
Frequently Asked Questions about Grading | Office of the Registrar | ¶¶Òõ̽̽(title)

Grades at ¶¶Òõ̽̽ are recorded as letter grades. Student GPAs are calculated from to these grades.


How do I take a class P/NP?

To apply, a Pass/No Pass Request form must be approved by the student’s academic advisor and submitted to the Registrar’s Office during the add/drop period. P/NP cannot be approved after the end of the add/drop period.

Can I complete any course P/NP?

Only elective courses can be completed as P/NP.

Is there GPA impact on courses completed as P/NP?

There is no GPA impact on courses completed as P/NP.

Am I still eligible for Dean’s List if I take courses as P/NP?

Students must earn 12 graded credits to have Dean’s List eligibility for that particular semester.

Can you tell me what my major and minor GPA is?

The transcript does not provide major and minor GPA information. Please consult your degree audit and/or work with your academic advisor to determine your major and minor GPA.

Do I have a mid-term GPA?

No. ¶¶Òõ̽̽ does not provide students with a mid-term GPA.

Why do I have an AF on my transcript?

AF represents Administrative Failure due to a missing grade. Please consult with your faculty member for the course in which you were assigned an AF to determine why your grade is missing.

How do I begin the grade appeal process and what is the deadline for an appeal?

Please consult the grade appeal policy for detailed instructions.

Is there a certain GPA required to earn Dean’s List?

Dean’s List status is awarded to full-time undergraduate students with a cumulative grade-point average of not less than 3.00 who stood in the top 20 percent of each class of their college/school during the preceding semester. Full-time enrollment in this case shall be a minimum of twelve credits in courses in which grades of A, B, C, D, or F can be given.

Do grades from other institutions transfer to ¶¶Òõ̽̽?

Only credit will transfer. Your GPA is calculated using only the grades you have received at ¶¶Òõ̽̽.

What is a repeated course?

A repeated course is the same course taken more than once. Some courses may be taken more than once because the title and/or content change. Those courses are not considered repeated courses. More information is available regarding .

To whom does the new repeat policy apply?

The new only applies to undergraduate students.

What is the timeline of the new course repeat policy?

Only courses repeated after August 30, 2020 will be addressed according to the policy above.

How will my GPA be impacted if I repeat a course?

The original grade (except I, W, or XF) will convert to R and will not have any impact on your GPA. The new grade will impact the GPA.

If I repeat a course, does it keep the highest grade?

The GPA calculation will only include the grade for the repeated course, regardless of whether the repeated course grade is higher or lower than the initial course grade.

Do courses need to match exactly to be identified as repeats?

Yes, the subject and course number must match exactly.

If I repeat a course, will anyone be able to look up the grade I earned during a previous iteration of that course?

No, this information will no longer be available after a previous grade has been converted to a grade of R.

Can I repeat a class more than one time?

A course may be repeated more than one time only at the discretion of the Dean of the student’s college/school, after consideration of any impact on the student’s financial aid and/or progress to graduation. If a second repeat is permitted, both previous grades will be changed to R.

If I repeat a course, will I be eligible for retroactive Dean’s List and/or will my academic standing change for a previous semester?

No, a retroactive adjustment will not be made for a grade of R.

If I repeat a course and withdraw, will my previous grade be turned into an R?

No, if you do not complete the repeated course and receive a final grade, the previous grade will not be changed to an R.

If I withdraw from a course, does repeating the course in a future semester turn the W into an R?

The grade of R will not replace grades of I, W, or XF.

What happens if I repeat a course in which I received an XF in for a previous semester?

XF grades will not be replaced with R.

If I transfer in a repeated course (Grade: TR) will it change my previous grade at ¶¶Òõ̽̽ to an R?

No. Any time there is a repeat between a transfer course and a ¶¶Òõ̽̽ course, the ¶¶Òõ̽̽ grade is always retained. In the case where the ¶¶Òõ̽̽ grade is W, the W remains, but the TR course carries the credit.

If I repeat a course that underwent academic reprieve, will the first iteration/final grade be removed from my transcript?

The academic reprieve grade will be changed to a grade of R.

Can I repeat courses that fulfill a degree requirement (major, minor, distribution)?

Yes, this can apply to any course.

If I am repeating a course, do I have to repeat it immediately or can I wait to take it later?

Courses do not have to be repeated immediately.

I already graduated but need a higher GPA for graduate school applications. Can I retake a class and have the new grade replace my old grade?

No. Once you graduate, you would no longer be an undergraduate student. If you return to retake the course, you would be a non-degree student. The repeated course would not be part of your undergraduate GPA.

If I graduated, can I re-take a course as a non-degree student?

