializing in non-surgical products for the professional health and beauty industry. Heritage Linencraft, which specializes in the import and distribution of bed and bath linens, took home the award for large-sized business (more than 100 full-time employees or more than over $5 million in annual revenues). Also recognized at the ceremony was a group of JMSB students who wrote a report as part of their Entrepreneurial Family Business course. The winners of the Best Student Paper Award were Katty Lara, Bethsabeth Paz and Santiago Molano for their report on Groupe HMH, a family-owned company and one of the largest independent publishing houses in Quebec.
    • Bi-lingual workshop in French and English entitled "What distinguishes family firms in crisis situations?" featuring Alain Bloch (HEC Paris) and Carole Bellon (Bellon Industries) moderated by Denise Pare-Julien.
  • 119 participants from the 23 countries were in attendance at the main FERC 2012. Scholars came from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, USA, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, USA, and Venezuela.
  • Keynote speeches were presented by Luiz Gomez–Mejia, Benton Cocanougher Chair in Business, Texas A & M University, USA and Danny Miller & Isabelle Le Breton-Miller, HEC Montreal and University of Alberta.
  • Lunch with the Journal Editors included:
    • Family Business Review - Pramodita Sharma, Allison Pearson, Trish Reay
    • European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology - Marylene Gagne, Pramodita Sharma
    • Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice - Jim Chrisman
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Management - Michael Carney
    • Journal of Business Venturing - Jim Chrisman
    • Journal of Family Business Strategy - Torsten Pieper
    • Management International Review (in Spanish, French, English) - Berangere Deschamps, Francesco Chirico
    • Revue de l'entrepreneuriat on Family Business Entrepreneurship (in French) - Lucie Begin, Didier Chabaud
  • Our first panel, entitled Interntationalization of Family Business Studies: the Asia Pacific and North American View included:
    • AUSTRALIAN/NZ FB Research Network: Ken Moores
    • Family Firm Institute: Judy Green
    • Family Enterprise Research Conference: Frank Hoy, Allison Pearson
    • Theories of Family Enterprises Conference: Jim Chrisman
    • Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship: Pramodita Sharma
  • Our Second Panel, entitled Internationalization of Family Business Studies: The European View included:
    • 4th Georges Doriot Conference on Family Entrepreneurship; Alain Bloch, HEC Paris, France, Didier Chabaud, Academic de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation
    • International Family Enterprise Research Academy: Lloyd Steier, School of Business, University of Alberta, Canada
    • Italian Family Enterprise Research Association: Alessandro Minichilli, Bocconi University, Italy
  • Family Business Scholar as part time Family Business Consultant: Learn from the pro, exploring the opportunities and pitfalls of a part- or full-time career in Family Business Consulting with an experienced panel of consultants Michael C. Stalker, Mark Green and Denise Pare-Julien.
  • The Poster Sessions were chaired by Marylene Gagne (FERC 2012) and Lucie Begin (4emes Journees Georges Doriot sur l'Entrepreneuriat familial)
    • 85 submissions were received of which 80 were accepted and 66 presented.

Awards Presented

Three categories of awards worth $31,500 were presented at FERC 2012:

