
For peer-reviewed, scientific publications on research conducted in the Lake Champlain basin region, search our .

Lake Champlain Videos is a series of recently released videos to help people understand the lake and its processes and the actions people can take to protect and improve water quality and keep themselves and their pets safe. .

For Lake Champlain Sea Grant publications that include scientific journal articles, reports, brochures, fact sheets, videos, public service announcements, and other materials about our research, outreach, and education related to the Lake Champlain basin, search below.

Managing Your Household Septic System

Published 2014
Information for homeowners to safeguard and maintain septic systems, control the volume and quality of wastewater, maintaining the septic tank, sludge accumulation, and the soil treatment area.

Bilge Water, Boat Sewage and Gray Water

Published 2013
All boats generate wastewater. Sources include bilge water, marine toilets, and laundry/dishwashing facilities. Please follow the tips on this fact sheet to make sure that you dispose of this wastewater properly.

Boat Maintenance

Published 2013
Do you routinely work on your boat rather than hire others to do the work for you? Do you clean the deck, repaint the hull, and change the oil? If so, here are some important tips to help you protect the waters wherever you boat.

Boat Operation & Fueling

Published 2013
When not operated properly, boats can result in injuries to people and animals, and cause pollution. Considerations should be given when fueling your boat. Consider these tips to make sure your boating activities are safe and protect the environment.

Building Farmland Flood Resilience

Published 2013
Leah Szafranski, US Fish and Wildlife Service and The Intervale Center, and Liz Brownlee, Vermont River Conservancy and Lake Champlain Sea Grant discuss strategies and present case studies on building farmland flood resilience.

Fish and Mercury Brochure

Published 2013
Safe eating guidelines based on mercury levels measured in fish throughout Vermont as well as mercury levels found in commercial fish.

Garbage and Fishing Waste

Published 2013
Everyone generates trash and garbage. When not handled properly, trash, fish waste, fishing line, hazardous waste, and pet waste can injure marine life and people, and can ruin your boating experience. Consider these tips.
