Mo Monday: Mo's Doghouse

By Kris Stepenuck, Extension Leader and Mo Owner (Email the author)
August 31, 2020

One thing I haven’t mentioned in past posts is the doghouse we built for Mo. It’s not something required, but we figured it might help prolong Mo’s life to protect him from the weather. Plus, one of Mo’s features is that he heads to his base station whenever it is raining, as, being electric, he doesn’t like getting wet. (Though, according to the manufacturer, it is technically fine for the mower to be out in the rain in its base station. During thunderstorms they advise to unplug it though.)

Board showing height of house for Mo, the robotic mower To build Mo’s house, we first assessed how tall the doghouse needed to be.


We then cut the boards to size and positioned them into a house with an open side. The house is simply placed over the top of Mo’s base station.


Boards around Mo, the robotic mower

The roof is positioned at a slight angle to help water to run off of it. This is done by having the walls cut to different heights.


To complete the house, we painted the sides and added some roofing shingles.


Mo, the robotic mower, inside his doghouse Mo’s house has worked out quite well to protect Mo from the elements.


Are you raising the blade? Please consider sharing your photos of you or someone you know following #RaiseTheBlade guidelines by emailing seagrant [at] or posting to Instagram or Twitter using the #RaiseTheBlade hashtag and tagging Lake Champlain Sea Grant and the Lake Champlain Basin Program. Plus, don’t forget, there is also still time to enter for a chance to win a mulching mower! Learn more and enter from the .