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̽̽ Rescue staffs our ambulances with at minimum a Crew Chief and a Driver. Crew Chiefs are responsible for the leading patient care and crew safety on calls. All ̽̽ Rescue Crew Chiefs are Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians, ensuring that we run Advanced Life Support crews on every call. Drivers are responsible for knowing the fastest and most efficient route for call locations in addition to the safe maneuvering of the ambulance and assisting with patient care on-scene. Our crews usually are complete with two more members, a Third and a Fourth, who aid in patient care. 

Behind the scenes, we have 9 officers who deal with the administrative responsibilities of being a non – profit, student – run, volunteer ambulance service. Our officer positions include the Director of Operations, Training Officer, two Financial Officers, Public Relations Officer, Equipment Officer, Vehicle Officer, and two Personnel Officers. 


At ̽̽ Rescue, we take pride in our extensive training programs that allow us, as volunteers and primarily undergraduate students, to be held accountable to the same standards as other full – time professionals in our district. Every member on ̽̽ Rescue completes a 14-week probationary period where they constantly train and test their EMS skills, medical knowledge, and the ability to work effectively within a team of providers. Once one’s probationary phase is completed, training continues as our members continue to immerse themselves and practice their skills and knowledge. Members may also decide to go through more training to become a Crew Chief, Driver, or both. On average, becoming a driver requires another four to five months of training, and becoming a Crew Chief takes nine to twelve months. Continued education is also achieved through our regular squad trainings, where we practice working together to learn new medical tools, practices, and procedures.


To apply to ̽̽ Rescue, a prospective member must first complete 5 observation hours. During observation hours, prospective members are able to spend time with current members of the squad during our daily routine to better understand who we are and what we do. During this time, prospective members are able to complete “ride alongs” on our 911 calls as well. 

After observation hours an application will be provided, and applicants will undergo a one/two round interview process with our Personnel Officers and additional ̽̽ Rescue members. Following the completion of the interview process, applicants should receive a decision within two weeks.

If you are interested in joining or for more information on observation hours/ride alongs, please give our station a call!