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IPM Workshop 2019
Stop Tooling Around With Your Pest Management Strategies
This year’s guest speaker: Dr. Juang-Horng Chong
Associate Professor & Extension Specialist for Turf & Ornamentals at the


New Pesticide Chemistries: Juang-Horng Chong,

Disease Update  Cheryl Smith & Alicyn Smart –  &

Insect ID Tools to Increase Scouting Success: Anna Wallingford, .

Links to Tools Used During Insect ID Session:


Digital Microscope Links (for scopes used in demos)

What’s New for Greenhouse IPM in Our Region?

Emerald Ash Borer & Hemp in Maine: Gary Fish, ME Dept. of Agric.

Saffron Update: Margaret Skinner,
North Amercian Center for Saffron Research & Development Website

Evaluating Greenhouse Crops Grown in Media Amemded with Wood Materials: Chrysta Harris, Anissa Poleatewich & Ryan Dickson - UNH

Utilizing the Power of Beneficial Microbes in a Systems Approach to Plant Disease Management: Liza DeGenring & Anissa Poleatwich - UNH

Informational Handouts

Current & On-going Greenhouse Research at ¶¶Òõ̽̽ ERL

Critical Questions to Consider to Help Manage Persistent Pest Problems
& Attracting and Sustaining Aphid Natural Enemies in High Tunnels

Identifying Insects on Sticky Cards

Maine Resources

NEW Fruit and Veg Listserv for Farmer-to-Farmer Communication!!!
To subscribe, send an email to: meveg-berry-subscribe-request@lists.maine.edu
THEN, follow directions and click link in the email response

Strawberry and Sweet Corn newsletters where growers can get weekly alerts about pests such as potato leafhopper, tarnished plant bug and corn borers and earworms:

Strawberry IPM website:
Sweet Corn IPM:

Growers can contact Pamela St. Peter (pamela.stpeter@maine.edu) to request to receive these newsletters by email

Cannabis IPM info is posted at: maine.gov/ipm under Featured Topics.
Direct links to the documents and powerpoint are at:

Tri-State Diagnostic Clinics

Pest Management Office: Orono, ME (207) 581-3883 or 1-800-287-0279 (within Maine)
Disease Diagnosis Form ME

UNH Plant Diagnostic Lab, Durham, NH  (603) 862-3200
Disease Diagnosis Form

¶¶Òõ̽̽ Plant Diagnostic Clinic, Burlington, VT 05405  (802) 656-0493
Disease Diagnosis Form

Keep up to date with what we are doing on !

Extra Special Thanks to (Maine), ,  and (Vermont) for the generous use of their facilities to host this event.

Dont forget to subscribe yourself to (Electronic Grower Resources Online) to keep up to date with all sorts of important information and alerts related to the floriculture industry.

Join our NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND GREENHOUSE GROWERS NETWORK called GREENGROWER!!! This is a internet service to promote communication on greenhouse pest management among growers, extension specialists and researchers in ME, NH & VT. Please contact Cheryl E. Frank Sullivan at ¶¶Òõ̽̽ if you would like to join.

MAINE Netowrk - NEW Fruit and Veg Listserv for Farmer-to-Farmer Communication!!!
To subscribe, send an email to: meveg-berry-subscribe-request@lists.maine.edu
THEN, follow directions and click link in the email response
If you have additional questions about the workshop, please contact Cheryl E. Frank Sullivan at ¶¶Òõ̽̽.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors & do not necessarily reflect the view of any funding organizations mentioned. Events are open to everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, identity, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital or familial status.

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