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Landscape Integrated Pest Management & Habitat Plants for Beneficial Insects
habitat planting in field vegetables VT pollinators

Habitat planting of annuals for attracting beneficial insects
to provide pollination and pest management services.

INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT 'IPM' manages insect pests and dieases in the landscape by using economically and environmentally sustainable practices to avoid pest problems. If chemical insecticides are needed, least toxic chemistries and products with a lower environemental persistence are selected. 

The goal of IPM is to prevent pests from becoming unmanageable. By combining several complimentary strategies such as pest , , , or management actions, pests can be maintained at a balanced level within the enviroment
syrphid fly on cornflower

Syrphid fly visting a blue cornflower (above)
and a bee visiting a cosmos (below)

Bee Cosmos
News & Events

Attract & Recognize Your Pest-fighting Pollinators & Other Beneficial Insects
Cheryl Frank Sullivan, Vermont Greenscape Association 27th Annual Turfgrass Conference & Trade Show. West Lebanon, NH. December 3, 2019 

Un-Bee-Lievable Beneficials Habitat Planting Awareness Sign 2019

Bringing In Un-BEE-lievable Beneficials Brochure 
printable version

Check out some of our research providing habitat for pest fighting pollinators, Aug. 2018

Bringing in Un-Bee-lievable Beneficials  by Cheryl Frank Sullivan. VNLA/Greenworks Winter Meeting, Feb. 7, 2019

Un-BEE lievable Pollinators  - Tri-State Greenhouse IPM Workshop, January 2018

Habitat Plants to Attract Natural Enemies into High Tunnel Crops - New England Vegetable & Berry Conference, December 2017

Bringing In The Other Good Guys: Natural enemies in the landscape presented at the 2017 Tri-State IPM Workshops by Cheryl Frank Sullivan

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly: Novel IPM Strategies for "bugs" in the Nursery -Seventh Western Native Plant Conference Dec. 6-8 2016, Vancouver, WA Presenation by Margaret Skinner


White Grubs (Family Scarabaeidae): A Serious Lawn Pest (June 2023)

Identification & Managament of White Grubs in Vermont's Greenscapes (June 2017)

Habitat Plantings for Beneficial Insects
Creating Gardens for Pollinators:
Native Plants & Ecosysyem Services - Michigan State -
Penn State: Landscaping to Attract and Conserve Beneficial Insects:
Pollinator Habitat: USDA -
Planting for Pollinators- UMass:
Pollinator Resources for Greenhouse/Nursery - Prepared by ¶¶Òõ̽̽ - refer to 2nd to last slide - 
Habitat Plants to Attract Natural Enemies into High Tunnel Crops
Pollinator Partnership: 
Selecting Plants for Pollinators Laurentian Mixed Forest Province -
Selecting Plants for Pollinators Adirondack, New England Mixed Forest - 

Pest & Natural Enemy/Benefical Insect ID
Id of Common Landscape Pests & Beneficial Organisms in Nevada: Univ. of Nevada Coop. Ext.
Insects A-Z - Univ. of Minnesota Ext.:
Michigan State University IPM - Landscape & Nursery:
: By Dr. Alan T. Eaton, Extension Specialist, Entomology - Univ. of NH
Oklahoma Coop. Ext: Conservation Biological Control for the Home Landscape:
Texas A&M AgriLife Ext - Landscape IPM:
Texas Master Gardener - Beneficials in the Garden:
UCONN Turf & Landscape IPM:

Univ. of Maine Home & Garden IPM:
UMASS Ext. Landscape & Nursery IPM:
Univ. of California IPM - Home, Garden, Turf & Landscape Pests:
Univ. of Maryland Ext.- Landscape Managament & Nursery Production:
Univ. of New Hampshire Coop. Ext. Nursery & Landscape:
Utah State University Extension - Landscape IPM:

Local Associations

GreenWorks VT Nursery & Landscape Assn.:
Maine Landscape & Nursery Assn.:
New Hampshire Landscape Assn.:
New York State Nursery & Landscape Assn. Inc.:
New York State Turf & Landscape Assn:
This work is supported by the Univ. of VT College of Agriculture; Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Reseaerch & Education Program; the Crop Protection & Pest Management and Extension IPM Program from the USDA National Institute of Food & Agriculture HATCH Multistate Projects & GreenWorks, the VT Landscape Nursery Assn. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors & do not necessarily reflect the view of any funding organizations mentioned. Events are open to everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, identity, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital or familial status.
USDA ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Extension LogoVNLA

© Entomology Research Laboratory, University of Vermont, 661 Spear Street, Burlington ,VT  05405,  Tel: 802.656.5440 - Fax: 802.656.5441

Last update: January 2020