De Morgan’s laws
De Morgan’s laws
A \cap \big(B \cup C \big) = \big(A \cap B\big) \cup \big(A \cap C\big)
The intersection of a set and a union of two or more sets is the union of their intersections.
A \cup \big(B \cap C \big) = \big(A \cup B\big) \cap \big(A \cup C\big)
The union of a set and an intersection of two or more sets is the intersection of their unions.
Distribution of set difference
A \setminus \big(B \cup C\big) = \big(A \setminus B\big) \cap \big(A \setminus C\big)
A \setminus \big(B \cap C\big) = \big(A \setminus B\big) \cup \big(A \setminus C\big)
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