Cabinet HEPA filters
Filter shows frame on top to with filter and an aluminum seperator on the side.
HEPA filters inside cabinet
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Clean to Dirty Biological Safety Cabinet
A typical layout for working “clean to dirty” within a Class II BSC. Clean cultures (left) can be inoculated (center); contaminated pipettes can be discarded in the shallow pan and other contaminated materials can be placed in the biohazard bag (right).
Source: Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 5th Edition.
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Handling biohazardous waste related to BSC operations
To collect liquid biohazardous waste, aspirate liquid into a flask containing bleach (A) connected to a second overflow collection flask (B) and separated from the vacuum system (D) by an in-line filter (C). Biohazardous liquid waste needs to be properly neutralized before disposal.
Source: Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 5th Edition.
To dispose of contaminated solid waste, deposit non-sharps into regular biohazard containers (biohazard bag in biohazard container) and sharps into sharps containers only.
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Biological Safety Cabinets and Clean Benches
In a BSC, the filter(s) are located on the upper part above the work area, which is separated from the user by a sash or viewscreen (left). In contrast, the filter can be located above (vertical flow) or in the back (horizontal flow) of a clean bench, and there may or may not be a sash (bottom left).
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Cabinets II and III air filter and hoods
Proper air flow designed to protect laboratory personnel and the environment from exposure to biohazards through the combined use of laminar flow and High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters.
Illustration shows the airflow in and out of the cabinet and the air filter to keep the biohazards materials from escaping andshield workers from the inhalation.
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Cabinets II and III Biological Safety Cabinets
Class II (left) and Class III (right) biological safety cabinets