Staff Council Representatives attend a presentation by Provost Prelock at the Annual Retreat.


The ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Staff Council serves as an advocate for staff by seeking out and responding to their ideas and concerns, representing them to the University administration, and keeping staff informed of University initiatives. Staff Council works to create a cohesive community, have a positive impact on staff culture, and promote the betterment of all.


To accomplish its mission, Staff Council brings together approximately 40 appointed or elected volunteer representatives from 21 units/division/colleges across campus. Prior to the elections held each spring, the overall units are reviewed to ensure all areas have appropriate representation, taking into account staffing changes and organizational realignments. These representatives serve 3-year terms and are the primary conduit for communicating staff concerns to the full Staff Council and consequently to administration.

Additionally, a staff person can contribute to Staff Council as an at-large representative. This is purely a volunteer role with no term requirements and fewer responsibilities than an elected or appointed representative. About a dozen staff members are currently serving in this capacity.

Staff Council is led by a President and Vice-President, who are elected for two-year terms by ¶¶Òõ̽̽ non-represented staff.

The entire group and its subcommittees meet monthly, with a focus on advocating for and representing the needs and concerns of non-represented staff to university administration.

The Staff Council office is staffed full-time by two hired employees, who are not members of Staff Council. The office works to provide administrative support to the work of Staff Council.Ìý

Constitution & Bylaws

The Constitution and Bylaws outline the role of Staff Council as a governance body that serves in an advisory capacity to the University President. The Bylaws contain information about how the Council functions, who is eligible for service, the responsibility areas of the Council and Committees, and the Council's mission and goals. They were last revised on June 7, 2024.Ìý
Staff Council Bylaws (PDF).

What We Do

Staff Council Fast Facts (PDF)

Staff Council advises and makes recommendations to the University President and other University leaders while providing staff perspective on University-wide initiatives and searches for senior leaders. The organization, which has had several different configurations of standing and ad hoc committees over the years, is supported by the Staff Council office and meets monthly as a full group.

Since the mid 1970’s, the Staff Council has published a monthly newsletter (now an e-newsletter) titled Staffline that is sent to all University staff and retired staff. Staff Council also holds annual social events like the Holiday Bazaar, bus trips, and golf outings to build community, and manages the Professional Development Fund and the Staff Emergency Loan Fund. Staff Council established both the Staff Recognition Week and the former Staff of the Year Award—an award that has been replaced by the President's Our Common Ground Staff Award.

Over the decades since its inception, the Staff Council has grown into a fully representative body that includes staff members from all Colleges/Units/Divisions and appoints staff to University-wide boards, committees, and workgroups. Staff Council is one of five governance bodies recognized by the University, the others being the ,Ìýthe Graduate Student Senate, the Faculty Senate, and the Board of Trustees. Unlike these other bodies, Staff Council does not make University policy, rather the Council and itsÌýStanding CommitteesÌýsubmit recommendations and requests to the Administration for review, based on the concerns and recommendations communicated to Representatives by their constituents and to the Staff Council Office directly. Staff Council also works collaboratively with leaders, departments, and organizations to find solution to issues and concerns that impact staff and the larger ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Community.

All Staff Council initiatives and positions on key issues are determined through voting at the Council's monthly meeting.

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