  1. FERC Best Paper awards sponsored by MCS Financial Advisors were presented by Michael C. Stalker to:
    • First Place winners ($2000) were Josip Kotlar & Alfredo De Massis (University of Bergamo) for their article “Goal setting in family firms: The who, the what and the how.”
    • Second place winners ($1000) were Manisha Singal and Vijay Singal (Virginia Tech) for their paper “The strategic value of branding the family name.”
    • Third place winners ($500) were Alexandra Dawson (Concordia University), Pramodita Sharma (University of Vermont & Babson College), P. Gregory Irving and Joel Marcus (Wilfrid Laurier University) and Francesco Chirico (Jönköping International Business School) for their article “Predictors of next generation family members’ commitment to family enterprise.
      • Ken Moores (Bond University), Carole Howorth (Lancaster University), Rebecca Long (Mississippi State University), and Ritch Sorenson (St.Thomas Univeristy) served as the FERC Best Poster Award Committee.
  2. FERC Doctoral Awards ($2000 each) sponsored by the Business Families Foundation were presented by Pascale Michaud in the categories of women, governance, leadership, and behavioural issues in family firms.
    • David Gras & Robert S. Nason (Syracuse University) for their article “The effect of family capital breadth and depth on firm performance: Evidence from impoverished Indian slums.”
    • Archimedes Guerra (Hong Kong Baptist University) for his article “Some family businesses are better than others: Are Confucian values the missing piece of the family firm performance puzzle?”
    • Nadine Kammerlander (University of St-Gallen) for her article “The influence of organizational social capital on strategic behavior: An explorative study of family firms’ innovativeness.”
    • Josip Kotlar & Alfredo De Massis (University of Bergamo) for their article “Goal setting in family firms: The who, the what and the how.”
      • Matthew Allen (Babson College), Robert Blunden (Dalhousie University), Jon Carr (Texas Christian University), Clay Dibrell (University of Mississippi), Mark Green (FERC co-founder), Claudio Muller (University of Chile), Allison Pearson (Mississippi State University), Frank Hoy (Worchester Polytechnic Institute), Alex Stewart (Marquette University) served as judges for these awards in the four categories.
  3. 2012 FOBI 20K scholarships (4@$5000 each) sponsored by the Grand Valley State University were presented by J. Kevin McCurren during the Gala Dinner to:
    • Kristen Day and Franz Kellermanns (University of Tennessee) for their proposal “Exploring the role of spiritual leadership within family firms.”
    • Leif Melin and Ethel Brundin (Jönköping International Business School) for their proposal “Family capital – the theoretical and practical solution for entrepreneurial capacity over generations in family businesses.”
    • Hanqing Fang (Mississippi State University), Esra Memili (University of North Carolina – Greensboro), Robert Van de Graaff Randolph, James J. Chrisman, and Tim Barnett (Mississippi State University) for their proposal “Family ownership, succession intentions, and professionalization.”
    • Robert S. Nason, David Gras, and G.T. Lumpkin (Syracuse University) for their proposal “The role of family capital in impoverished settings.”

Grand Rapids, MI, USA

May 6-8, 2011


  • Jaideep Motwani, Grand Valley State University, USA
  • Paul Mudde, Grand Valley State University, USA
  • Tom Schwarz, California State University - Fullerton, USA
  • Ritch Sorenson, University of St. Thomas, USA


