

About Us | IPM | Saffron Center | | | International | Fungal Database | Ticks

The Entomology Research Laboratory represents a team of scientists committed to the development of effective biological control agents for forest, greenhouse and vegetable insect pest management.  Insect pest problems are addressed with an interdisciplinary approach, using insights drawn from a diverse group of senior scientists, the assistance of specialized technicians, and graduate students.  Emphasis is placed on practical aspects of research to solve ‘real world’ problems.  Though focused on agricultural problems of Vermont, our projects have national and international significance as well.  Through our work we attempt to develop management options that are environmentally sound, economically viable and sustainable, and encourage their implementation through extension and education


News & Events

: Resources for the general public, farmers and others about ticks and tick-borne dieases.

Tick Research

Dealing with Fungus Gnats in the Home  

Lymantria dispar Factsheet

Check out our roles in the VT IPM Program under Specialty Crops: Greenhouse, High Tunnel & Nursery & Pollinator Health

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Visit Our Greenhouse & High Tunnel IPM Website

Visit Our Saffron Center Website
Entomology Research Laboratory, University of Vermont, 661 Spear Street, Burlington ,VT  05405,  Tel: 802.656.5440 - Fax: 802.656.5441
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of any funding organizations mentioned. Events are open to everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, identity, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital or familial status and/or etc.

Please contact Cheryl Frank Sullivan at cfrank@uvm.edu for any questions or to report any issues with this site.

Last update: June 2024