Graduate student in orange vest sets up wildlife camera on a tree near highway underpass in snow.

Rubenstein School Graduate Programs offer both Master's and PhD degrees and include options for those interested in a graduate degree in wildlife or fisheries.


Graduate students interested in wildlife and fisheries can study a diversity of topics related to faculty expertise, including but not limited to: fisheries biology, ecology, and management; landscape ecology; population dynamics; wildlife behavior, and wildlife-habitat relationships.

MS in Natural Resources

The Rubenstein School offers a Master of Science degree in Natural Resources with optional concentrations in Wildlife Science and in Aquatic Ecology and Watershed Science.

Learn more about the Rubenstein School MS concentration in Wildlife Science >>

Learn more about the Rubenstein School MS concentration in Aquatic Ecology and Watershed Science >>

PhD in Natural Resources

The Rubenstein School offers a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Natural Resources. PhD students can choose to conduct research in wildlife and fisheries and work with faculty in the Wildlife and Fisheries Biology Program.

Learn more about the Rubenstein School PhD in Natural Resources >>


Learn more about graduate degree options in the Rubenstein School.