
CS 2510 (2990)

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Selected course materials will live here. In 2024 fall this will be numbered “CS 2990”. In subsequent semesters (if all goes according to plan) this will be numbered “CS 2510”.

Prerequisites: CS2240 Data Structures and Algorithms


  • History of artificial intelligence
  • Knowledge representation
  • Logic and constraint logic programming
  • Heuristic search, minimax, alpha / beta pruning, A^{\star} and I\mkern-2muD\mkern-2.3muA^{\star}, Monte Carlo methods
  • Markov models
  • Decision trees, random forest, and ensemble learning
  • Introduction to neural networks (multi-layer perceptron)
  • Current state of AI; implications for humanity and society (briefly)
  • Other topics TBD