New Watershed Forestry Partnership Launches Listserv and Newsletter

By Alison Adams, Watershed Forestry Coordinator (Email the author)
October 08, 2020

The Watershed Forestry Partnership, a program of the Lake Champlain Sea Grant and University of Vermont Extension, has launched a new listserv. Through this listserv, organizations, researchers, and others working on riparian forest restoration in the Lake Champlain basin and Vermont can now collaborate, ask questions, and share information about riparian buffer restoration efforts.

If you wish to subscribe to the list, you can go to the  and search for “Watershed Forestry” or send an email command (“subscribe watershedforestry FirstName LastName”) to listserv [at] from the email address where you want to receive the emails. Alternatively, you may contact Alison Adams, Watershed Forestry Coordinator, at alison.adams [at]

The Partnership also published it's first newsletter, produced in collaboration with the Annalise Carington of the Intervale Center, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and Katie Kain of the USFWS, and released in early October. It includes updates from organizations across Vermont that are working to restore riparian forests to improve water quality, mitigate flooding, and provide wildlife habitat; a summary of Redstart Forestry’s observations of the best and worst trees to plant in buffers this year; a call for “user stories” to inform development of the  web app; and more!

View the Watershed Forestry Partnership Fall 2020 Newsletter.