Our Mission:

To provide engagement opportunities and partnerships with ̽̽ for the benefit of our rural places. The Institute will bring financial and technical assistance, access to ̽̽ research, faculty expertise, student projects and internships, and established ̽̽ startup and engagement programs. Together, we will collaborate on impactful solutions that drive positive change for Vermont and beyond.

Our Vision:

A Vermont where all communities have an opportunity to thrive.

“Vermont faces challenges that are often unique to rural areas. The Institute for Rural Partnerships at ̽̽ will enable the University to make an impact in Vermont and the nation. I want all Vermont communities to have the opportunity to thrive.”

-Retired U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.

“The Institute for Rural Partnerships is an ideal realization of ̽̽’s land-grant mission in service to our state. Connecting the university’s talented research and innovation experts with promising, motivated groups with big ideas from across the state will deliver valuable impact in all 14 Vermont counties and beyond."

-University of Vermont President Suresh Garimella

Key Program Objectives


Identify partners to advance solution-oriented ideas related to the rural community and economic development.


Connect ̽̽ with organizations in Vermont and initiate engagement through student internships, service learning, and collaborative rural and economic advancements.


Identify quantifiable progress in key opportunity areas including agriculture, connected community schools, transit and housing, workplace practices, communication technologies, healthcare, green rural energy, resilient ecosystems, and policy and governance.