Best practices to avoid fomite contamination:
- Dedicated lab notebooks and writing utensils that do not leave the lab
- Do not use ipods or cell phones while working in the lab
- Do not touch your face, apply lotion, chapstick, or cosmetics in the lab
- Do not touch door handles, railings, computers, or elevator buttons with gloves on
- Wash your hands before leaving the lab
- If spill pads are used, change them out weekly, or whenever they become contaminated
Proper use and storage of PPE
- Store lab coats on their own individual hooks, away from personal items
- Do not reuse disposable gloves, lab coats, sleeves, or respirators. Items that are designed to be one-time use only should be disposed of in the biowaste
- Reusable PPE should be decontaminated regularly and stored appropriately (not on the bench)
A current example of laboratory-acquired infections that can be attributed to fomite contamination is the Salmonella outbreak linked to teaching labs. This is a recurring and serious issue that is being i.