Parks, Recreation, and Tourism faculty are experts and researchers in social and cultural aspects of outdoor recreation and parks, environmental interpretation and sense of place, tourism development in rural and resource-dependent communities, and more.
Program Director
Director, Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Program • Associate Professor
kimberly.coleman@uvm.eduInstructional programs: Parks, Recreation, and Tourism
Research: Human dimensions of natural resources; Outdoor recreation and tourism; Planning and management of public land; Environmental justice; Environmental education.
Additional Faculty
patricia.stokowski@uvm.eduInstructional programs: Parks, Recreation and Tourism; Natural Resources
Research: Outdoor recreation behavior, parks, community tourism development, sense of place
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education • David Blittersdorf Professor of Sustainability Science & Policy • Gund Institute for Environment Fellow
jon.erickson@uvm.eduInstructional programs: Environmental Studies; Natural Resources; Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Research: Ecological economics, sustainable development, systems modeling
Senior Lecturer
david.kaufman@uvm.eduInstructional program: Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Expertise: Teaching and advising students in a university setting; tourism, hospitality, and recreation industries
david.kestenbaum@uvm.eduInstructional program: Natural Resources; Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Research: Sustainable development, community-based conservation, integrated conservation development, sustainable transportation, sustainable tourism