Mo Monday: Learn How Grass Grows

By Kris Stepenuck, Extension Leader and Mo Owner (Email the author)
August 31, 2020

Now that the summer heat has passed, the grass in our yard is noticeably growing again in a waning effort to create and store sugars it will use while dormant during the winter months. At the same time, Mo is dutifully out mowing, and like always, cutting just a small amount of each grass blade, and allowing those clippings to fall to the earth to decompose in place. After the clippings are decomposed by microbes in the soil, important nutrients will once again be available for uptake by the grass. So it goes in this continual cycle of growth and nutrient exchange. 

This week, I am excited to share a short educational video the Raise the Blade team just completed with Kindea Labs. It shares details of this circle of life and connections the cycle has to water quality and to our actions on the land. Check it out on the  or below. 


Employee at Bibens Ace Hardware stands next to mulching mower Don’t forget to enter for a chance to win a mulching mower and to submit your photos of you or someone else Raising the Blade for water quality by emailing seagrant [at] or posting to Instagram or Twitter with the #RaiseTheBlade hashtag and tagging the and .

The drawing will be held on Labor Day 2020!