  • More than 100 local family businesses attended events featuring large and medium-sized multi-generational family business owners on May 6th.
  • Two panel discussions highlighted the events on May 6th and brought more than 200 business owners and scholars to Grand Valley state University’s Pew campus.
  • The first panel moderated by Roger Jansen (Thinkwise, Inc.) titled “Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Family Owned Business” featured Mark Bissell (Bissell, Inc.), Matthew Haworth (Haworth, Inc.), and Hank Meijer (Meijer, Inc.).
  • The second panel moderated by Thomas Schwarz (California State University – Fullerton) titled “Family Owned Business: A Multi-generational Perspective in a Global Economy” featured Doug DeVos (Alticor, Inc.) and David Van Andel (Van Andel Institute).
  • Three breakout sessions allowed conference participants to participate in individual conversations with the owners of medium-sized local family businesses. The sessions focused on the impact of globalization, women as leaders, and multi-generational issues.
  • Featured business owners breakout session panelists included Leslie Brown (Metalflow), Lue Crane (Crane Orchards), Eileen DeVries (Merrill Lynch), Rachel DeVries Mraz (Merrill Lynch), Amy Engelsman (Proos Manufacturing), Scott Hibbard (CoMerica), Peter Hungerford (ADAC Automotive), Christina Keller (Cascade Engineering), Bob Roth (Roman Manufacturing), Tim Schad (NuCraft Furniture Company), Matt Schad (NuCraft Furniture Company), and Joe Schmeider (Family Business Consulting Group, Inc.)
  • Inaugural FERC Doctoral Consortium was co-hosted by Reg Litz (University of Manitoba) and Pramodita Sharma (Concordia University) on Friday, May 6th
    • The Consortium was oversubscribed with 23 students from Canada, Chile, Finland, France, Germany, India and the United States.
    • Featured presentations from family business scholars - Frank Hoy (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Tom Lumpkin (Syracuse University), Jennifer Jennings (University of Alberta), Manisha Singal (Virginia Tech) and Sharon Danes (University of Minnesota)
    • Small group feedback sessions from family business scholars on doctoral students' research projects
    • Consortium concluded with a panel discussion on publishing family business research with editorial representatives Pramodita Sharma (Family Business Review), Torsten Pieper (Journal of Family Business Strategy), Jennifer Jennings (Journal of Business Venturing), Frank Hoy (Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice) and Dev Jennings (Strategic Organization).
  • The conference had more than 95 attendees from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
    • 47 proposals were presented during the conference during two separate poster sessions.
    • R. Duane Ireland (Texas A&M University) served as the keynote speaker on May 7th.
    • Tom Lumpkin (Syracuse University) and Lloyd Steier (University of Alberta) served as panelist for the academic keynote panel moderated by Ritch Sorenson.
    • The Gala Dinner featured international cuisine and attire to design to recognize the diversity of the conference attendees. President Thomas Haas (Grand Valley State University) offered welcoming remarks prior to the dinner and Dean H. James Williams (Seidman College of Business, GVSU) delivered comments prior to a performance by five of Grand Valley State University’s undergraduate students.
  • 2011 FOBI 20K scholarships (4@$5000 each) sponsored by the Grand Valley State University were presented by Paul Mudde and Candace Dugan to during the Gala Dinner to:
    • Mahendra Joshi (Grand Valley State University) for his proposal “Family Business Identity and Information Exploration.”
    • Daniel Holt (Mississippi State University), Allison Pearson (Mississippi State University), and Jon Carr (Texas Christian University) for their proposal “Measuring Performance in Family Businesses: The State of the Art and Roadmap for Advancing Family Business Research and Practice.”
    • Dianne Welsh (University of North Carolina – Greensboro), Juan Roure (University of Navarra, IESE), Juan Luis Segurado (University of Navarra - IESE), and Kirby Rosplock (GenSpring Family Offices) for their proposal “Family Offices and the Future.”
    • Börje Boers and Mattias Nordqvist (Jönköping International Business School, Sweden) for their proposal “Understanding Hybrid Identity Organizations – The Case of Publicly Listed Family Businesses.
  • The Best Paper Awards sponsored by MCS Financial Advisors were presented by Michael C. Stalker to:
    • First Place winner ($2000) was Moses Acquaah (University of North Carolina) for his paper “Management Control Systems, Business Strategy and Performance in Family Businesses.”
    • Second place winner ($1000) was Mary Barrett (Wollongong University) for her paper “New theoretical perspectives on family business entrepreneurial behavior.”
    • Third place winner ($500) was Marc-Michael Bergfeld (Munich Business School) for his paper “Dynamic Dynasties: How Germany’s high performance family firms pursue pan-generational entrepreneurship along technology lifecycles.”
  • Michael Stalker (MCS Financial Advisors), Manisha Singal (Virginia Tech University), and Frank Hoy (Worchester Polytechnic Institute) served as the FERC Best Poster Award Committee.
  • FERC Doctoral Awards ($500 each) were presented by Frank Hoy to:
    • Tim Hasso (Bond University - Australia) for his article “Inherent Family Business Brand Equity.”
    • Francesco Barbera (Bond University - Australia) for his article “The Impact of Family Invovlement on the Productivity of the Firm.”
    • Nadine Kammerlander (International Institute for Management Development) for her article “How Do Established Family Businesses Adapt to Technological Discontinuities? A Series of Inductive Case Studies.”

Cancun, Mexico

April 16-18, 2010


  • Alan Carsrud, Ryerson University, Canada
  • Pat Cole, Nova Southeastern University, USA
  • Kit Johnson, Capella University, USA
  • Antonio Morfin, Anahuac Universidad, Mexico
  • Mauricio Alvarez, Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico
  • Pramodita Sharma, Concordia University, Canada


