¶¶Òõ̽̽ is the legal recipient of all grants and contracts made in support of sponsored projects. However, it is the Principal Investigator who initiates, oversees and develops proposals, corresponding budgets and when funded is responsible for project execution, award management, fiscal monitoring, and compliance with all rules and regulations that govern sponsored projects.
Principal Investigator responsibilities are outlined below.
Programmatic Responsibilities
- Directs the project activity being supported by the award
- Is accountable for the proper conduct of the project activity
- Appoints and manages project personnel
- Monitors sub-recipient performance
- Maintains and retains project data and materials as required
- Completes and submits on time progress and other required reports
- Initiates timely requests for prior approval for changes when required (e.g. change in scope of work, rebudgeting, or reduction in committed effort)
- Requests no-cost extensions when appropriate
Compliance Responsibilities
- Satisfies regulatory research requirements (i.e., use of human subjects, animals, laboratory safety, etc.)
- Ensures accurate and timely effort reporting for project personnel
- Discloses conflicts of interest when required
- Ensures scientific integrity of project
- Discloses project inventions and complies with University intellectual property policy
Administrative / Fiscal Responsibilities
- Develops sponsored project proposals and corresponding budgets in compliance with sponsor and University guidelines
- Coordinates collecting ¶¶Òõ̽̽ required approvals prior to proposal submission
- Assists with negotiation of award terms, as needed
- Initiates advance account request, when appropriate
- Manages project budgets, Approves expenditures
- Monitor's project expenditures to ensure all costs are allowable, reasonable, and allocable to the project to which they are charged
- Seeks prior approval for budget changes when required
- Approves outgoing subawards documents and related invoices
- Ensure compliance with any cost-share requirements
- Reviews final financial statements
- Assists with accounts receivable collections, as needed