Yes. That condition will not be identified as a repeat because the course was taken once as an undergraduate and once as a non-degree student. The course taken as an undergraduate will be used in the undergraduate GPA and the course taken as a non-degree will be used in the non-degree GPA.

How do I calculate my GPA when appealing financial aid satisfactory academic progress (if upcoming courses are repeats)?

Except for students who have been granted academic amnesty, your GPA for financial aid satisfactory academic progress is calculated in the same manner as your official University GPA:

  • For a course repeated prior to Fall 2020, both attempts are included in the GPA calculation.
  • For a course repeated in or after Fall 2020, the GPA calculation will only include the grade for the repeated course, regardless of whether the repeated course grade is higher or lower.

For questions about financial aid satisfactory academic progress, please contact Student Financial Services.

How does the new repeat policy interact with Financial Aid eligibility?

Provided the student, course, and program meet all other applicable eligibility criteria, a repeated course is eligible for financial aid unless any of the following conditions applies:

  • The student is repeating a previously passed course more than once.
  • The student is repeating a previously passed course as a result of failing other coursework.

Please contact Student Financial Services for additional information and detail or to discuss your specific circumstances.

Does the course repeat policy affect my NCAA eligibility?

Please consult ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Athletics.

I am using VA Education Benefits (e.g., Post 9/11 GI Bill) and would like to repeat a course. Will the VA pay for it?

Classes that are successfully completed may not be certified again for VA purposes if they are repeated. However, if a student fails a course, or if a program requires a higher grade than the one achieved for successful completion, that class may be repeated and certified to VA again. Students can still repeat a course if they want a higher GPA, but VA won’t pay benefits for it. If a student is full time with other credit hours, e.g., 12-19 hours for full time undergraduates, the repeated course can be taken by the student with no additional tuition charge, but not reported to VA.

Can you explain the modalities that were used during COVID-19 in Spring 2021?

The instructional modalities for Spring 2021 courses are identified by the following attributes:

INPR – in-person
ATHM – at-home (seats in MIXD courses reserved for at-home students; these courses are designated as YY or YL sections)
MIXD – mixed
REMT – remote
ONL – online

Students choosing the at-home option may only register for Spring 2021 courses with these three attributes:

ATHM – at-home (seats in MIXD courses reserved for at-home students; these courses are designated as YY or YL sections)
REMT – remote
ONL – online

Students choosing the on-campus option may only register for Spring 2021 courses with these four attributes:

INPR – in-person
MIXD – mixed
REMT – remote
ONL – online


Classes designated INPR will follow the listed meeting pattern and are expected to meet as face to face courses with all students in the classroom each time the class meets. Due to social distancing requirements, room capacities have been significantly reduced, so these will tend to be smaller courses where there are existing classroom spaces with sufficient capacity for the whole class to meet together. INPR classes are not available to at-home students.

Many classes have been shifted to "mixed" instruction (MIXD) as an adjustment to greatly reduced classroom capacities following distancing guidelines. Classes with MIXD designations may take many different forms, with pedagogies designed to make the most of in-person instruction combined with some online/remote instruction. In most cases, these classes will be divided into 2-3 smaller groups to allow for distanced classroom seating, with each group attending class in-person on a rotating schedule. When not in-person, remaining groups will have online or remote instruction, which could include students joining remote "livestreamed" (synchronous) class meetings, online or live discussions, recorded lectures, or other activities. Faculty will use the in-person time with their classes in different ways. In cases where at-home students can fully participate in a particular mixed course design, faculty have arranged for their class to be accessible to at-home students; these courses will have a special ATHM (at-home) section.

ATHM sections are seats within ÐœIXD courses that have been set aside for at-home students. Only students electing the at-home option can enroll in ATHM sections.

Some classes will be designated as REMT indicating "remote instruction." These classes will have an assigned meeting time, but will meet live online, instead of in-person. Depending on the course design, remote classes will include a range of instruction, for example, lecture, group discussions or activities, demonstrations, and live problem/case study sessions.

Finally, some classes will follow an asynchronous online format (ONL), meaning that the class will not meet together as a class for live meetings and instead will follow a more flexible schedule of individual and group interactions and activities facilitated by faculty. These classes are labeled ONL in the schedule of courses. Although these classes are not based on live meetings, they are taught by faculty who have taken specific training in designing engaging online educational experiences. In addition to individual or group meetings conducted remotely, online classes offer many ways for students to engage with the instructor and with each other. These can range from recorded lectures with follow-up interaction with faculty and fellow students, interactive modules, online discussions, group or individual activities and projects, and peer and instructor review and feedback on completed work.