
VA About Us

¶¶Òõ̽̽ Student Veteran Services was established in 2013 to better support Veterans and VA students with education and other benefits and help them to make the smoothest possible transition to higher education after serving in the armed forces.


Welcome to ¶¶Òõ̽̽. My name is David Carlson and I am the Coordinator of Student Veteran Services, a dedicated resource for student Veterans and VA students. I am a Marine, a former student Veteran, and a staff member at ¶¶Òõ̽̽. My goal is to provide enrollment certification, support and encouragement for students using VA education benefits at ¶¶Òõ̽̽ and to be a resource to help faculty and staff direct students to support and answer questions. If you are a prospective student, a student Veteran, a dependent using VA education benefits, or a faculty or staff member working with student veterans, I am here for you.

It is always an exciting time to be a student, especially a student Veteran, in higher education. Thank you for your service and the sacrifice you and your family have made. Your education benefits are earned by virtue of your honorable service and are a very sincere thank you from a grateful nation. If you would like the ability to contribute to what is available for student veterans on campus I encourage you to stop by the Student Veteran Services office in Waterman 359 or email Veterans@uvm.edu.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is anything I can do to help you be successful - even if it's just grabbing a coffee and talking about options that are available to you.  That's what I'm here for!

David Carlson

Coordinator of Student Veteran Services
University of Vermont
85 South Prospect Street
359 Waterman Building
Burlington, VT 05405

(802) 656-0581


Vision Statement

To spread awareness, assess and meet the unique needs and challenges of, coordinate resources for, and fill any service gaps of student veterans at ¶¶Òõ̽̽.

Mission Statement

We believe that innovating new ways for veterans to transition from the military to higher education and beyond capitalizes on the diversity of their backgrounds and experiences and builds a stronger university, community and country. We do all of this by leveraging existing resources and implementing processes that ease access to Department of Veterans Affairs education benefits, increase awareness of military veterans on campus and focus on creating an inclusive environment for all students.


Meet The Team

David Carlson - Senior Assistant Registrar, Student Veterans Services



David Carlson


The Coordinator is a dedicated resource who brings together all the supports available on and off campus to direct students, faculty, and staff to appropriate resources so they can navigate complex VA and other support systems.

Rachel Peck - Student Veterans Specialist

Rachel Peck


Rachel Peck - Student Veteran Specialist

The Student Veteran Specialist is a VA School Certifying Official. Rachel brings years of higher education experience and records management to assist ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Veterans and VA beneficiaries in communicating their enrollment information to the VA.