As part of the tutoring experience, tutors take two courses:
- English 2790 (fall semester) has a practical focus on building each tutor's identity and skills as a writing tutor.
- English 2795 (spring semester) takes a more critical and theoretical look at tutoring writing.
The time involved each semester (for the class and tutoring) is about the same as for a normal three-credit course in the humanities. Class-tutors meet during the Monday and Wednesday class periods, with about 2-3 hours of homework for each class. Instead of a Friday class period and homework, class-tutors tutor for 3 hours each week (not necessarily on Fridays -- we find 3 hours that fit into each tutor's weekly schedule).
New class-tutors begin tutoring during the fourth week of the fall semester, and then continue tutoring for 3 hours each week for the remainder of the two courses (excluding holidays and breaks).