
The Best College Application Tips From Admissions Counselors | Undergraduate Admissions | ̽̽(title)

First, take a deep breath.

Applying to college can seem overwhelming at first. But by keeping a few tips in mind, you can set yourself up for success and make the college application process as stress-free as possible. While there is no secret formula for getting into college, you can give yourself the best chances by being strategic, staying organized, and showing admissions teams who you really are.  

Top Essay Writing Tips



Make an Impression 

What do admissions counselors really look for in your essay? Above all, they want to get to know you. Craft an authentic, well-written story that showcases your personality and goes beyond your transcript.

In this video, an admissions counselor explains what the essay is and isn’t, and tips to help you decide what to write about. 

Building Your Class Schedule


Get Set Up For Success

The classes you take in high school are important. They may impact the colleges you are able to apply to. You can also use your high school classes to demonstrate your academic progression or showcase your interests and talents. Work with your teachers and counselors to select high school classes that align with your next steps.

  • Check your college list for entrance requirements; many college programs require you to complete certain high school classes to be considered for admission.
  • Take the most challenging course load that makes sense for you.
  • Stick to your core curriculum, then add to that core with classes that interest you.
  • Check your college list for schools that accept AP, IB and dual enrollment credit (it could give you a head start in your first year of college!)

Planning a Successful College Visit

Students attend a campus tour

Make the Most of Your Visit

Visiting colleges is a great way to determine whether you can picture yourself living and learning at a particular school. Everything from the location to the size of the campus to the types of academic and recreational facilities can impact how you feel about a particular school.

  • Make your list: decide which schools you may visit in person and which may be a virtual visit.
  • Check college visit sites: many in-person programs require an advance registration.
  • Think about peak visit times (school vacations, holidays, etc.). These aren’t bad times to visit colleges, but keep in mind that your tour could be crowded.
  • Remember that while the summer is convenient for college tours, campuses are typically quiet, so you won’t get a “true sense” of culture.
  • Make a list of questions prior to your visit.  And during your visit, don’t hold back on your questions – especially with current students!

Getting a Great Letter of Recommendation

Two students have a conversation

Stand Out From the Pack

Recommendation letters are used by admissions counselors to better understand who you are as a student and person. But how to you ensure you get a letter that will accurately reflect your hard work and shed a positive light on who you are?

  • Start forming relationships with your teachers early; the better a teacher knows you, the more easily they will be able to write about you. Reach out to your teachers when you need help, be respectful, put effort into all your assignments (no matter how small) and stay in touch after the school year is over!
  • When asking for a recommendation letter, consider asking a teacher whose class didn't come easily to you and you had to work hard on. Often teachers who have seen you work hard to achieve in their class have the most meaningful things to write.
  • When it comes time to ask a teacher, do it respectfully. Give them plenty of time (at least eight weeks), and ask them if they feel they would be a good fit for writing your letter. If they don't have time or don't feel they could write you a strong letter, respect their decision and consider another option.

Keeping Yourself Organized


More Organization = Less Stress

There is a lot to keep straight when applying to colleges. Staying on top of everything will help you meet deadlines.

Be Smart About Email

Create a new email address that you give to colleges. This will ensure important emails from colleges don't get lost. Consider using a combination of your first and last name to add an additional polished look on your applications. Check this email often so you don't miss anything!

Track Your To-Dos

Maintain a spreadsheet with deadlines, required documents and key reminders for all of the colleges on your list. Share this document with important people in your life so they understand what you're working on, and so you can ask them for help when you need it.

Get the Picture

Consider taking a couple pictures of unique landmarks or memorable buildings while you are visiting a campus so you can jog your memory about your experience and remember whether you could picture yourself as a student there.

Insider Tips From Admissions Counselors


Tips for Applying to ̽̽ 

Wondering specifically about the best tips for completing a ̽̽ application? In this Instagram Q&A, Brian, an admissions counselor, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the ̽̽ admissions philosophy, early applications, and more. 

Funding Your Education


Financial Aid 101

While you’re deciding which colleges to apply to and working on your applications, determining how you’ll pay for school is a major factor. It’s important to understand best practices of building your college financial aid package.

Watch the video to learn the basics of terminology, types of aid, and the ideal financial aid timeline. 

What's Next?


Considering Applying to ̽̽? 

Connect with an admissions counselor and start your journey. 

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