Watershed Forestry Resource Library

Welcome to the searchable resource library for the Watershed Forestry Partnership! Here you can find outreach materials that have been created by other organizations working on riparian forest restoration, academic papers, and other resources. If you have something to add to the library, or have a request for what you would like to see here, please contact Shawn White at shawn.white [at] uvm.edu.

Key Resources:

  • Restoration Roundup Podcast Series - Through these 19 episodes, Restoration Roundup invites guests from local government and nonprofit organizations to discuss the work they are doing in riparian forest restoration around the Lake Champlain basin. Guests on the podcast have discussed many topics including invasive species, how riparian buffers support pollinators, the shortage of native trees and shrubs for restoration, and much more. 
  • - Technical but brief guide from NRCS describing the agency's specifications for riparian forest buffers, including zones, widths, vegetation, fish and wildlife habitat specifications, planting plan specs, and both natural regeneration and direct seeding guidelines.
  • Vermont Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Tree and Shrub Establishment Guide - NRCS technical guide to tree and shrub establishment, including information about site prep and weed control; planting timing; storage and handling of plant material; planting techniques; protection from browse; natural regeneration; and direct seeding.
  • Vermont Trees for Streams Resource Guide - This guide includes information about types of buffers; considering pollution source, land use history, and goals of the restoration project; site selection; planting plans; vegetation types; planting procedures; and sources of support and assistance.
  • Northwestern Vermont Riparian Planting Guide - This relatively brief guide outlines information on partner organizations in NW Vermont; funding opportunities; outreach to landowners; project design and implementation; and maintenance and monitoring. Although the guide is designed to be locally-specific to Northwestern Vermont, much of the information is applicable in the broader New England region.

The impacts of terrestrial invasive plants on streams and natural and restored riparian forests in northern New England

Published 2019
Author(s): Chad F. Hammer
Study quantifying the impacts of terrestrial invasive plant invasions by Japanese knotweed and woody invasive plant species on riparian forest structure, stream physical habitat, soil structure, and soil functioning in northern New Hampshire. Additionally, this study assesses the effects of restoring native trees to disturbed riparian sites and their ability to resist invasive plants in central Vermont.

Vermont Conservation Design Summary Report

Published 2018
Author(s): Eric Sorenson & Robert Zaino, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
This VT ANR project identified lands and waters in Vermont that are of highest priority for maintaining ecological integrity. Surface waters and riparian areas are discussed beginning on page 16, including a prioritization of riparian corridors for wildlife.

Vermont Conservation Design: Natural Communities and Habitats Technical Report

Published 2018
Author(s): Robert Zaino, Eric Sorenson, Doug Morin & Jens Hilke (Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department); Keith Thompson (Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation)
This is a subsidiary report of the larger Vermont Conservation Design project. This report identifies the priority habitats and natural communities that—when conserved in conjunction with the landscape-scale elements—are necessary to maintain and enhance ecological functions. The section on "Valley Bottom Riparian Restoration Areas" provides a good summary of riparian area benefits and of guidelines for maintaining ecological function.

Designing restoration programs based on understanding the drivers of ecological change

Published 2017
Author(s): Christian O. Marks and Roy G. Van Driesche
This book chapter from Integrating Biological Control into Conservation Practice (eds. Roy G. Van Driesche, Daniel Simberloff, Bernd Blossey, Charlotte Causton, Mark S. Hoddle, Christian Marks, Kevin M. Heinz, David L. Wagner, and Keith D. Warner) reviews the ecological restoration and conservation planning process, focusing on the roles invasive species play in ecological change. The authors discuss how to determine if an invasive species rises to the level of threat that warrants development of a biological control program, and describe restoration of Connecticut River floodplain forests in the northeastern United States as a case study.

Riparian forest structure and stream geomorphic condition: implications for flood resilience

Published 2017
Author(s): William S. Keeton, Erin M. Copeland, S. Mažeika P. Sullivan & Mary C. Watzin
Study in Vermont that examines relationships between stream geomorphic condition, as assessed by Rapid Geomorphic Assessment (RGA) scores, and riparian forest structure; and investigates scale dependencies in the linkages between land cover and stream geomorphology.