  • 109 attendees from twenty-one nations were in attendance.
  • 93 proposals were submitted; 80 were accepted for presentation. The work of over 140 authors was presented.
  • 6 FOBI winners, FFIs Best Dissertation Award winner, and 8 scholars presented their 2009 award winning work at the conference
  • Keynote speakers and panelists included Juan Domingo Beckman Legorreta (Casa Cuervo, makers of Jose Cuervo Tequila), Carmen Bianchi (San Diego State University), W.Gibb Dyer Jr. (Brigham Young University), Salo Grabinsky (CEO, Grabinsky, Alvarez & Associates), Judy Green (Family Firm Institute), James Olan Hutcheson (President, ReGeneration Partners), Maria Dolores Moreno (Lansberg, Gersick, & Associates)
  • The Best Paper Awards sponsored by MCS Financial Advisors were presented by Michael C. Stalker.
    • First Place winners ($2000) were Manisha Singal and Vijay Singal (Virginia Tech University) for their paper entitled “Family Control and Concentrated Ownership: What Determines Firm Value? Evidence from India”.
    • Second place winners ($1000) were Kirby Rosplock (GenSpring Family Offices), Dianne Welsh (University of North Carolina, Greensboro), Juan Roure and Juan Luis Segurado (IESE Business School) for their paper entitled “From the Family Business to the Family Office: Understanding the Development and Management of the Family’s Investment, Other Ventures and Services”.
    • Third place winners ($500) were Peter Jaskiewicz (University of Alberta) and Klaus Uhlenbruck (University of Montana & European Business School) for their paper entitled “The relationship between Boards and Firm Performance: An Agency & Resource Dependence Theory Analysis of Family Business”.
  • Allison Pearson (Chair, Mississippi State University), Mauricio D. Alvarez (Universidad de Monterrey), Carmen Bianchi (San Diego State University), Judy Green (Family Firm Institute), Frank Hoy (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) served as the FERC Best Poster Award committee
  • FERC Doctoral Awards ($500 each) sponsored by the Family Enterprise USA were presented by Ann Kinkade to:
    • Neus Feliu (ESADE Business School, Spain) for her article entitled – Family Knowledge Homogeneity and Product Innovation: The Role of Non-Family Members
    • Frances Gunn (Open University, UK, Ryerson University, Canada) for her article entitled – How does strategic learning occur in small retain family firms?
    • Corinna Lindow (HHL, Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany) for her article entitle – The Concept of Fit in Strategic Management – Review in the family firm context
    • Alexandra Joseph (HEC, France) and Maria Jose Parada (ESADE Business School, Spain) for their article entitled – Sustaining Competitive Advantage in a World of Giants: The case of family firms in the pharmaceutical industry
    • D’Lisa N. McKee and Shanan R. Litchfield (Mississippi State University, USA) for their article entitled – Family Organizational Identity: Multiple Identities in the Family Business
  • The Loretta Rogers Young Research Scholar in Family Business ($3000+ inclusive of travel costs to present the winning research at Ryerson University) was presented by Alan Carsrud to Corrina Lindow (HHL, Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany)
  • 2010 FOBI 25k scholarships (4@$5000 each, 2@$2500 each) sponsored by the Grand Valley State University were presented by Dean James Williams and Paul Mudde to:
    • Richard L. Gottschall, Alexandra Dawson, and Pramodita Sharma (Concordia University-Canada) for their proposal entitled: Human Capital Impacts on Innovation in Entrepreneurial Family Firms
    • David Hanisch and Sabine B. Klein (European Business School & WHU-Germany) for their proposal entitled: Contextualizing Organizational Boundary Issues: Management Consulting in Family Businesses.
    • Jayanth Jayaram, Jaideep Motwani, and Mita Dixit (University of South Carolina & Grand Valley State University-USA) for their proposal entitled: A Case Study Analysis of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Strategies of Small and Medium Enterprise Family Owned Businesses in India.
    • Torsten M. Pieper, Rebecca M. Guidice, and Neal P. Mero (Kennesaw State University-USA) for their proposal entitled: Toward a Theory of Accountability in Family Business.
    • Tim Hasso (Bond University-Australia) for his proposal entitled: Inherent Family Business Brand Equity and Consumers’ Product Preferences.
    • Francesco Barbera (Bond University- Australia) for his proposal entitled: Allocative Differences in Production: An Investigation into the Productivity of Family Firms.
  • Round Table meetings with the following journal editors were held:
    • Alan Carsrud, SI Co-Editor - Journal of Information & Knowledge Management Systems
    • Sharon Danes, Patricia Cole, Kit Johnson, SI Co-Editors - Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
    • Pramodita Sharma, Editor - Family Business Review
    • Lloyd Steier & Tom Lumpkin, SI Co-Editors - Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
    • Alan Carsrud, Associate Editor - Journal of Small Business Management
    • Antonio Morfin - Anahuac Business & Economics Journal
  • FERC leadership transition – Pramodita Sharma (Concordia University) and Mark Green (Family Business Consulting Group) - co-founders who served as co-Presidents of FERC from 2005 handed over the leadership baton to Frank Hoy (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) and Allison Pearson (Mississippi State University)

