The Leadership for Sustainability program is designed for diverse leaders across an array of fields and sectors. This practice-based program is rooted in leadership practices that are inspired by the wisdom of nature and challenge forces of domination and oppression.
At its heart, the Leadership for Sustainability program is dedicated to cultivating a non-extractive, reciprocal, and solidarity-based learning ecosystem rooted in love and relationship. It is grounded in the belief that the changes we create in the world are reflective of the changes and conditions we cultivate in ourselves.
This M.P.S program is an invitation to deepen awareness of our social conditioning and to bring rigor, discernment, and accountability to our practice: aligning our actions, responses, and strategies more fully with the values and aspirations for the world we want to create. The program is designed for practitioners from a wide array of fields and sectors who are willing to focus on their own learning and are committed to participating in a learning ecosystem centered around well-being, reciprocity, and relationship.