Earth Day Webinar: Restoring Living Shorelands

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 - 10:30am to 11:30am
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In celebration of Earth Day 2020, and to promote shoreland practices that protect our lakes, the New England Chapter of the North American Lake Management Society (NEC NALMS) is hosting a webinar on Best Management Practices (BMPs) for lake-friendly development. This webinar will cover Shoreland Best Management Practices; Ecological Designs for Lake Wise Living; and Bioengineering Installations to restore living shorelands and create a new trend towards lake-friendly practices. 

Our presenters are based in Vermont and work with the suite of Shoreland Best Management Practices, established through the Lake Wise Program, which was modeled after Maine’s Lake Smart Program using social sciences to inspire shoreland owners to follow lake-friendly practices. 

Practicing shoreland BMPs allows for lake-friendly development, a win-win for water quality, wildlife, and property. In assisting shoreland owners through Lake Wise and Shoreland Permitting, and with inspirational ecological graphics and designs, it became clear that it was equally important to work with contractors, consultants, engineers, and all others who work along shorelands. Engaging a broader community in the benefits of native shoreland vegetation will help grow a trend away from converting shores to lawns and towards the protection and restoration of living shorelands. 

Presentations (each 20 minutes in length): 

  • Vermont Shoreland BMPs: Native Plants for Stormwater Treatments
    Laura Dlugolecki, MS, BS – VTANR Lakes and Ponds Shoreland Permit Specialist 
  • Ecological Designs for Water Quality, Wildlife, and Well-Being 
    Holly Greenleaf, MS, BA – Ecological Landscape Designer 
  • Bioengineering Methods and Case Studies to Stabilize Eroding Shores 
    Amy Picotte, MS, BS – VTANR Lakes and Ponds Lakeshore Manager 


Please register to attend the webinar:  

Once you register using the link above, you will quickly receive a confirmation email from Watershed Management, with a subject line of “Restoring Living Shorelands – Webinar offered by the New England Chapter of the North American Lake Management Society.” That confirmation email will contain information on how to log into and/or call into the webinar on 4/21. Please save that information so that you can use it to join the webinar at 10:30am on Tuesday April 21, 2020. If you do not receive an immediate confirmation email, please check your spam folder for an email from Watershed Management. If you still cannot find it, email Amy.Smagula [at]

If you are not able to join the live webinar, we plan to post a video shortly after the webinar takes place. A recording of the webinar will be posted at and . 

To learn more about NEC NALMS, visit . 

To learn more about NALMS, visit .