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

April 24-26, 2009


  • Reg Litz, Univeristy of Manitoba, Canada
  • Allison Pearson, Mississippi State University, USA


  • 88 attendees from 11 nations and four different continents were in attendance.
  • 54 manuscripts and proposals were accepted for presentation
  • 6 FOBI and FFI award winning papers from 2008 were presented
  • 18 manuscripts were authored or co-authored with doctoral students
  • Keynote speakers included Charles Loewen (Loewen Windows), Ken Goodpaster (University of St. Thomas), Sanjay Sharma (Concordia University) and Ron Mitchell (Texas Tech University). Sunday morning panel discussants included Jim Chrisman, Mississippi State University, Carmen Bianchi (President, FFI & EMC Business Forum, San Diego State University), Manisha Singal (Virginia Tech University), Jeff Pollack, (Virginia Commonwealth University) and Nathan Greidanus (University of Manitoba)
  • The Best Paper Award ($2000) sponsored by Laird Norton Tyee was presented by Rich Simmonds to Sharon Danes (University of Minnesota) and Patricia Hedberg (University of St. Thomas) for their paper entitled “Explorations of the Power Relationship Between Business-Owning Couples: Managing Decisions Through Collaborative Power Interactions."
  • Three Honorable Mention Awards were presented to:
    • Thomas M. Zellweger (Univ. of St. Gallen), Franz W. Kellermanns, James J. Chrisman (both at Mississippi State University), Jess H. Chua (Univ. of Calgary) for their paper entitled “Family Firm Valuation By Family CEOs: The Role of Socioemotional Value."
    • Manisha Singal and Vijay Singal (both at Virginia Tech Univ.) for their paper entitled “Interest Alignment and CEO Compensation in Family Controlled Firms."
    • Anna Blombäck (Jönköping International Business School) and Caroline Wigren (Lund University) for their paper entitled “What if it is Not Family That Makes a Difference? Reinterpreting Findings on Family Business and CSR."
  • Becky Reuber (University of Toronto), Frank Hoy (University of Texas at El Paso), and Trish Reay (University of Alberta) served as the FERC Best Poster Award committee
  • The publication linkage for FERC 09 is the special issue of Business Ethics Quarterly: Stakeholder theory, Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility & Family Enterprise
    • Bradley R. Agle, University of Pittsburgh
    • James J. Chrisman, Mississippi State University
    • Ronald K. Mitchell, Texas Tech University
    • Laura J. Spence, Brunel University
  • Four manuscripts were selected for the FERC Publication Workshop hosted by the BEQ SI editorial team.
    • Esra Memili and John Shaw, “Stakeholder Perspective on Nonfamily Employees’ Perceptions of Justice in Family Firms”.
    • John. B. Bingham, W. Gibb Dyer Jr., Gregory Adams, Isaac Smith, “A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Performance in Family Firms”.
    • Rebecca G. Long, K. Michael Mathews, “The Essence of Family Business Ethics “.
    • Sanjay Goel, Rosa Nelly Trevinyo-Rodriguez, “Why Should We Be Philanthropic? – A Framework of Philanthropic Inclination Among Family Businesses”.
  • The first-ever FERC Doctoral Scholarships ($500 each) sponsored by the Family Enterprise USA were presented by Ann Kinkade to:
    • Jeremy Funk, University of Manitoba, “Got Family? The Influence of “Family” Identity on Customer Loyalty”.
    • Nathan Greidanus, University of Calgary, “An Exploration of Corporate Venturing Goals Within the Family Firm”.
    • Albert E. James, University of Alberta, “Another Wrinkle on the Family Business Performance Question: Comparing First and Subsequent Generations Firms”.
    • John E. Neff, Case Western Reserve, “Constructing a Definition of and Portfolio Mode of Family Business Success”.
    • Christian Niedermeyer, European Business School, “The Role of Family Influence in the Sale Process- A Qualitative Study of Family Business Sales”.
  • 2009 FOBI 25k scholarships ($5000 each) sponsored by the Grand Valley State University were presented by Tom Schwarz and Shorouq Almallah to:
    • Francesco Chirico (University of Lugano) and Carlo Salvato (Bocconi University). Dynamic Capabilities in Family Firms. A Knowledge-based Approach.
    • Sonia Dalmia & Nancy Levenburg (Grand Valley State University). The Succession Process: An Examination of Perceptions from Stakeholders' Perspective.
    • Reginald A. Litz (University of Manitoba). The House of: When Family Businesses and Business Families Rise, Stand, Fall and Rise Again.
    • Esra Memili, Kaustav Misra, and James Chrisman (Mississippi State University). Non Family Managers’ Compensation in Family Firms: Tournament and Game Theory Perspectives.
    • John Perry & Timothy Pett (Wichita State University). Does Work-Family Integration or Segmentation work Better? Evidence from Family Businesses.

