Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are now closed. Applicants will hear back by the end of April, so stay tuned!

Program Overview

The Vermont Space Grant Consortium (VTSGC) is pleased to announce the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. REU awards are competitive and intended to support a substantive research effort conducted by an undergraduate student mentored by a faculty adviser in an area aligned with NASA priorities. The expectation is that the research will lead to a clear and substantial academic accomplishment requiring significant student effort. The goals of this program are two-fold: (1) to help prepare the next generation of researchers in STEM disciplines; and (2) to provide the undergraduate student a research experience that strongly aligns with NASA priorities. The VTSGC expects to make up to seven awards under this program for the 2024-2025 academic year.


Pursuant to NASA requirements for the National Space Grant Program, undergraduate students funded by this competition must be U.S. citizens and enrolled full-time in an undergraduate program within a STEM discipline at a Vermont college or university. Faculty serving as research mentors will be full-time faculty in STEM disciplines. All eligible applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other category legally protected by federal or state law. The VTSGC encourages applications from all individuals who will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the program.

Amount and Period of Support

Subject to the timely arrival of NASA annual funding installments, these awards will provide a stipend of $6,000 for a maximum of 12 months anticipated to span from June 2024 to May 2025. The award also includes up to $1,000 for research-related travel. Awards will be made directly to the student as a stipend for the student’s research time, not funds for materials or other costs.

Application Packet

The application for a VTSGC REU award shall be written by the student with collaborative support from a faculty mentor. The completed application packet must be typed (8.5-by-11-inch page, easily readable 12-point font, 1-inch margins) and include the following items:

  • Signed Cover Page. Use the form included with the announcement at the top of this webpage.
  • Project Narrative (limit of two pages, exclusive of citations). A narrative providing a description of the project, its significance, methods and expected outcomes. Please be specific about what research activities or tasks the student will undertake.
  • NASA Relevance (limit of one-half page). Describe how the proposed project is aligned with a new or continuing NASA research priority or technical need. For example, the applicant may cite a current or pending NASA Research Announcement and the Mission Directorate the research will be targeting. (NASA Mission Directorates can be found at )
  • Student Resume (limit of two pages).
  • Student Academic Transcript. An unofficial transcript is acceptable.

Institutional Authorization

All applications must be approved by an authorizing official at the institution of origin. University of Vermont (̽̽) applicants must coordinate with their departmental representative from Sponsored Project Administration (SPA) and route applications through ̽̽Click. All other applicants must coordinate with the SPA equivalent at their institution. For assistance with this requirement, please contact your faculty advisor or the VTSGC office.

Electronic Application Procedure

All applications must be submitted electronically to the Space Grant Office. The electronic submission must be made no later than 11:59 PM on April 4, 2024. The application must be saved as a single PDF file and emailed to the Space Grant Office at with the subject line “NASA REU Application.” Incomplete proposals will not receive consideration.

Obligations Associated with Funding

Recipients of the REU award, in collaboration with their faculty mentor, will be required to provide written progress updates and survey reponses to the Space Grant Director during the award period as needed to comply with NASA reporting requests. A final report will be due within thirty (30) days of the end of the award period. Awardees must also register with NASA and complete a student profile form in NASA Gateway. Instructions will be provided upon receipt of award.

Selection Process

Applications will be reviewed by the VTSGC Office in consultation with the VTSGC Board of Advisors. Selection for funding will be based on the strength of the student’s qualifications and the merits of the proposed research.

For More Information

Please contact Prof. Bernard F. Cole, Director of the Vermont Space Grant Consortium (802-656-0054 or with any questions regarding this announcement.

Past Awardees