
For peer-reviewed, scientific publications on research conducted in the Lake Champlain basin region, search our .

Lake Champlain Videos is a series of recently released videos to help people understand the lake and its processes and the actions people can take to protect and improve water quality and keep themselves and their pets safe. .

For Lake Champlain Sea Grant publications that include scientific journal articles, reports, brochures, fact sheets, videos, public service announcements, and other materials about our research, outreach, and education related to the Lake Champlain basin, search below.

Soaking Up Stormwater Runoff curriculum

Published 2021
This curriculum is designed for upper elementary through high school students to understand the concepts of stormwater runoff, watersheds, and green infrastructure and nature-based solutions to cleaning and treating stormwater runoff on-site. It includes a variety of hands-on activities to engage students in learning, and describes multiple stewardship projects in which students can participate to help minimize stormwater runoff from school or other properties.

Thanks Shelburne Selectboard for Raising the Blade

Published 2021
This local story in Shelburne News by Linda Patterson announces that the town of Shelburne, Vermont has endorsed the Raise the Blade campaign for town lawns to help reduce stormwater runoff.

Using Watersheds as a Framework for Learning

Published 2021
This article by Lake Champlain Sea Grant's Ashley Eaton appeared in the Fall 2021 edition of Green Teacher and became the cover story for this edition specifically focused on watershed education.

Why it Makes Sense to Reduce Salt Use

Published 2021
This Lake Champlain Sea Grant-produced video shares the experience of the City of South Burlington, Vermont that has been able to reduce salt use and save money through salt tracking and equipment calibration.

Climate Buoys on Lake Champlain

Published 2020
This rack card describes data buoys that are deployed seasonally on Lake Champlain and collect data of value to scientists, anglers, and mariners. The buoys store and relay real-time information on weather and water temperature from the surface to the lake’s bottom. These data help researchers to understand the potential impacts of climate change.

Guidance for Lake Champlain Marinas to Locate Cleaning Solutions and PPE

Published 2020
This fact sheet provides guidance for Lake Champlain marinas during the COVID-19 pandemic. The publication lists names and contact information of Lake Champlain, Vermont, and New York businesses selling disinfectant products, sanitizers, and personal protective equipment.