Milwaukee, WI, USA

April 18-20, 2008


  • Alex Steward, Marquette University, USA


  • 84 attendees from 11 nations were present
  • 38 proposals were accepted for presentation
  • Keynote speakers and panelists included Dean Fowler (Dean Fowler Associates), Judy Green (Family Firm Institute), Ed A. Fallone (Marquette University), Michael Hitt (Texas A&M), Frank Hoy (University of Texas at El Paso), Ann Kinkade (University of Wisconsin), Michael J. Klinker (Law Partner, Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek), Leif Melin (Jonkoping International Business School), Ann S. Miner (University of Wisconsin), Danilyn Rutherford (University of Chicago), William Schulze (University of Utah), Pramodita Sharma (Wilfrid Laurier University), Ritch Sorenson (University of St. Thomas), Rosa Nelly Treviño-Rodríguez (Instituto Technologico de Estudios Superioers de Monterrey)
  • The Best Paper Award ($2000) sponsored by Laird Norton Tyee was presented by Rich Simmonds to Francesco Chirico , University of Lugano and Carlo Salvato , Bocconi University. "Antecedents of commitment entrapment to the failing founder's family business."
  • Two Honorable Mention Awards were presented to:
    • Marylèné Gagne and Stéphanie Brun de Pontet , Concordia University, Canada. "Subjective well being among family business leaders nearing succession: The role of goal adjustment and work motivation."
    • Franz Kellermanns , Mississippi State University, Kim Eddleston , Northeastern University, and Thomas Zelleweger , University of St. Gallens. "Family harmony: A facilitator of corporate entrepreneurship in family firms."
  • Jane Hilburt-Davis, Becky Reuber, Tom Lumpkin and Bill Schulze served as the FERC Best Poster Award committee
  • The publication linkage for FERC 08 is the Volume 12 of Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth; Theme: Entrepreneurship & Family Business;
    • Alex Stewart , Marquette University
    • G. Thomas Lumpkin , Texas Tech University
    • Jerome Katz , Saint Louis University
  • 2008 FOBI 30k scholarships ($5000 each) sponsored by the Grand Valley State University were presented by Tom Schwarz to:
    • Lucy F. Ackert, Ann B.Gillette, Torsten M. Pieper , Kennesaw State University. "Family Ties: For Love or Money?"
    • William Gibb Dyer , Brigham Young University and William Justin Dyer , University of Illinois." The Impact of Family Business Ownership and Management on Families"
    • Sanjay Goel , University of Minnesota. "Stakeholder Management, Ethical Behavior, and Performance of Family Businesses: A Systems View"
    • G. Thomas Lumpkin , Texas Tech University and Wendy L Martin , Trinity International University." To Develop a Family Orientation Scale"
    • Vijay Singal and Manisha Singal , Virginia Tech University. "Interest Alignment and CEO Compensation in Family Controlled Firms"
    • Sridhar Sundaram , Grand Valley State University. "Effects of Hedge Fund Investment in Founding Family Controlled Firms"

