Individual Consultations

WID provides personalized consultations for faculty on writing and teaching. Susanmarie Harrington, Director of WID and Professor of English, can assist in the (re)design of courses or assignments and help you think about the ways you teach writing and the ways writing can help you guide your students.

Prof. Harrington has consulted with faculty from a variety of departments including Political Science, Classics, Social Work, Anthropology, and Psychology, and faculty from the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, providing expertise on assignment design, sequence, and assessment, and offering strategies for working with classroom challenges around writing.

Consultations can also be arranged with other faculty development units. If your teaching project touches on issues that might be supported by another unit (such as CUPS, the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Center for Cultural Pluralism, or the Fleming Museum), you can arrange a consultation with staff from other offices as well as WID.

Departmental Support

WID offers departments customized workshops related to instruction on a variety of topics.


The Writing and Information Literacy in the Disciplines (WILD) initiative is the final phase of the General Education Committee’s work on writing and information literacy.
The WILD initiative identifies four outcomes for participating departments:

  • Identification of disciplinary priorities for writing and information literacy
  • Student learning outcomes based on those priorities
  • Curricular map of where those outcomes are taught
  • Plan for assessing and refining the outcomes

The WILD process envisions four key meetings for departments:

  • Meeting to review the survey outcomes
  • Meeting to review draft outcomes and begin curricular mapping
  • Meeting to plan assessment
  • Meeting to review work and make future plans in light of available resources

Events Calendar

Request Support

Contact Susanmarie Harrington, WID Director


Call Susanmarie: 802-656-0878

Contact Us