Monterrey, Mexico

April 27-29, 2007


  • Frank Hoy
  • Mauricio Alvarez


  • 51 articles received were reviewed by 33 review board members
  • 34 articles were selected for presentation based on reviews
  • 98 scholars from 15 nations were in attendance
  • Keynote speakers and panelists included Marcelo Canales-Clariond (Chairman IMSA Group), Juan Manuel Ferrón (Price Waterhouse Coopers), Kelin Gersick (Lansberg, Gersick & Associates), Bill Schulze (University of Utah), Pramodita Sharma (Wilfrid Laurier University), George Vozikis (Fresno State University), David Whetten (Brigham Young University)
  • The Best Paper Award ($2000) sponsored by Laird Norton Tyee was presented by Rich Simmonds toTrish Reay & C.R.Hinnings for their article entitled: "Multilevel logics and strategic approach: Family firms in the Canadian Wine Industry"
  • Four Honorable Mention Awards were presented to
    • Kimberly A. Eddleston & Roland E.Kidwell for their article entitled: Parent-child exchange: "Planting the seeds of deviant behavior in family firms, the Fredo effect"
    • Vipin Gupta, Nancy M.Levenburg, Lynda Moore, Jaideep Motwani, & Thomas Schwarz for their article entitled: "Using a cultural lens to study family businesses in the Anglo cluster"
    • Peter Jaskiewicz & Torsten Pieper for their article entitled: "A model for the impact of financial and emotional value on owner commitment to businesses"
    • Lorraine Uhlaner & Marta Berent for their article entitled: Family governance practices, life cycle and financial performance: An empirical study

Niagara Falls, Canada

April 28-30, 2006


  • Pramodita Sharma
  • Simon Taggar
  • Sofy Craayannopoulos
  • Steve Farlow


  • 54 received articles were reviewed by the 55 review board members (in 2005, we received 25 proposals and review board comprised of 33 members).
  • 109 colleagues were in attendance in Niagara Falls (compared to 55 attendees in 2005).
  • Scholars from 18 nations representing 5 continents participated in the conference.
  • Keynote speakers, Panelists and Discussants included Joe Astrachan, Ray Bagby, Jim Chrisman, Mark Green, Frank Hoy, Matti Koiranen, Mike Lubatkin, Bill Schulze, Lloyd Steier, Pramodita Sharma, Alex Stewart, and David Waldman.
  • The Best Paper Award was presented toYannick Bammens, Wim Voordeckers, and Anita Van Gils for their article entitled: "Effective corporate governance in terms of trust and control: A dynamic view of family firm"s
  • Two Honorable Mention Awards were presented toSharon M.Danes, Johnben Teik-Cheok Loy, and Kathryn Stafford for their article entitled: "Family Business Success: Differences in Female- and Male-owned businesses" and Michael D. Ensley, Allison W. Pearson, & Shruti R.Sardeshmukh for their article entitled: "The negative consequences of pay dispersion in family and non-family top management teams"
  • Many presenters reworked their papers considerably based on the feedback from reviewers and expressed much appreciation for their time and valuable suggestions.
  • Sessions were generally well received leading to exciting discussions.
  • Articles that received high ratings (5 points or higher out of possible 7) from both reviewers were invited to be revised for the special issue of Journal of Business Research special FERC issue . Jim Chrisman, Pramodita Sharma, and Simon Taggar are JBR Special Issue Co-Editors.

Portland, Oregon, USA

May 21-22, 2005


  • Mark Green - Austin Family Business Program, Oregon State University
  • Pramodita Sharma, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada


  • Twenty-five proposals received were reviewed by 33 review board members.
  • Fifty-five scholars were in attendance in Portland.
  • Participants came from many different countries including Canada, Finland, Germany, India, Italy, Peru, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and US.
  • Keynote speakers, Panelists and Discussants included Sharon Danes, Paula Danskin, Kelin Gersick, Mark Green, Tim Habbershon, Ramona Heck, Dennis Jaffe, Andrew Keyt, Greg McCann, Paivi Penttila, Ernesto Poza, Bill Schulze, Tom Schwarz, Pramodita Sharma, Alex Stewart, Paul Westhead, David Waldman.
  • The Best Paper Proposal was awarded to Stephanie De Pontet, Carsten Wrosch and Marylene Gagne from Concordia University for their proposal entitled: What facilitates family business transmission? The adaptive role of goal adjustment and autonomous motivation - A longitudinal follow-up.
  • The Honorable Mention was awarded to Sabine Klein, Torsten Pieper and Peter Jaskiewics from the European Business School for their proposal entitled: Antecedents for Agency and Stewardship orientation in corporate governance: The role of culture.
  • A number of senior scholars new to family business field were present, as were seasoned FB scholars.
  • About ten doctoral students were in attendance.
  • Sessions were generally well received leading to exciting discussions.
  • Many presenters reworked their papers considerably based on the feedback from reviewers and expressed much appreciation for their time and valuable suggestions.
  • Overall, a great inaugural conference!